My neck hurts constantly.

I have a pain in my neck at the back to the point if I try cracking it, the pain doesn't go away. It just stays there and I have to lay down my head in order for the pain to subside otherwise it hurts really bad. I don't know what is going on, if I move my head to the left a couple of times I can hear clicking sounds. It's really concerning me.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • Sexy442

    I would suggest getting a ct done

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  • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

    Do you grind your teeth? You could be tensing up that part of your body, especially when you sleep. I do that, I have TMJ from it. I recommend a deep massage and a mouthguard.

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    • SugaDaegu_328

      Yes I do tend to grind my teeth out of habit. That's probably what's causing my neck pain.

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    • 1234tellmethatyoulovememore

      Oh didn't read about the clicking sounds. Go to a doctor first, like an actual doctor or physical therapist, not a chiropractor.

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  • Hmm. Sounds like you're tense. I have problems with that a lot. Tension can hurt quite bad sometimes or there's just this uncomfortable tight feeling that never goes away. I asked a doctor about my issue and basically to fix it you need to be mindful of your posture and practice relaxing and if that does not help, go see a physio and exercise to strengthen the neck muscles. If it's like a sharp pain though i'd be more concerned if never went away. Clicking does sound like tension though or maybe something like arthritis depending on some things, or an injury.

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  • RoseIsabella

    You need to see a doctor.

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