My grandmother has anorexia nervosa and i'm the only person who knows

My grandmother has anorexia nervosa and no one wants to admit it. She's 5'4 and weighs 90 lbs. She eats so little. When I try to ask her about it she says that she was "skinny her whole life" when in reality she looks emaciated. I am 5'4 and weighs 150 lbs and if I lost more weight I would look sickly. Would this concern you? It doesn't seem to concern anybody in my family.

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Comments ( 21 )
  • ron-deh-voo

    Maybe try to show you're really worried? Bring some facts while in a conversation with her, just like you made that question, talk that being skinny and being underweight at the point to sound unhealthy is worrying and completely different. if you're really worried and sure about her being unhealthy, you really should make more effort to talk about it.
    My grandmother also had anorexia, but she wasn't aware about it, she had to go to a doctor so they could diagnosis her.

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  • YamaMayaNyaa

    You are overweight. If you believe any less than 150 would make you look sickly you are only kidding yourself. Your grandmother is old and probably doesn't have much appetite. She is underweight but she doesn't have anorexia. Stop judging her and seek some help from a medical professional.

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    • coolio_

      You don't even know what I look like lol so how could you judge whether or not I am fat? I have an hour Glass shape. I also know someone who is the same height and weight as me and I don't think she's fat at all.

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      • YamaMayaNyaa

        delusion. your bmi says you are overweight. What you look like is irrelevant.

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  • nikkiclaire

    How old is your grandmother? Many older people have trouble retaining weight. Anorexia is about body image / body dysmorphia and has little to with actual weight.

    Also, you are considered overweight for 5'4 if you are female.

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    • coolio_

      I'm aware I am overweight. I am actually recovered from anorexia for 3 years. I am only 10 lbs overweight. I know what anorexia looks like and this is it.

      And my grandmother always has something to say about MY weight, or says something about the rare occasion I decide to eat 2 slices of pizza. Also if someone at Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner puts a lot on her plate she gets overwhelmed and freaks out.

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      • CDmale4fem

        10 lbs is nothing to worry about, in my eyes, as far as being what the standards say is overweight. When I went into the Navy in 1978 I was 6'1" and I weighed 215 lbs. The "guidelines" said I should have weighed like 196 lbs. If I was I looked sickly thin. So those guidelines I feel are not carved in stone. We are all a bit different when body type, sizes, weights. A female that's 5'4" might weigh 100 lbs, another female 5'4" might weigh 115 and be much bigger in the breasts. So how can the guides be meant for all ? So Coolio, don't worry about those extra 10, unless they turn into 15 or 20. That would be for your own health.

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        • coolio_

          I agree

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      • RoseIsabella

        My grandmother's dead, but if she talked to me like that I would probably feel compelled to tell her to go fuck herself. I know that's not very nice, but I have to be honest.

        How old is your grandmother? Honestly if she continues the way she does she will have problems with osteoporosis.

        Also, I don't think you are automatically overweight for your height. I think the ideal weight for a woman your height is probably somewhere between 113 and 154 pounds depending on how large or small your frame is, and how much muscle mass you have. Regardless, it's much better to weigh 150 pounds than 90 pounds. You said that you have been anorexic in the past so perhaps you inherited it from your grandmother. Good on you for having enough concern for her health to notice her mental illness, because that's what it is. Whatever you do don't listen to any of the stupid things she says about you eating pizza! Your grandmother is obviously the last person you should ever listen to about diet and health. Good on you for your recovery from anorexia. Hang in there, and keep up the good work!

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        • nikkiclaire

          My point on the overweight is OP mentioned they would be waisting away if they lost a few, which is not true at all. Clearly there are weight issues at play in this family.

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          • coolio_

            nikkiclaire yes I would be wasting away. I was treated for eating disorders at 125 lbs because I have a large bone structure. Whenever I do become healthy weight and weigh 135-140 lbs everyone has something to say about it. Guess I can't win.

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            • nikkiclaire

              135 is a healthy weight for your height. 150 is overweight. I just used the weight tables hun.

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          • RoseIsabella


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        • coolio_

          RoseIsabella My grandmother is 78 years old

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          • RoseIsabella

            Wow! That's almost my mom's age. I still think starving yourself will really hurt you bones and teeth. I imagine if she had a medium frame that 120 would probably be close to ideal.

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  • Nickvey

    5 4 you are overweight at 121 pounds. who has the problem now?

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    • Hotdogsaregross

      According to the BMI you are not overweight at 5’4 until you weigh 146. So yeah she is overweight but she wouldn’t be if she was 121 pounds.

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      • Nickvey

        The BMI was introduced in the early 19th century by a Belgian named Lambert Adolphe Jacques Quetelet. He was a mathematician, not a physician. He produced the formula to give a quick and easy way to measure the degree of obesity of the general population to assist the government in allocating resources.Jul 4, 2009 anyone 5 feet four and past 110 pounds is overweight a BMI of 25-30 overweight and obese are not the same

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        • coolio_

          If I were to weigh 121 lbs I would have to fast certain days and eat very little. I am not willing to do that because being a women I would lose my periods and it could cause infertility. I have been that weight and didn't have periods for 2 whole years.

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        • coolio_

          Okay. But she still looks drastically thin.

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