My sister's boyfriend is 8 years younger but no one ever

My sister's boyfriend is 8 years younger but no one ever says anything and I don't think anyone ever notices it but why is it that Harry Styles being with Olivia Wilde makes people mention their age gap often? Meanwhile the average man in Hollywood is dating a woman 20 or more years younger no one really says anything.

My sister's boyfriend is 30, she's 38. I don't personally notice the age gap, I don't really feel like there is one and they look the same age to me actually my sister looks younger than him as she's still mistaken for under 21. Even so whenever they mention the age gap to people no one says anything but when it comes to Harry styles and Olivia Wilde for some reason everyone mentions it like it's a big deal.

Is it normal people mention the age gap of Olivia Wilde and Harry styles?

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Comments ( 8 )
  • PurpleHoneycomb

    It's important to note that age gaps are mentioned when talking about celebrity couples because of the potential drama it can cause amongst less mature viewers.

    In the real world, no one really cares about age gaps as long as everything is legal and no shady stuff was being done.

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    No one brings up the age difference in your sister's, and her boyfriend's relationship, because Ovlivia and Harry are famous, so that story sells. No one cares about Linda from down the street, and her man.

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  • Somenormie

    That age gap is fine, don't stress about it.

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  • Tinybird

    Age doesn't matter only love matters

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    its just slightly unusual for much older women to date younger men. Its kind of common the other way around. I dont think it's that big of a deal either way. I think women and mens brains are just wired differently. Men consider sex and looks more of a priority than women do in my opinion. Things that are important to women often arent as important for men. Many men will put up with a really stupid annoying girl if shes hot.

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    • Tinybird

      I find older guys unattractive

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    • Tinybird

      I only really like younger

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    • That's not much older though lol same age group.

      I agree with the rest though.

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