My son is pretending to be depressed

My son has been insisting that he is depressed but I think he's lying to me and his therapist.
Apparently he says that "none of his friends understand him" and claims they don't really care about him. It seems so silly; his friends are nice so I don't know what the problem is.
I tell him that if he really feels that way he should just go outside for once and make new friends, but for some reason he thinks that won't work.
He says that his life is too stressful too. He spends plenty of time at home doing nothing and he is doing just fine in school. Most children his age would kill to have a stress-free life like his.
When I was his age I had so much more to deal with. I had to work 2 jobs at his age because my family was poor, and I never got to see my family because of work. I didn't even get to finish college because I was stuck taking care of him. If he thinks his life is stressful he is dead wrong.
He even goes so far as to say he wants to get medication. I've heard that people with depression just need vitamin supplements, so I don't know why he wants to take such an extreme path.
I never had depression, even though my life was worse than his. I don't know where this came from (probably today's "coddle culture") but this is not how I raised him to be.

If he was really depressed he would actually act like a depressed person. He wouldn't be able to get out of bed, he wouldn't be doing well in school, he wouldn't have friends, and he sure as hell wouldn't have such a nice life.

How can I convince my son that it's all in his head?
What should I do to stop him from being influenced by coddle culture?
Should I stop bringing him to therapy and make him solve his own problems instead of having someone reinforce his negative thoughts?

No. 49
Yes, he is definitely lying 11
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Comments ( 64 )
  • Holzman_67

    Be careful with this. My parents never understood my depression because I was provided with everything as a teenager but the fact is that I was deeply unhappy with myself and the world. It came from being very happy and imaginative as a small boy and then growing to realise the harsh realities of the world and that it wasn't this grand magical place I had believed it to be. This later lead me on a course to illicit drug addiction.
    Anyway, yeah go to a therapist by all means but please, listen to your son without the comparisons, preconceptions and your own ideas about his generation as a whole.

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    • Omg you're so wise. I want you to be my counselor:)

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    • Kevinevan

      Wise words.

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  • Grunewald

    The therapist will know if the depression is fake. But if it isn't real (or his understanding of what depresion actually is, is wrong)
    and he really feels a need to 'pretend' to be depressed, it's a sign that he doesn't feel calling long-term unhappiness what it is will be enough to secure the emotional support he needs. That he's not 'deserving' unless it's serious. This is sad. Whatever the long-term problem is, it's a problem, and it needs to be seen to because it could well get worse and be even harder to treat then.

    Don't invalidate his pain: teenage years are very hard for many. Yes coddle culture is bad news but you're not just anyone, you're his mother and he needs your support. Listen to your son. Give him what he needs to feel secure in his world while he's trying to figure out who he is. Then when he is a healthy functioning adult he will thank you.

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    • EccentricWeird

      I'm afraid not. Most therapists are completely unprofessional and disingenuous and will keep a "patient" for as long as possible, in the public or private system. In fact they prefer them; it's no pressure dealing with someone who isn't actually ill.

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      • Grunewald

        Not in countries where healthcare is state funded...

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        • EccentricWeird

          I said public and private. I'm not even gonna clarify it for you. Your ignorance has made me just so damn angery... NO.

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          • Grunewald

            Not all anger is rightly directed, just because it's anger. Maybe my label was somewhat sweeping but I cannot very well be condemned for being ignorant of your experience of public healthcare if you choose not to share what country you're from and how its system works, and what it's done to you to cause you to react in anger to my comment. If like me you've spent your life under a taxpayer funded national health institution, 100% free to all residents for everything from yeast infections to terminal cancer (except dentistry and a few other things), nothing else is truly 'state' healthcare by comparison. Have you ever suffered a 'mild' mental disorder under the British national health service? Because if you have, and your experience of it did not include being pushed off their books as soon as possible, then you're the lucky one. The service is on the verge of financial collapse. They even put adverts on the TV telling you not to waste the health service's time, and to buy cheaper meds from supermarkets instead of getting them free on prescription 'just because you can'. They don't just have a waiting list for mental healthcare where I'm from, they have a pre-waiting-list list. After a month or so of therapy (for which I had waited far too long) my therapist simply said to me 'I'm sorry, can't diagnose you, don't know what's wrong with you and there's nothing more I can do. But you know, you're clever. Use it to your advantage.' And there I was, signed off. And since then I have just got sicker and sicker, and have been let go from 2 jobs now as a result. Now do you understand my pain? Think before you condemn.

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            • EccentricWeird

              That's enough unformatted text to keep out a ton of Mexicans!

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            • Kevinevan

              He probably wanted obama care. You know, "insurance" no doctor will accept.

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            • McBean

              The best way to benefit from Nanny care is to avoid it. Call a shrink and ask if he could recommend a book on your condition. Under liberal social policies your taxes make the populace a quagmire of whingers. Life is a bitch. It's not the government's problem. Adjust.

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  • AbnormallyAwesome

    Teenagers do tend to feel like nobody understands them and I know that can seem silly from an outside perspective. But it sounds to me like you don't want to understand him either. You don't trust him and you don't believe he's depressed. I'd get that if he was just a lazy slob, but you say he's doing well in school and has social contacts. So there's no real reason for him to fake anything. Going to therapy sucks, why would you want to do that if you didn't think you need it.
    Look, when I was a teenager I was often sad too and I didn't really talk to anyone. I sure as hell couldn't talk about feelings to my friends - You know how young men are. But my dad helped me a lot just by being there for me and taking me serioussly. And eventhough I didn't talk directly about my problems he shared a lot of his own memories from when he was a kid, and that let me know that it's okay and normal to feel like that. You're not helping your son by telling him how lucky he is or how much harder you had it, that'll just push him away. If you want him to open up about his feelings and get over his pride then that's exactly what you'll need to do first.

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  • EccentricWeird

    I did this too, to a large extent. It was the only way I could get away from high school. Public schools in general are basically a prison for kids. Those who don't appreciate sitting around for 7 hours a day up from dawn and hearing propaganda and boring repetitious arithmetic and language facts, there's something wrong with em! Definitely. Especially the boys. If boys want to go outside or play with legos or make paper airplanes, there's something wrong with em. So you give em drugs to make em more like the girls, whose socialization is a little more advanced.

    I'm still on those medications. Now I am physiologically dependent on them. Score 1 for big pharma!!

    Anyway, yeah, it's quite possible he's exaggerating his angst, but you should respond by giving him more freedom to choose what he can do with his days instead of demanding more concessions. He WILL end up like me. And I've been on this fucking site for 11 years. You don't want that to happen.

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    • CozmoWank

      No offense but maybe big pharma isn't the source of your troubles. Maybe it's just easier to blame someone else for our problems. Apparently at one time you felt you needed the meds and decided to take them.

      I'm not trying to insult you, just stating an observation.

      Myself...I've suffered with panic disorder and depression for years and benefit greatly from medications. I hate to think what my life would be like without them. Yes I too will probably be on them for the rest of my life. That's just the way it is.

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      • EccentricWeird

        I'm not blaming big pharma, I'm blaming the shitty pubic school system.

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    • I'm never going to let him take medication, I can assure you that.

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      • CozmoWank

        What if you're kid actually needs it?

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        • EccentricWeird


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          • McBean

            You preach it, Andy. Sports, paper airplanes, and engine repair. Fucking let the boys be boys. Of course girls are easier to socialize. Have some respect for ice age survival. Fuck.

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          • Kevinevan

            I agree but he does need cbt.

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    • The_Great_Flatuloso

      You're on those medications because you choose to be. It's a choice, friend. It's always a choice. It's always been a choice. Break free and realize you always have a choice.

      Reclaim your sovereignty.

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      • EccentricWeird

        Please go away Tom!

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  • Kevinevan

    Seriously. If he IS lying, he is more fucked up. If he ISN'T lying he's depressed. EITHER WAY...HE NEEDS HELP you foolish woman. Christian camp ??? Seriously....this has to be a troll. And i hate calling people trolls btw.

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    It may be teenage angst, it may be something more. Depression doesn't always present as a severe case, often it can present simply as feeling numb, unmotivated, unwilling to go out and do the things that used to make a person happy.

    You shouldn't look at it as you failing as a parent or him not being satisfied enough with his circumstance, sometimes even the most successful and normal seeming people suffer depression, it's a chemical imbalance. Look at Robin Williams if you want a great real world example - you can have it all and still suffer mental illness.

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  • arthur6317

    Wow lady, I don't even know how to respond to not only your original post but all the head scratching comments from you that followed. Depression is a chemical imbalance in the brain, a mentail illness.... It it not (though it can be) only a direct result of having a "hard" life or whatever it is that you believe it to be. Have you read out loud what you've wrote back to yourself? Someone, not just anyone, your son is reaching out and admitting he's depressed and you're telling him he's not....?!? How do you know? Robin Williams, Chester Bennington, Junior Sean, Chris Cornell.... wealthy, famous, and well loved individuals who have all taken their own lives because of a battle with depression. And Idk about you, but when I watched a Robin Williams movie, or watched a Linkin Park video or show, I wasn't thinking "man does he look depressed". Seriously mam, if you're not going to help your son then please find him someone who can.

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  • bogbrush

    Your key phrase was 'I have never suffered with depression'. It can happen to anyone at any age. Believe him if he's saying he's depressed and get him to a therapist. Not believing him will make him feel like shit. If his neurons are not firing up correctly then this needs to be fixed like diabetes, thyroid or any other medical condition. If it's not that then he needs someone to at least listen to him.

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  • Apple22

    Coming from someone who has struggled with depression their entire life, PLEASE listen to your son and also take the time to educate yourself about what depression really is and can do to a person. It is a horrible illness that I wouldn't want anyone to have. Your son NEEDS YOUR SUPPORT!! Or, you can ignore all of us that are trying to tell you this and maybe one day you'll wake up to find your son hanging in his closet, or wrists slashed open bleeding all over the place. Depression is no joke. Please, be a good mother and help him!

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  • Manthony

    The person who posted this only pays attention to the comments that agree with her.

    Heres what i have to say

    He COULD be pretending, but why should he?
    My Mother always thought that I pretended and it made me feel worse for feeling and thinking like i do, because I WAS feeling terrible and She wouldn't help or believe me. It might seem like he is lying about it from an outside prospective, but You CAN'T really walk a mile in his shoes because you can't be him therefore you can't know if he is Depressed.
    Having an "easier" life doesn't mean you are happy. You CAN feel happiness when you are depressed. Like getting a puppy or something. But when you, in your mind, think you are nothing in the world and then People tell you, "Get over it little brat, you have lots more than I ever had and More than most of the world has..", It can make you feel like shit because you feel like you are an ungrateful Brat and it feels like you are more worthless. P

    At least read through all the comments if you are going to ask something to all the people. You might just want to pay attention to the people who agree with you because you want the "back up" and "word from other people" that you think you need to show your son.
    As for medication, have you ever heard of the placebo effect?
    Heres an example from many examples;
    Lets say somebody with Depression asks for medication to "help" with depression. The doctor or whoever then gives them "fake meds" that dont do anything but since, especially, depression is a Mental illness, your brain can THINK that the meds are helping and so it WILL help with the Crippling depression.
    This is for people with REAL diseases or illnesses and this works so just try it. If he really IS faking it, you in the end didnt give him the dreaded meds and if he isnt faking his brain will think he is getting help and he will feel support from you.

    In the end, be the parent that helps their kids but, make sure you do it the smart way and not just tend to their every want.


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  • CozmoWank

    I really hope this is a troll.

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    • Kevinevan

      Yeah me too. What a horrendous mother. Stuff of nightmares for all but this childs future team of therapists.

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      • Excuse me for not submitting to today's coddle culture. I want what's best for my son more than anyone but I don't want him to end up like a lot of today's teens.
        My son is doing as well as he can in life and I want to make sure he keeps it up instead of downing a bunch of medication and pretending he doesn't need a job.

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        • Kevinevan

          I never said anything about meds or a job. I dont believe meds work tbh but saying he is faking is cruel. I hope for his sake he doesnt know you think that. He needs professional help. He needs to talk to someone other than family.

          And trust me I am not part of the coddle culture.

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  • bubsy

    You know your son better than these internet saps do, so ignore their over-medicated, cat lady advice.

    Have you and your son watch this video:

    Your son is miserable BECAUSE he has no responsibility. A carefree life is a meaningless one, make no mistake.

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    • Absolutely.
      I keep on telling him he needs to do more. I think I should send him to one of those Christian camps so he can learn good values.

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      • Kevinevan

        And if he is depressed and you send him to a cristian camp then congrats, he will hate you the rest of your life.

        Try listening to your son. He is trying to tell you something. IF, he is faking depression, thats actually more fucked up than being depressed and he needs help. For gods sake start parenting and stop thinking about yourself.

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        • Why would he hate me for sending him to a Christian camp?

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          • Kevinevan

            And yes i realize I'm most likely projecting my early childhood onto you. So I apologize but I dont think Im to far off base.

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          • Kevinevan

            Because he will think you are sending him away because he's a problem, which you have all but admitted. He will think even worse of himself than he already does and internalize it.

            YOU need to help him deal the issue and be there for him. Maybe you'll even form a close lifetime bond by dealing with the problem together. Sending him to a christian camp is not the answer.

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      • bubsy

        He needs to do something difficult, something he can be proud of. Something that lets him go to bed that night knowing the day wasn't wasted. Forcing him to go to Bible camp against his will isn't going to be helpful.

        Watch the video again. Your son doesn't just have to bear responsibility, he has to agree to bear it. This difference is everything.

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        • How do I get him to agree to it?

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          • bubsy

            Children and pets want most of all to please you, so your praise is enough to get the ball rolling. For yardwork or chores around the house, pay him an allowance to take on those responsibilities.

            Exercise is a great one, though it can be hard to have the discipline to work out without motivation. It's much easier to get your exercise while playing a sport with others. Being a member of a team is a huge responsibility that would give him more meaning.

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  • e51pegasi

    Speak to a healthcare professional & see if they would be prepared to try a placebo. A lot of this sounds like typical teenage angst. If you are of the opinion that the therapist isn't working stop taking him.

    Why isn't he going out?
    Is he being bullied?
    Is he being put under undue pressure at school/college?

    If he is experiencing a better, more comfortable childhood than you had you deserve to be proud of yourself as your hard has paid dividends. When he matures he will/should appreciate your sacrifices. Encourage him to play a more active role within the home (not just the shitty chores), ask for his opinion on household decisions,
    Encourage him to find some gainful employment as he will experience some independence, learn the value of money, a work ethic & realise how life really is.

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    • I think that they're trying to convince him that he is depressed, so I don't trust them. He has no reason to be depressed, and all of a sudden they say "Yeah, he's depressed."

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      • analsexonly

        Depression doesn't need a "reason". It's a mental illness. Someone can have it all and still have depression. It isn't rational, because it's an illness.

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        • But he isn't sick. He can function just fine in society, there isn't anything wrong with him.

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          • Kevinevan

            Depressed people can function just fine. Its just that life is utterly miserable for them. Educate yourself on what depression is.

            Yes some extremely depressed people cant get out of bed but most fake happiness just to get through their miserable day so assholes like you will leave them alone.

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      • e51pegasi

        Is he exhibiting symptoms of depression?

        Meds may help short term. Exercise, good food, a raison d'etre, someone to talk to & a positive mental attitude are some of the keys to lift depression.

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        • Those medications are pushed by the pharmaceutical industry to make money. My son isn't getting anywhere near them.
          As for someone to talk to, he already has friends, he just doesn't want to talk to them. Heaven knows he won't talk to me either.
          We've tried taking him to church to put meaning in his life but he doesn't want it. I'm going to have the pastor have a talk with him.
          And again, I think he is faking depression. If he was really depressed he wouldn't be able to function like normal people.

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          • Depressed people often can function. It is often a lack of serotonion. It is good he is active because if someone is lazy they usually get more depressed.
            He could also be depressed about having a parent that invalidates his feelings.

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            • I'm not invalidating his feelings. I just think he is sad, not depressed.

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  • I know some people who I met who grew up rich, got everything they ever wanted - good grades, family, friends but are suffering from depression.

    Sadness and depression are two different things. Sadness is a normal human emotion. Depression abnormally makes a person feel sad about everything. Some people who are depressed don't even know they're suffering from it, they just assume that they're just lonely at the moment.

    You're son mustve felt that something's wrong. He probably needs help and he's asking you for some. If you dont trust your therapist, i suggest that you should see another one or a psychologist. Better safe than sorry.

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  • peculiar007

    i don't think your attitude is helping

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  • Iforgotmylastaccount

    Sometimes depression is caused by inbalance of chemicals in ur brain. He doesn't have a reason to be depressed but he just is.

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  • AntiArchon

    Not all depressed people stay in bed all day and are not productive..some could be doing good in school and have a social life too. Plus its mostly a brain chemical thing so it doesn't matter if he has a privileged life.. your son probably has mild or moderate depression. But l agree that meds will be damaging in the long run, hope you find a better way to deal with it..good luck.. oh and btw church won't help, especially if he already realized religion is just a bunch of BS..

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  • SpriteFreak

    Not really.
    Teenage kids just like to be "emo"
    Nowadays it's cool to be dark and depressed.

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  • Ben_drowned_ego

    Being a mother is probably one of the hardiest jobs so i don't blame you for doing what you're doing and i don't want to say you don't understand you're son because i don't know you or him but i do know what depression is like and how sometimes you just feel sad for seemingly no reason most people that are depressed fake happiness so try to talk with you're son to see whats wrong him being a teenager there's a chance he won't spill everything or not even say anything at all but you got to understand its probably awkward for him but you need to let him know you're there for him and will try to help you also need to make sure he knows he matters and is loved because most people that are depressed and can't get help or feel that they can't they can turn to cutting or drugs or even worse suicide not saying you're son will do that but even if theres a small chance... I speak from personal experience so you can choose to listen to me or not but i do know what will happen if you won't be there for him... Try to spend time with him look into some of his hobbies for you guys to do together and try not to get angry with him if he seems uninterested or doesn't want to do anything its important not to push him into anything but it also doesn't hurt to check up on him and suggest something every once in a while ask him if he wants to help you make dinner or watch tv together anything would work really as long as you spend time together and make sure its something HE would also want to do and also don't say you understand what he's going threw you said it yourself you never had depression and its frustrating to some when someone says that when they really don't know what it's like so just listen and do all that you can i hoped this was some help~

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