Nobody cares about me

What a cosmic joke, there's a poison in thinking, people are hostile and from the beginning of time all through history I know what 99% of us all care about: sleeping, nobody gives a shit about you, especially me, everyone thinks I'm the wrong partner to my girl, women don't give a shit about me, they don't take me as an example of the right man you want to marry. Ideally you would marry a no-nonsense man who loves money, nobody gives a flying fuck about what's good, about what's the best, if I was that kind of perfectionist I would've had a million dollars.
Nobody is letting me in on a conversation, of course charitable, good people will care, nobody gives a shit about good except for them. Charitable people care to support posh people, poor people, rich people, of course they care, they're the only ones who make a song and dance about people like me who are too important. They care about everyone, but some of them are pseudo-good and cherry pick the people they care about. The truth is I'm an example of a good man with good ideas and people should marry me, based on my prestige of tradition, getting some sleep, and some Franciscan philosophy and the freedom to do what I want, it's tempting to think the truth always works and therefore be a pragmatist, but it's not true, the truth, my beliefs don't work, but it's still reality, nothing ever works, nobody gives a shit, they would merely agree that none of it works and will wonder why their plans always fail, of course it's not going to work, the truth doesn't do anything, it doesn't care except for all our beliefs, the believer is the only one who does care, they repeat themselves, somewhat forcing me to accept it and say "yes, it's true", nobody says that with your beliefs, that's why people talk out their ass. It all of course points to me, things you think like the devil are what you think whether people like it or not, it's naughty to think about a demon, some people think demons are good. That's how nobody cares about anything except what goes on in their heads, they only if anything care about sport, popular music, TV, easy things like that, the truth is I'm a difficult person, it's difficult to stop being difficult, and nobody cares about difficult people.

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Comments ( 12 )
  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    What a load of word salad. I almost choked trying to wolf that down.

    Why do people think you're the wrong partner to your girl? Any inkling of an idea? The next time people say that, ask them why they think so. And don't be satisfied with any vague responses either. Ask them for specifics. Keep asking questions until you understand exactly what they meant by that. Also ask for feedback on what specifically you can change to become a better partner for your girl.

    You don't have to change anything. But just knowing why can help you make sense of what's happening here. Sometimes people simply act dismissively of you because they just don't like you. And they have no specific reasons or anything. Because maybe they are the problem.

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    • normal-rebellious

      It's not so much what they said, it's these women to whom the dating isn't the real thing, they don't even think to marry me, I guess in the areas I'm in the women want my money, all they're good for is a kiss and cups of tea.

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  • ospry

    Charitable, good people are a blessing to the people whose lives they touch. The problem is, there are only so many people. Try becoming one of those charitable people and you'll almost definitely feel better, at least in the short term. A few months ago, I was suicidal and had a plan and everything. One night when I was texting with a friend, he mentioned he and his wife were going out of town and they can't find anyone to watch their dog. I volunteered and that weekend babysitting, playing with, feeding, and caring for that dog made an enormous difference in how I felt, and I firmly believe it was because I was helping out a friend

    "Be the change you want to see in the world" is trite and pretty cliche. If you can change it to "Try to do something to make a change for the better in someone's day", it's a lot more attainable and it doesn't require anything huge

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    • normal-rebellious

      Modifying the original statement as you do, I took your advice and was a bit happier, plus I'm proud of my morals, not by false pride derived from anyone's misfortune, but by doing something nice, that's something the charitable people overlook, it's not just kind to do that but if some man gave me a teddy bear it's nice. What you said had nothing to do with teddy bears but I'm stating that this is how good your advice is.

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      • ospry

        That's awesome, I'm glad it had a positive impact for you! And seriously, good job for acting on the advice. When we're feeling shitty and especially when we're feeling no one cares, the last thing you want to do is a kind act for another person. I hope things start to turn around for you.

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        • normal-rebellious

          The reality is no one cares about caring about others except for the kind or altruistic people, everyone else is doing good deeds of selfishness all for themselves, self-centredness is a thing, I'm not about to give to charity, it's too expensive, but I'll do a kind act of whatever's beneficial, e.g. what I can gain from it, like earning my prestige back and getting my reputation back, I was accepted and people never treated me wrong before, it's all good, I'm up for the challenge of rewiring my brain back to the way it was.

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          • ospry

            You're not wrong. The majority of people probably do act primarily off of self-interest and how something will benefit them. I don't know that that's necessarily a bad thing. Like, I've got a cat who's only an indoor cat. I won't let her go outside because I'm too selfish to let her even take the chance of getting into danger. The consequence is that she'll never go outside like she wants to, but she'll live to up to 18 years or so rather than only 3-4 like feral cats

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            • normal-rebellious

              To me selfishness isn't a bad thing, to my de facto friend (the man who fights with me all the time) selfishness is a bad thing, beware a man who thinks you're evil for it. I choose to be neither selfish nor selfless, at the time I wrote this post I was selfish with a capital S.

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