Nobody on this earth truly cares about you

Majority of people are naïve. They think other people care about them, but news flash, nobody gives a shit about you. They just pretend they do. People just care about what they can get from you. People only care about themselves.

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Comments ( 61 )
  • Curiouskitten444

    I care about my little brother very much.

    Comment Hidden ( show )
    • Sure you do.

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      • RoyyRogers

        Why you reminding of things I already realize?

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        • Why are you expecting me to know that you have realized this?

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          • RoyyRogers

            Why are choosing to taunt me? You inconsiderate creature

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            • If you say so.

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      • Curiouskitten444

        Is your belief kinda based in the same vain as there's no such thing as true altruism?

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        • Maybe.

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  • Kowhaifan

    im pretty sure like 70 percent of people have mothers/fathers that would sacrifice themselves for their child.

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    • Yeah because they feel like they HAVE to. They don't really wanna lose their life over their demon spawns.

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  • CountessDouche


    I care about myself, and I'll give you one guess as to which planet I live on.

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    • Obviously Earth. People care about themselves on here. I don't know about the other planets though.

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      • CountessDouche

        "Nobody on earth cares about you"

        Oh shit, somebody finally realized I'm an iguana thrashing around near a keyboard.

        Comment Hidden ( show )
        • Haha. People don't really care for Iguana's, and that's sad.

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  • ZekeNewman

    I like Smokes. If he dies, I kill myself.

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    • LloydAsher

      And like the OP is saying wont really matter in the grand scheme of things. Really wasnt gonna cure cancer if you lived or die huh?

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      • ZekeNewman

        He wouldn't kill anyone, just beat them up. So if I die he like indirectly killed me. Don't think he would die if it wasn't inevitable.

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  • LloydAsher

    Pretty much there are 8 billion people. If you live in a 1st world country you are among the more important top billion people in the world. In a 3rd world hellzone 90 people could die in a terrorist attack. In a 1st world country a natural disaster that kills that many is headline news for weeks, with expectations from the goverment to help out.

    I'll take being more important than 7 billion other people.

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    • chewy

      Humanity is rat poison virus. People are all selfish. Only care about themselves. Humanity will die due to Earth exploding. Earth will outlast. Earth will not end, contrary to popular belief. Few species will outlive us, humans are egotistical ant dust compared to floating rock in space we call Earth. Humanity continues to mass murder each other under name of law/crime. Earth will be much cleaner without us(humanity) poisoning Earth as well as destroying Earth/wild life.

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      • Bingo.

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    • So what you are saying is that you're more important than 7 billion people?

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      • LloydAsher

        Statistically? Yep.

        Economically? Yep.

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        • Well, nobody on this earth is really important. But if you say so.

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          • LloydAsher

            Kidnap a Nigerian. You could expect 3$ in payment.

            Kidnap a Belgian. You could expect 25,000$ in ransom.

            Kidnap an american, and your liable to get navy seals coming out of helicopters and kill all your conspirators... so more than 25,000$

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            • Well, that makes you be seen as more important than billions of people, but does it TRULY make you more important?

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          • chewy

            We will all die eventually. #NO FUCKS GIVEN#

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  • Somenormie

    Then no one cares about you. Simple as.

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    • Yeah, I know that.

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  • PurpleHoneycomb

    I worry more for those around me than myself. Whether or not they care about me is a different story entirely. I do care for my friend group, however.

    Most people do fit into your point of view. Which is unfortunate for the select few that do care.

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    • That is idiotic. You're just asking for problems. Also, you don't really care about other people yourself. And there is no select people that care.

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  • wetgoat

    This isn't even nihilism, even a nihilist recognises to themselves that they care for things despite the apparent meaninglessness.

    The idea that altruism is impossible is just utter cynicism, many throw away self preservation for love or sacrifice pleasures to give a better life for their children. There are countless examples.

    If it is all meaningless so what? Take a note from Camus, the fact we can exhibit such care for others makes it no less real than the joy of listening to music or watching a film, those happy chemicals that run through are brain can be created by the metaphysical such as verbal joke which can't be understood by cartesian understanding of sound.

    Speak to any loving parent and even if you cynically see having children as a selfish need for some kind of sociological fulfilment, that love is often unconditional. I never had that from my parents but I care for my friends because life and experience can create bonds that are truly meaningful.

    Anyway if no one cares why not have a go yourself as a big funk you to your uncaring world, prove it wrong.

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    • "The idea that altruism is impossible is just utter cynicism, many throw away self preservation for love or sacrifice pleasures to give a better life for their children. There are countless examples".

      This is just pure naivety. You're just making up excuses at this point. You just do not want to accept that nobody gives a shit about you. You're worthless to them. People only pretend to care about you. But if you want to ignore reality and be stuck in alice and wonderland, that's on you. And no, it only is a minority of people that do that. And I already explained why that does not mean anything.

      "If it is all meaningless so what? Take a note from Camus, the fact we can exhibit such care for others makes it no less real than the joy of listening to music or watching a film, those happy chemicals that run through are brain can be created by the metaphysical such as verbal joke which can't be understood by cartesian understanding of sound".

      If telling yourself that makes you feel better. Trust me, that's a lie. Like I said, nothing is about you. Like I said, nobody genuinely cares about you.

      "Speak to any loving parent and even if you cynically see having children as a selfish need for some kind of sociological fulfilment, that love is often unconditional. I never had that from my parents but I care for my friends because life and experience can create bonds that are truly meaningful".

      Okay, yeah, sure you do. And no, it is not " unconditional ". It doesn't exist.

      "Anyway if no one cares why not have a go yourself as a big funk you to your uncaring world, prove it wrong".

      Lol, that isn't proving the wrong.

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      • wetgoat

        If no one cares it doesn't matter to me, because I care and have love for people. Doesn't matter to me no one truly cares because the fact I feel it is all that matters, you can get all solipsistic but I'm happier for the love people have given me and your absolute idea of truth just reeks of bitterness. I hope you find people that care for you

        When i said "unconditional" it was not an absolute.

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        • Jesus, you cannot comprehend anything. Are you this stupid? I told you already that nobody on this earth truly gives a shit about anyone. So what are you hoping for? Why would I find someone that "cares" for me, when that is something that doesn't even exist? I don't need or want anyone to care for me because like I said, it doesn't exist. And neither do you genuinely care for people like you claim. You can convince yourself you do though. It won't change anything. You are also welcome to put it down to being bitter because the truth is just too harsh for you. That's fine. Oh and also, if you do really care for people like you claim, which you don't, what kind of idiot would care for people that doesn't care for them? It's just as idiotic as loving your enemies. And yeah, okay, but just know that the "love" people have given you does not truly exist.

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  • MonkThousandWords

    Yes because everybody has to deal with their own life, they don't have time to care about somebody else, maybe sometimes they think about somebody out of concern if there's a problem, but they just go right back to not caring when the problem is done.

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    • Yes, exactly.

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  • my_life_my_way

    To a certain degree, obviously close family and long term partners/friends will care about you, acquaintances/new friends probably won’t

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    • Big lie.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Many people care about a select few people in their life.

    There are a select few people that care about a lot of people and many people they have not met (I think I can count on one hand the number of these I have met in my life).

    You are correct that the majority of people care nothing about you other than trying to make a good impression or to show that they can dominate you (which is about them).

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    • That's a lie. Nobody truly cares about anyone else. It's just about them. And good, glad we can agree on that part.

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      • hauntedbysandwiches

        Yikes not true! I put other people's needs above my own often and volunteer because I care about others

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        • Yikes it is true! You may try to believe that you genuinely care for others, but you really don't. But whatever you say.

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      • olderdude-xx

        You have never heard of people sacrificing themselves (or putting themselves in extreme danger) to protect about others they care about.

        Happens more than most people know.

        I think you should read up on Private Desmond Doss in WW II.

        He was a pacifist who refused to carry or use a gun and personally saved 75 fellow solders from certain death in battle; earning him the Medal of Honor.

        A somewhat truncated version of his story is told in the movie "Hacksaw Ridge." The Biography/History book about him tells far more as he had done similar things in several prior battles.

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        • And how many do? very LITTLE. And it is only because society has fooled them into believing that it is what they are SUPPOSED to do when society doesn't care about what is the right thing to do, or even the requirements to being a "decent" person. Society is the biggest hypocrite. Deep down, they don't actually want to. They just feel like they have to. If people genuinely cared about others, then the world wouldn't be so shitty.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I wouldn't say that your assertion is entirely true, but it is to perhaps a rather large degree true, and I for one can relate to, and appreciate your point of view. I guess I have a few friends, but I also don't hesitate to cut people off if they try to take advantage of me either. When people annoy me too much I'm not adverse to making myself unavailable to them. It might hurt, or anger some people, but oh well...

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    • And I appreciate you agreeing with me.

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      • RoseIsabella

        You are most welcome.

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  • adobeslats

    Ok, and?

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    • And my point is to stop saying people care when they don't. And stop believing they do care.

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      • adobeslats

        Why would I need people to care about me? I’m a capable adult

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        • That is good.

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  • bigbudchonger

    So edgy

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    • Not trying to be edgy. Seriously, when are people going to stop throwing that word around just because they feel like it?

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  • jodi1955

    could not agree more, if you cant be used then your friend list is very very small or non existent

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    • Yep.

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