My writing is a lot of hard, tiring work

In reality I spend the rest of the nights every night hand-writing mostly the truth for the sake of presenting to the world my world, what I think, my philosophy, and the ways I think things should be; any interruption of this routine and I'll break into fits of rage or even cry.
I'm like an obsessive compulsive person and I think that's my real disability, not Asperger's, and 99% my writing has to be truthful, specific and accurate, on such things as hectic living, connoisseurship, but mainly the insufferable realities of life. My writing's very complicated because people won't let me do anything in a simple or easy way. Given this note it's a lot of hard, tiring work, and much more so than and not lazy like but busier and a lot harder than people think.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • Tinybird

    Sounds like what I do, except I also make vent audios about how I feel as well as writing.

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  • Clunk42

    Writing is indeed a very hard thing to perform; I wish I could do it more; it's been over a month since I last wrote a poem.

    And I agree with your opinions here. If your writing is not truthful and accurate, or it does not have a purpose, then it a waste of time for you and whoever may read it.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Thanks Clunk (insert a robot pope here so I can argue with him), I don't know what to say, apart from your lumpy thinking.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    another argument towards bein ignatius j riley

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    • normal-rebellious

      If I'm Riley I could have $999,999 from 5ยข for every time I heard that.

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        am i not the only one who has mentioned this?

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        • normal-rebellious

          No, of course you're not the only one, you're a copy of the billions of people (insert mimicking joke here), I think it's funny that you mimic people, normal people make me want to laugh with them, not at them, they're so funny, why do you think there are normal guy parodies where the person isn't normal?

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  • ospry

    I've been diagnosed with OCD and I was gonna say the way you're describing it sounds extremely familiar, especially the need to be truthful and accurate, sometimes even to a fault. Regardless of whether or not you have any diagnosable mental illness(es), you should be careful when thinking about the insufferable realities of life.

    The injustice and overall shitty nature of a lot of things in the world are made a lot more prevalent because negativity and bad news pretty much power the internet and media. It's important to remember that for anything terrible that you see, there's usually something equally as impactful but in a positive way. For example, there are a lot refugees being driven out of Ukraine due to Putin's aggression. That's a horrible thing. Inversely, there are millions of people who have sacrificed time, money, and energy to help ease the burdens of those refugees

    Sometimes it's easier to see the world as completely black-or-white, but things rarely ever are

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    • normal-rebellious

      Thank you but it's reality, it's not a pretty picture, it's a world that takes all my happiness away, it's ugly! The world isn't what most people think, it's exactly the same every day, it's cold and stormy, it's a lot like "Groundhog Day" which is symbolic of how my life is the same days of wanting to vomit in terror, also with the message that in having no future, to be helpful and kind and live life like there's no tomorrow, but it would be a mistake if I don't take your advice and double down on my pessimism.

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