My older half brother joined a conservative christian cult is rude to us

It’s not normal, I know.

He joined this intense Christian group back on 2011. Their leader thinks he’s a final prophet who curses people publicly, including my family, l for not accepting my brothers beliefs.

He no longer lets my mother see her own grandchildren. He flipped on her for owing a pet saying her cats are idols before the lord. Her cat mittens bite my niece (who’s old enough to know better) and he bitched about how unclean they are and he won’t bring the new born around her, obviously she knows not to let a cat jump in a babies face . My mother loves her cat, honestly when she going through her illness Mittens was there for her more than him. He claims she’s hating her neighbor and god for not getting rid of them.

What else? He eats only organic saying pesticides are sinful for killing the environment (I actually agree to an extent) but he and this organization consider it betrayal if a member eats anything that isn’t organic.

He’s active on Facebook but frequently gets blocked and I hope it’s permanent soon. He’s tells people God hates them and they must repent. He told one lady he’s never met her mother died of Alzheimer’s for being a Catholic and celebrating Easter and the same will happen to her if she doesn’t repent.

No one in the family talks to him anymore, not even my mother. Since she doesn’t believe as he does and still has a cat he won’t let her see her grandchildren because he doesn’t want her to “pervert” them. He’s upset I’m in college and following leftist propaganda, and claims I love nobody but myself and deserve my depression. He’s wife is a snooty bitch and thinks she should serve him.

I forget he exists sometimes.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • olderdude-xx

    There are lots of strange people out there... and unfortunately at times we have to deal with them in our own family.

    There is a chance that he will revert back towards more normal.. and a chance that he will not.

    I suggest that you, your mother, and the rest of the family just move on without him. He can rejoin later if he wants to - but never allow someone to keep you and your family down just because they believe in something different.

    It's OK to walk away and move on in life. I have one brother I only talked to in the last 8 years about when our mother was declining and the significant changes in state. 1st to let him know that I was now in charge of her affairs (and he agreed I was a good person for that), a last call to visit her before she died when her organs started to shut down, and when the funeral was (he did not attend).

    He's not a part of my life.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Viva Mittens!

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    • I like Mittens more than him at this point.

      I just don’t understand why they are against pets so vehemently. They say 99% of pet ownership is idolatry. Oh wel, I’m happy with my mom owning a cat who gives her more attention than her son.

      He says I treat my gay friend wrong by telling him I accept him for being gay. I was told I hate him and god for saying such.and they refer to him as a pervert.

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      • RoseIsabella

        Yeah, I think you've got it together, but your brother's beliefs are all jacked up, dear heart. When I think of the nature of feline companionship I want to close my eyes, and dream of the glory of ancient Egypt, and how they thought of cats for the most part. My cat is my best friend, and I'm grateful to God for him!

        I don't think you hate this dude, or God. Doesn't God tell us to hate the sin, but love the sinner?
        All of this religious fundamentalism stuff seems like a crock of shit to me.

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    As someone that has a few crazy religious cousins, I'll say this: they'll start talking to you again when someone dies and an inheritance is involved. It will get ugly.

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    • I bet he will feel entitled to be part of the will since “the righteous will inherit the earth.”

      Did they even go to the funeral of your deceased member? My half brother would t go to my grandmothers since he doesn’t want to worship the dead.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        They didn't go. Lawyering up for money was way more important to them. In the end, they got nothing, btw.

        It's good that you're not talking to him. Your brother seems toxic.

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        • I would bet if the case of an inheritance arises he wouldn’t get anything.

          But with his mindset of “the righteous shall inherit the land” I know he would pull any string to get what he wants, likely calling us a bully (as he has before.)

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  • bigbudchonger

    And I thought the Jehovah's wittnesses were bad!

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    First time I dealt with those weird cult people I was drinking downtown and me and my wife walked down the strip and there was a whole crew of them with signs like "GOD HATES FAGS" and "THANK GOD FOR DEAD SOLDIERS". The young girls were the ones in front of the line calling my wife a whore while their cowardly dads stood behind them not saying anything (because they knew they'd get punched by someone). The little girl that was talking shit to my wife was alittle black girl i said shut yo ass up before I slap that wig off your head

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    • It doesn’t surprise me the females of Westboro Baptist have more balls than the men do. One of their more predominant and outspoken members left in 2012. Meghan Phelps-Roper. I appreciate her interviews.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        I think the girls just believe that they wont get slapped by some man that they heckle. The guys probably figure that they will get punched so they hide behind the girls.

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        • LloydAsher

          Makes me wish there was a paintball sniper that could just pick these dicks out from afar.

          I say paintball because these dicks don't deserve death but they definitely deserve a paintball to the eye for the shit they say. Especially when they celebrate a fallen soldier's death.

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