My identity never works

It's never going to work, it was never accepted but I'm trying to force people to accept it.

I have a right to an identity, and I'm embarrassed of the wars I have to fight to be accepted like everybody else, also I want to receive no put downs like everybody else, and by the way my writing's not incoherent, it's normal, and should be treated as if someone else wrote it, there's no difference, you can't tell the difference, you only think you can tell the difference.

Incoherent means unclear and impossible to understand, I'm not incoherent, it's easy to understand and doesn't need to be any clearer, it's not perfect and that's OK, the problem with anti-perfectionism is that nobody cares, since they put perfection on a pedestal, well I can tell you I'm anti-perfection so the doctor can kiss my arse!

The medical industry likes it and thinks I'm good to keep a regular pace, never changing, the problem is irregular people don't understand this, and they insist that normal people try something different, no they don't, people don't have the balls to be so normal as to not even have progress, change, or adjustment, it's a war with an identity I have to have otherwise I wouldn't be me.

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Comments ( 17 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    go places do stuff interact with people

    the experiences you have the life you lead & important choices you make your actions and the way you react to situations is your identity

    not vapid shit like food & clothes

    identity chooses you not the other way around

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    • normal-rebellious

      It turns out my identity is the old identity I have which nobody understands. It's not simply the food and clothes, it's the writing, the books, the music, my religions, my spending time without people, my hate for life, etc.

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      • LornaMae

        I understand it! How dare you say no one does! I'm not no one!

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        • normal-rebellious

          You're whatever I think you are, you're somebody who steps in the conversation.

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          • LornaMae

            Yup! Love cutting in on other people's conversations. It's easier than having a conversation myself! Kholat has deemed me the residential hypeman because of my interrupting abilities.

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  • Tommythecaty

    “by the way my writing's not incoherent”

    Calling me out for calling you incoherent is the most coherent thing you’ve ever done.

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    • normal-rebellious

      Bravo, you deserve a cookie.

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      • Tommythecaty

        Sure do. But more importantly, you get a sticker.

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        • normal-rebellious

          Thank you Catty.

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