No question just a statement. i'm so relieved i cut contact

With a guy that was acting intensely. Found out he's in prison now lol. He was behaving erratically so I just said I couldn't talk to him anymore and stopped. He almost killed a few people just relieved I didn't talk to him any longer.

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Comments ( 4 )
  • Grunewald

    Wow. Hope my jet-set, flakey guy with the disappearing act doesn't turn out to be one of those.

    Bravo to you!

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  • It is almost therapeutic to cut people off sometimes.
    Quality over quantity and all that.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    My neighbor thought this one guy was so cool because he had like shout outs in popular rap music or something (we were only 17) and my neighbor was complaining to this dude about his weed dealer that quit selling him weed (for good reasons) and he told him where the dealer lived and said he had money there. Somehow this crazy dude already had this dealer on his radar even tho he wasnt even from th area. This guy and a few of his friends went to the dealers house and asked to use the dealers phone because "his car broke down". Dealer invited him in he was a nice guy. Then abunch of his friends came in behind him with guns and they tied him and his girlfriend up and took everything. Even punched him in the face while he was tied up. I was telling my neighbor that is serial killer type behavior and this dude will murder you and take your shit in a heart beat. Idk what happened to that dude but he was 110% batshit insane

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  • Irizu3748392746483938


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