My pillow guy

What do y'all think about the My Pillow guy getting banned from social media and companies dropping his product?

From what I've seen he's still going around saying Trump should have enacted Marshall law and how Biden stole the election

He's also got one of those faces, especially with his mustache, hair, and facial structure, that makes me think he's a "holier than thou" mixed in with being too ignorant to understand the morality of his behavior, and it really just makes my day thinking this pos has fucked himself over by being so vocal about being a pos

It's like america is giving him the finger and he's acting like he just had a colonoscopy

It's not understandable to find enjoyment in this 2
Examining context to come to similar conclusions about other scenarios is okay if it isn't dogmatic 2
It's understandable to find enjoyment in circumstances like this 5
It's unhealthy to be happy at other's misfortune regardless of circumstances (don't be a hypocrite) 6
I'm tired of reading about political agendas 10
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Comments ( 166 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    crackhead jesus freak

    fuck him

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  • Boojum

    Mike Lindell is a con artist who has a knack for getting gullible people to believe his BS, so it's not surprising at all that he and Trump are buddies.

    The only thing remarkable about Lindell is how he figured out a way to sell a bag of shredded polyurethane foam for something close to a hundred bucks. His manufacturing costs per pillow can't be more than a couple of dollars, so that's a pretty amazing mark-up. Although I understand his ads are constantly on the sort of TV that less intelligent people tend to watch, so I'm sure that cuts into his profits.

    Essentially, Lindell's whole life is based on disinformation. He's just moved on from spinning lies about how his bags of foam are miraculous, to getting Trump to believe that a toxic quack remedy made by a company he's involved with is a miraculous cure for Covid-19, to spewing lies about how many people voted for Trump.

    I have no idea what the jerk said that finally prompted Twitter to shut him down, and I don't care enough to try to figure that out. What I find more amusing than his Twitter ban is how there are rumours that Dominion Voting Systems could be about to file a huge defamation lawsuit against him, just as they have with the swivel-eyed loon Sydney Powell and the totally bonkers Giuliani.

    These greedy, lying assholes only truly care about money and the status that having lots of it gives them in American society. People like them love to talk about how actions have consequences, so it would be great if they suffered some consequences for their self-serving lies.

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    • There's just something about someone eloquently explaining why someone's a pos that makes me feel really good haha 😂

      Thanks Booj!

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  • freakyman69

    He's a former crackhead. he has a history of making poor decisions.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      Going from a drug addict to a $300 million fortune would suggest the contrary.

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      • The idea behind making a fortune selling pillows is definitely crack head territory

        I bet he was in rehab one day thinking about his future when suddenly he realized: everybody uses pillows

        That is if he really is a crack head

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          Oh well. I bet he has more money than the two of us combined.

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          • That doesn't mean he has good karma though

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            • LloydAsher

              Yet it shows he had a good head for buisness. There are enough failed businesses that exsist out there to show that is a hard market for anything new. Especially if its something mundane like a pillow. So it has to be at least better than the normal pillow.

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              You keep the karma, I'll take the money.

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      • candylady

        All that suggests is that he lives in a capitalist country. I’m not sure how familiar you are with capitalism but wealth in a capitalist economy tells you absolutely nothing about a person. Not one single shred of information about a person can be gained by how wealthy they are.

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          A "history of making poor decisions" won't take you from being a drug addict with your home being foreclosed to accumulating a $300 million fortune.
          How about the fact that he employs former drug addicts who are looking for work & trying to turn their lives around?

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          • candylady

            That’s...not how capitalism works. Again, in a capitalist society, wealth(or lack thereof) tells you absolutely nothing about a person or their character. Not one single thing can be deduced about them as a person based solely on how much wealth they have.

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  • radar

    I just googled him.. can't get over that ridiculous face. Every expression he makes is somehow the most perfect embodiment of sarcasm, except I don't think it is.

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    • Like he's the bad guy in an Adam Sandler movie

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      • radar

        Yes, totally a cartoonish villain type.. might make better money as a bad actor than trying to sell pillows lol.

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        • He should talk to Disney about playing a Lazy Town esque villain

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  • Somenormie

    Meh it's good to find the enjoyment actually.

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  • Meowypowers

    Idiots shouldn't be de-platformed just for spreading stupid. Cognizant people should have an opportunity to educate them.

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      Sounds good on paper; doesn't work.

      That approach is what led to the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol.

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      • LloydAsher

        I dont belive it was a domestic terror attack. It wasnt terrorists it was people who truely believed that they were acting in a patriotic way by declaring the goverment massively fucked up. It scared the shit out of them. 25k troops. You don't send 25k troops anywhere if you arent legitimately afraid of something.

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        • candylady

          Perhaps, but that also means 9/11 wasn’t a terrorist attack. They were just martyrs making sure the US knew they were fucking up in the East, and it definitely scared the shit out of them since they sent more than 100k troops over there.

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          • LloydAsher

            No they had the political agenda of causing fear in the normal population. During the riot there where no random fires in peoples businesses or homes. It was squared solely on the Capitol building. That kind of organization of a riot is what terrified them. They weren't fighting the common man, just the goverment. As opposed to terrorism which is against everyone that isnt a terrorist

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            • S0UNDS_WEIRD

              I hate to spoil your wet dream but the government isn't terrified of your new heroes; they merely acknowledged the level of threat they pose and responded in an intimidating way rather than a merely sufficient one.

              The two sub-superpowers to the US' superpower are China and Russia. War experts nearly unanimously agree the US could soundly defeat them /simultaneously/, and are split on whether or not the US could literally fight off the entire world at once, the only possible downfall being the complete loss of outside resources.

              All of that isn't even considering that it's now been nearly a century since being back-to-back World War champions, that most of what the US is truly capable of at max capacity is classified and that it's probably insanely far above what even most experts think considering such an outrageously enlarged military budget for so long now.

              So no, they're not "terrified" of ignorant rednecks cosplaying as G.I. Joe because their daddy lost.

              It only even went as well as it did for them because Trump kept resistance as lax as possible. If it happened again, even in greater numbers, they'd be stopped and there likely wouldn't be much blood either because the military would shut them down like a father putting an angry toddler in timeout since they're citizens, but truth be told, if they didn't want to show restraint they could turn the whole lot of them into a blood puddle in about 15 seconds.

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            • candylady

              They had the political agenda of overthrowing the results of a free and fair election and it was against everybody who voted for somebody they didn’t vote for in said election.

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            • But the actions were instigated by the would be usuper Trump

              Pretty terrifying to think some old fucking man who doesn't realize his time is up with no cards left to play can do something like send some of his last supporters to fuck with the capital

              I mean of course it was done on the capital, Trump is pissed at all the senators for not saying "well gee whiz Trump, we didn't know you would feel so bad about losing. How about we say Putin hacked us and you can stay in the White House four more years"

              So if a suicide bomber from a known terrorist group does his thing in the capital, by what you're saying here, that wouldn't be a terrorist act

              Or is it because it's not a bunch of white Americans acting under the guise of patriotism to be fucking seditious cretans

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        • S0UNDS_WEIRD

          I don't give a damn what they thought they were doing. At the point that they attacked the Capitol, as citizens, they became domestic terrorists by definition.

          It's also pretty transparent that you're proud of them. Otherwise, why bring up the government being scared and all the troops? All that does is further establish that they were clearly treated as domestic terrorists.

          That said, that many troops was just a flex. They were sending the message that Trump is cancelled and won't be around to intentionally diminish security before giving the green light on their further attacks before further inciting them. They were reminding them that a bunch of rednecks have a snowflake's chance in Hell of overcoming the most powerful military force on the planet and that things are back as they were.

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        • I see your point, but when you were a kid and you let another kid talk you into doing bad stuff the right thing by parents is to explain how they should be smart enough to see through deception like that

          The riot was mostly by people tickled at ruining Nancy Pelosi's office, posting videos about gleefully announcing what they were doing

          Suffice to say it was people with narcissistic qualities or tendencies

          And how do we define terrorists? People who come here from far away lands to fly planes into buildings, or people who intentionally spread terror?

          You can't take a toy gun to rob a store and say the cashier should have known or that you were just joking around, that's armed robbery

          So why should a bunch of double digit IQ havin' brainwashed sheeple *not* be labeled as terrorist when all the evidence points to them relishing the terror they caused?

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          • LloydAsher

            If what those people did to the capital was described as terrorism doesnt that mean that for the past year black lives matter and antifa acted in an overt terroristic fashion yet the mayors and governors of the effected states just gave the terrorists what they wanted?

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            • You mean like burning down buildings? To me yeah that's terrorism, Martin Luther King Jr. never had to burn down buildings to work for civil liberties

              And isn't antifa a terrorist group by their own charter?

              BLM just seems like a group to get angsty youth involved in someone else's agenda disguised as a just cause

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      • Pilum

        I hate this fact about humanity but it's true.

        Some people are just too stupid to be helped.

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    • Right, an example was made out of him

      It's like in Greco Roman mythology, their stories represent the pitfalls of humanity and sets a precedent for the viewer or whatever to avoid or prepare for

      Except instead of mythology we have, umm, discourse taking place and mentalities and deficits being revealed and responded to appropriately with a majority approval

      I also believe it's in his karma to be deplatformed, he's spreading misinformation and trying to create a panic and just general shit stirring because that's the type of pos he is

      So you do something bad and you lose your sense of power. He still has his business, but hardly anyone is helping him sell those pillows. Trump can't save him either, it looks like he really is gonna face legit impeachment charges. I know he tried talking to Trump before he moved out of the White House but nobody cares what Trump thinks anymore ever since he sent, not a riot no but a protest that turned into a riot, to the capital, an insurgency it's being called.

      This is his karma, the song viva la vida comes to mind, the sands are shifting beneath both of their feet

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  • RoseIsabella

    I honestly didn't know a thing about this until I read your post. I just don't want to fill my head with all the drama going on in the world, because I have enough problems of my own.

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    • You know, you're right. I get distracted easily. Recently had a lesson in that

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      • RoseIsabella

        Honestly, I only know that My Pillow dude from the commercials. The pillows don't look so great to me. I bought my current pillow from Relax the Back.

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  • BleedingPain

    I think mypillow’s are a garbage product. They dont hold their shape very well for too long

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  • Hubbard

    Growing up in a conservative household all I know is that I’m tired of hearing his advertisement every fucking commercial break!

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  • raisinbran

    Big tech censoring opposition feels great and doesn't set a precedent at all.

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  • darefu

    There is always hate after a good conspiracy theory. I'd say the USA is in for some really f..ed up times. War normally follows a good conspiracy theory that has footing with a lot of people. It is used as a destraction. After Kennedy and 9-11 as example. The question is it going to be internal civil war or external and then with who?

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    • I'm sure there a few southern boys who'd love to point their guns at people they don't like, but the US army is going to be fighting for our government

      Billy Badass with his hunting rifle won't do much to a swat team I'm sure, and I think they would all realize this within the first week of civil war

      Unless assisted by another country or something, in which case it might become a world war

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm just saying we shouldn't ban the crazies because crazy people just dont go away! By banning them you are proving them right that there is a conspericy against their truth. Thus they assume their freak conspericy theory is correct. Making them even more dangerous and unhinged.

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    • Exactly, their karma should be allowed to play out like it did with Lindell

      We got to see what he's really about and as a society said "fuck that guy" and now he's reaping what he has sewn

      Like if someone really went back in time to kill Hitler (which new science says another "Hitler" would just come along anyway) everyone would be like "oh you killed this man for no reason we demand justice"

      Not that letting Hitler's karma catch up to him was like objectively "good"

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      • LloydAsher

        Hitlers will always exist. So do Mao's and Stalins out there. Dictators are a naturally occurring state of goverment. Doesnt mean they are good as the first dictators had hard term limits and powers. But that was a legislative dictatorship vs the modern dictatorships we see today.

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        • Yeah that's what I'm saying man

          We take them out as they build their karma, whether that's banning from social media or fighting a war to kill one guy in particular

          A news reporter who interviewed Trump on the air force 1 flight home said "Trump is gone (he was also talking about impeachment) but Trumpism will still be around"

          So I say let's set the precedents, ban them from social media, don't associate with them individually or commercially, show people this is what happens when you do stuff like this

          Like if you think you can just start a business and get the millions rolling in you can be such a transparent jackass then as a society we can effectively make all those resources obsolete

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          • LloydAsher

            But that precedent is shared by a good chunk of the population. Alienating a chunk of your population is just asking for civil war since these are conservatives. By banning conservative channels of communication (even calls to ban fox) it fortifies the feeling that conservatism is under attack. And when conservatives are this heavily armed you do not want to alienate them.

            Now if you wanna take away their firearms then you are really going to be kicking the hornets nest because then they will see you are trying to take away their weapons of revolution if the goverment goes to far. Which will cause revolution anyway.

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            • I never said take their guns or ban fox. I like some of their shows! And I'm not saying no one on the Democrat side is wrong

              But Trump sending a protest turned riot is a little different than a beta cuck soy boy starting an online petition to ban fox, you know what I'm saying?

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    Fuck that guy.

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