My social anxiety prevents me from skateboarding, what do i do?

I really love to skateboard but my social anxiety is preventing me from going to skateparks and going out in public to get better at skateboarding. It feels like there’s so much pressure on me. People watching me, judging me. That’s what it feels like to me. Something that just adds to my anxiety is this dumb looking helmet my parents are making me wear, I can’t help but feel self conscious in it.

I was wondering if there are any ways to maybe help my anxiety, and if there are any skateboarders out there with the same problem.. what should I do?

Also I do not have any places in my house where I can practice skateboarding privately since our cars are always in the garage.

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Comments ( 2 )
  • CDmale4fem

    My reply will be much shorter, build an indoor skate park.

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  • I taught myself when I was younger and even now as a 21 year old girl I still love to skate when I get a chance. if you see someone else skating they’ll probably be wearing a helmet too. I personally don’t care when someone sees me cause I’m just enjoying the ride I don’t do tricks I just skate around and sometimes I get to lazy to the point I just go up a hill and let the road take me down. Fuck I need an electric one they look so fun. Anyway I was kinda in your spot for a while and ik this may not help you depending where you live but I’d walk up my road to where it wasn’t busy traffic or many houses and go there. Just matter of staying constantly alert to potential cars coming through. If you can’t use the garage and you can walk to a open spot where it’s not popular of people that would be a good start. We all learn somewhere it may be obvious you’re new to it but hey at least your trying. I’ve heard a lot of people say they’d never be able to.

    I’m right handed and when I skate I kick with my right foot while my left is above front trucks. I’ve never seen someone skate like me but if you skate a little different too it doesn’t matter do what’s comfortable for you. Stick to what’s best working and do you. When I try to skate how most do I suck. Plus I’ve never gone to a skate park. Had thoughts but I’m to nervous to do tricks so I’ve just skated on my own.

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