My friend is dying.

My best friend ever is dying. He is only 18 years old and terminal on cancer. I still cannot believe I will lose him. I am searching for alternative treatments, better hospitals, better doctors. But all doctors guarantee me there is no ‘miracle’ treatment for him, they tried everything within the medical possibilities. Still I cannot accept defeat, I cannot give up. I gave all my savings away to new search projects, hoping they’ll find a cure in time. I tried all strange things possible, I prayed to all the different Gods I could find in religions, I have sold my soul to devil. I spoke with priests and ‘witches’ to make healing magic on him, even good voodoo. Yet I have no idea if any of this stuff will work. Some people tell me I became paranoid. Even his parents pleaded me to stop, they told me to stop harming myself and that they accepted their son’s destiny. But my sick friend tells me to continue, he is grateful that I try, he thinks I might find a cure, even if it’s some strange spiritual thing. Should I try until the end? Or am I indeed becoming paranoid? Above all, my friend asked me to suicide if he would die. The first time he was delirious with fever, but the second time not. He told me he was afraid of being alone after dying. He wants a friend ‘on the other world’. Should I even contemplate killing myself, if he ends up dying?

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16% Normal
Based on 5797 votes (955 yes)
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Comments ( 280 )
  • Empathy

    Honey, nobody wants to lose someone they love. But for that person you love to ask you to take your life is just selfish. It is understandable that your friend is afraid of dying and most of all being lonely but it is quite an unreasonable excuse for them to tell you to commit suicide.

    It does appear that you have become quite obsessed in trying to find a cure for your friend and it does not sound healthy at all. I know you do not want to hear this but it sounds like your friend is being quite a burden on you. And it seems that your friend secretly takes pleasure in seeing you going to extremes to find some miracle for him. As harsh as it may seem, I believe that he wants for you to share his pain with him.

    Your friend must have more love for himself than he does for you. Instead of telling you to end your life, he should be pleading with you to go on and live your life happily. And instead of telling you to leave this world with him, he should be telling you that he will wait for you.

    PLEASE DO NOT TAKE YOUR LIFE! Do you know how upset and crazy the people who love you would become? Just like you, they may go to great lengths to try and resurrect you.

    People love you. And even more people will come to love you in the future. Do not destroy your tomorrows.

    Have patience, you will certainly see him again.

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    • TylerDurden91

      He IS a burden on you. I don't think that he takes pleasure in your pain, or that he wants you to kill yourself, and I'm sure that he would do the same for you, but don't ignore the fact that he is COPING. Also, no matter how you look at it, suicide IS a selfish act. You may think that it's helping your friend, but what about all the people you leae behind, friends and family who also care about you? They may not be as close as you were with him, but do they count for nothing?

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      • littlelulu1999

        I agree with Empathy (your friend is selfish and he is a burden on you) former father-in-law cheated on his wife and got HIV....blamed the entire world (including his wife and my ex-husband) for his disease...he was a selfish bastard who made life hell for the 7 years he lasted after he was diagnosed and then suffered from the end he was so bitter and miserable he berated and insulted everybody every chance, making everybody feel guilty about living their lives while he was sick (how dare anybody around him actually try to be happy and live their lives was his attitude)....I didn't feel sorry for him at the end...I think God put the rest of us out of our the funeral everybody commented how his wife deserved a nobel peace prize or sainthood for putting up with him...that is sad when they can't find something nice to say about you when you die but say your wife is a saint for putting up with you). I don't wish death on anybody, but we must all (when our time comes) try to go with courage and help our loved ones who are left behind be strong and continue living...your friend could be delirous, but he needs to STOP asking you to waste your time on finding miracle cures for him and he is not your friend if he is asking you to committ suicide because he doesn't want to be alone. HE needs to face the inevitable with courage and strength and he should be wanting for you to live and move on with your life.

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        • Hmmaybe

          Do not judge someone until you have been in their situations. You cannot possibley imagine what it is like to be dying slowly and be unable to do anything about. Such powerlessness and fear cannot be conceived by anyone who hasn't been in that situation. It is perfectly understandable why his friend asks him to try to cure him anyway possible and, yes, even to die with him. Fear of being alone is a normal occurance and should not be condemned. Perhaps in his right mind his friend would understand that his request is wrong and selfish, but in his current state of dying it is easy to see why he might ask it and it does not make him a bad person.

          However under no circumstances should the OP commit suicide. Live the life your friend might have led and enjoy every moment for him. That would be a better testament to his life than taking your own.

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    • katiebrandx303

      such wise words from one so young :)

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    • Isitnormal?:-)

      What ever your name is, look you can try all the voodoo you want but, fate and destiny are two forces that work together. You have to accept his fate and so does he. I am personally a Christian so I dont believe in all that witch doctor stuff I think thats just crazy.... but thats me you can believe whatever you want theirs no law about it. So try whatever majic you want but there is always going to be fate.

      This guy is obviously scared and yes he may like the idea of you finding a cure for him but what your doing is not healthy for either of you so you need to stop.

      whatever you do do not take your life! You will arrive their on your own fate and own time!!! Its not your friends decison on how long your life span is.

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      • lalalandluver

        It's not "majic",it's spelled "magic".

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    • lalalandluver

      Not trying to be a pessimist,but what if one goes to heaven,and one to hell?Not saying they will,and it's a major "what if",but still?

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    • anonymous999

      Yes, I admit that I'm obsessed with finding a cure. Perhaps it's insane and unhealthy. But you have no right to insult and speak badly about my friend! He's not a burden, he's not selfish and he doesn't take pleasure in seeing me searching for a 'miracle' cure. He just wants to stay alive, can you blame him? He's only 18! Besides he believes in miracles. He believes if I try my best, I will succeed and he will stay alive. I know him since childhood, we're like brothers and I am sure he would do the same to me. He's not a bad person, he has always been kind and helped others! You're only right about one thing, I guess. Suicide isn't a good option, as indeed I don't want to hurt others. However I don't know how to tell him the truth.

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      • delirium

        I think it's awesome that you do everything you can to try to save your best friend's life.

        Trying to find a religious or spiritual answer to your friend's illness may only be useful if you actually believe in the god or thing you are praying to, so don't waste your time praying to every single deity out there, you could use that time to be with your friend, love can heal you know? At least it can heal sadness (and sometimes it looks like it heals the body too).

        I agree with Empathy "I believe that he wants for you to share his pain with him." but who wouldn't? He is probably very scared, much much more than you are. And the fact that you've spent all your savings, prayed to different gods, looked for better doctors and better hospitals just proves that you ACTUALLY are sharing his pain much more than most people would do for anyone they care.

        BUT commiting suicide it's just not a solution to anything, it doesn't mean you are sharing his pain because if he dies he will be in pain no more. You sound like the kind of person everyone would love to have as a friend, and with only 18 years people say we have a whole life to come, do you know how much it would hurt the people who love you if you even think of commiting suicide? Do you want them to be desperate for an answer, to a question the may not even understand, as you are? Life is overwhelming, but there is beauty everywhere, and if your friend dies and you two love each other as much as it looks like, he will be with you and you will be with him even if none of you notice, you dont need to kill yourself for that to happen.

        Good luck, i hope the best for you. :)

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  • bingo11

    Logically speaking there are only a couple of options here:

    1) there is no afterlife, in which case killing yourself doesn't result in seeing your friend.

    2) There is an afterlife as several religions describe and killing yourself results in eternal damnation. (In which case, whatever being lords over said damnation isn't interested in you comforting, visiting, or even being aware of your friend).

    3) Nobody has it right and something other afterlife occurs, you may get be aware of your friend, you may not be.

    My belief is 2 out of 3 options ends in your sacrifice of life is pointless. The third only has a random chance of your suicide having any point at all.

    By committing suicide you're very likely wasting your life and providing no relevant help for your friend.

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  • SweetandTenderHooligan

    This is so sad, it makes me cry..
    You're friend isn't selfish, he is scared.
    Honey, I hope you have done whatever is right in your heart.

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  • deepthought33

    Please don't kill yourself. We need someone with so much love and passion for people too so please stay here with us for awhile. You will better serve your friend by being alive.
    Don't give up your search either. Keep that hope burning because crazy, miraculous things HAVE happened before.
    If your friend does loose this fight know that you're life can go on and that, maybe even because of this, you can go on to do something amazing. Believe that he will in some way go on too and you just might make it so.
    No one can really prepare for such a heart-wrenching end but the two of you are very brave for a least trying.

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    • TylerDurden91

      YES DO NOT KILL YOURSELF! Your friend doesn't ACTUALLY want you to die, we was delirious, and afraid, and it is his way of coping.

      I don't know you or him, but it seems to me that if you give up, that he will too. Yet, you have to think about if this is good for yourself too. You're fighting a losing battle, and I have a feeling that the more you put into it, the more it will hurt when he finally dies.

      I'm not going to try to rationalize this by saying "God has a plan for everyone," because that's bullshit. What's the plan for the kid who has to die at 18, and never had the chance to live his life, have a career, a wife, a family? But I will say that everyone dies. Sorry that sucks

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  • dimanche

    I think it's amazing you are trying to find a alternative cure for your best friend it shows how much you love them. I don't think you should ever stop trying , even if it doesn't end up working you will know for yourself you tried. As for committing suicide, def not. They say it now but I doubt they would want you to end your life for them it's too selfish

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  • jbf

    I dont know how to help but I think the whole of this site will agree you're an amazing friend , he is lucky to have you !! Xx

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  • gowila

    Sounds sad. Don't kill your elf

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    • LifeCanBeHard

      I dont think she has a elf

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  • smileygirl444

    I really wish I could help in some way, but I don't know how other than to tell you to stay doing what you feel is the right path. Do what you feel is right, don't let anyone tell you what's right for you. But, there is one exception to that rule. Suicide. Suicides is always wrong, not matter what the circumstances. Your friend isn't a bad person for asking you to commit suicide, he's just afraid to be alone. It's like if you moved to a different country, you want to try and have someone you know come with you. He wouldn't ask you to comit suicide if he wasn't faced with death. Being put in a corner like that makes us say and do things that we normally wouldn't even think about doing. Don't kill yourself, your friend doesn't really want you to. If you did kill yourself, then if you get in Heaven he will be very angry and sad you listened to him. Your friends, Family, and any pets you have will all miss you, and I would be upset if you took your own life. You need to stay alive, and live for you friend if he doesn't make it.

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  • tori

    Don't kill yourself. I wanted to do the same thing when my mother had terminal cancer. I too prayed to every god I could think of. All the angels, etc... One thing kept repeating in my head on her last day on earth that I couldn't get rid of. It kept saying "Its been done". It wasn't my voice in my head.
    I'm glad you are trying everything possible. But killing yourself won't really make him happy after he is gone. He says that now only because he is scared. Which is understandable. Just be supportive while he is still here.


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    • anonymous999

      Thanks, It's good to know the point of view of somebody who has past through the same pain. It makes me feel less paranoid to know it's normal to try everything to save loved ones.

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  • Shifter

    I'm quite shocked after reading this, and a little confused. I don't understand how a person who has watched their friend practically bleed themself dry to help them, could ask them to end their own life?

    Please don't do this, its bad enough that you are consdering it.

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  • z03

    my mom had that when she was a kid and don't ever kill yourselve the world needs more kind considerite people like you

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  • dude the meds make him say that.. don't do it

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  • worriedbro

    This post is from June. He might indeed have died of cancer by now! And the poster might have committed suicide, as he isn't answering anymore. This is really fucked up!

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  • MusicCrazy003

    I know how much it hurts. My beautiful goddaughter, my best friends daughter, died from leukaemia when she was 4. And now my best friend is dying from terminal cancer herself. So many people have ideas of how to beat cancer, but in the end, you have to face facts. If there was a cure, they wouldn't call it terminal. I really do know how tough this is and you beat yourself up because you think there must be a way to save him. But sometimes it's just not enough.
    I'm not saying stop trying or hoping. But don't kill yourself because of it. There is a heaven, still believe that. And think what it would do to your friends and family, and more to the point, his parents. Imagine what would happen if they'd just lost their son, and then you kill yourself because of him. They then have all the guilt to deal with aswell as the grief, and that's not fair.
    I don't mean to be harsh, but someone has to say it. Life isn't fair sometimes and the crap always happens to the people who deserve it the least. But sometimes in the end, however scary it seems, death is a release and takes away all their pain. And that's what you've got to remember.

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  • NOOOO! it was INCREDIBLY selfish of your friend to ask you to kill your self after youve completely given up everything you have to try find a cure for them. do not kill yourself.
    thats my solid advise.
    think of your OWN family and friends.
    think of what your life could be.
    LIVE for the BOTH of you,dont die for one.

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  • twitchy

    Is he still alive

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  • Savmagic

    Do not kill yourself. Live for one of you.

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  • Think about it for a minute. Sit down in a quiet room and think about what your friend has asked you?
    Nobody wants to loose a friend,but what kind of friend ask's you to take your own life, for his benefit? you have already given away so much and gone through so much to help save his life, but It is to much to ask for your life.
    Please don't do anything stupid and think about the people that love you and would miss you if you were gone from this world.

    Good luck!

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  • PillowHumper

    Sorry, Death is inevitable, Life is unfair. You'll get over it But you'll never forget him.

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  • Keep trying, but killing yourself will not help anyone, not you, & not your best friend.

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  • Your a great friend!

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  • anagr

    You've done your best but he cnt ask u to give your life away as well. You should continue with your life be there for your best friend until the very end. Your allowed not to give up hope for a cure but to take your life away isn't the solution. Be there for your friend it really is hard but you can't put yourself at this position. Think of the people who love u just as much as he does, think of your family and wpuld be very painful for them
    Also, you should talk to someone about the way u feel...
    I hope you realise...

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  • ashley9100

    My best friend died because of cancer... :'( I feel your pain.

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  • Why the hell is anybody still commenting on this? It's over a year old, I'm sure the situation has resolved by now.


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  • silentscreams17

    I think you should keep looking but definatly don't kill you self. Think how his parents would feel if their son provoced your death

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  • A_Man_With_A_Plan

    I am proud (and to be honest a little surprised) that no one on this site has yet suggested that you committ suicide. That's great. And, I'm sure that someone will "troll" this and suggest that you do, but that is to be expected here of course : )

    I do hope that a cure is found. I suggest prayer - and that you get your friend to ray as well - to whatever good higher power you both can believe in. It won't always work, but there have been some miraculous reports! And this type of meditation has the power to soothe - maybe it can at least make him less scared of dying alone. You and your friend are in my prayers as well for what it is worth!

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  • matthias737

    Don’t ever contemplate about killing yourself or anyone. Don’t ever think to do evil to anyone.

    It is very nice you have decided to support your friend. I have a hope there might be cure for him. Your friend thinks about his future with fear. Fear and love are the strongest emotions. Tell him about Jesus, there is nothing he should fear. It is great he has you. You are helping him to live. Forget about suicide. You need to be strong to help him, mentally stronger than he is. You should try to heal any bad emotions if you have one.

    I believe in process of healing it's very important the choice you make. Think, what would be most important one, most beneficial choice for both of you. Love your friend as you love yourself.

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  • memo123

    Please ,do not committ a suicide ,your soul is precious. you are a faithful friend . Moreover , all of us will die one day not just your friend. Your friend will not be lonely ,he will be with his God.

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  • brpacman

    Give him HEMP plant thc extract!!!!!!!!
    If you are willing to try anything this will cure him!!!!!!!
    Read about rick simpson's "running from the cure" and i hope its not too late by the time you read this!!! Act fast! And learn from this information! It will save your best friend!!!!

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  • matthias737

    I've been in hospital myself three times. I am not very healthy one.

    You have mentioned you had tried everything. I would advice your friend to eat totally RAW VEGAN ORGANIC DIET. Hippocrates says: “Let food be thy medicine and medicine thy food.”
    Nutritionist recommends how to cure cancer:

    “This is or will be the hardest single thing to follow, but it is very important. Only raw organic fruits, vegetables, nuts and sprouted grain are what you will be eating until your cancer is in remission. Nothing cooked; no cooked beans, bread, potatoes, etc. Sounds tough, but let me tell you this is much easier then taking chemotherapy and having your hair fall out, vomiting, being weak, etc. And , of course chemotherapy will not build up your immune system. Instead it will tear it down. Organic raw food is live food and possesses the highest nutritive value. It is full of vitamins, mineral, enzymes, phytochemicals, etc. Cooked food is dead food, plant any seed and it will grow. Cook the seed and then plant it and it will not grow, because its life principle has been destroyed. Place cancer cells in a cooked media and they will proliferate. Now place the cancer cells in a raw matter and they will disappear! This astounding fact is known to the Cancer society, but the public was never informed.”

    Raw food has to be organic only. It is not enough that it says on packing that it's organic. There has to be small logo of Soil Association Organic Standard in UK
    and USDA in USA

    Why it has to be only organic watch on:
    Other important links how to cure cancer:
    In this case vitamin C should be taken intravenously. As vitamin C supplementation in tablets I would recommend Ester C from Solgar because it works as time realised:

    Other links:

    Do more of research about raw food. It definitely works.

    God bless you!

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    • anonymous999

      Thanks a lot for the advice about organic foods and the links! I'll definitely study them. However he already eats only organic food. His parents are farmers, so that helps a bit. He also follows a strict diet from his nutritionist. Indeed mostly vegetables and fruit. But he needs to eat fish and white meat too, such as chicken. His mother cooks most vegetables slightly, otherwise he vomits. Most raw vegetables are too strong for his stomach! Besides they must not contain any bacteria, because his immune system is very weak. It’s very complicated. His cancer is spread through his blood, it’s not a tumor. He has acute lymphoblastic leukemia. So unfortunately eating healthy organic food isn’t enough. Homeopathic stuff doesn’t change anything either. The doctors tried many different types of chemotherapy, sometimes radiation was necessary and he even had a bone marrow transplant. He was recovering after the operation, but then he fell into relapse. Now he is too weak for a second transplant.

      I always try to give him hope. We used to be Christians, but seriously I don’t know if I believe in the Christian God anymore. I don’t know if I believe in any God at all. I just continue praying. But I can’t push myself to convince him about Jesus’ love, I would sound like a hypocrite, because I can’t understand how a God would let people suffer this much. It’s so confusing. Instead I always tell him there is life after death and that his antecedents will take care of him.

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      • Odd

        Stay strong,don't let this test ruin your faith. You do not need to commit suicide, one day (and we hope that day is when you're a 100 years old) when you die, you'll see him again. Time there doesn't last like it does here, I'm sure.

        Make him happy until the end, you'll see him again.

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  • jas07

    Think of YOUR future and your KIDS!!!! Omg!!!! one day you will look back and admire yourself for being so strong and dealing with what we all call life. It's a tough tough thing I lost my 4 year old & 9 month old and husband in a traggic cat accedient. I was the only one who lived!! I felt sooo guilty for so long I had lost my WHOLE life!!!!! There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of them but it was a true test of how strong I really was and how I had to overcome the obsticles of life!! Everything will be OK and one day u will meet again.

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  • mariox402

    Dont stop trying, and keep on doing what you think is right. And dont kill yourself, your friend just doesn't want to be alone on the other side, it's normal. But in case he doesn't make it, Stay by his side the whole time no matter what. Your a True Friend.

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  • matthias737

    ESSENTIAL (by alphabet):
    - Coenzyme Q10, 90mg daily, improves cellular oxygenation.
    - Garlic (Kyolic from Wakunaga), 2 capsules 3 times daily, enhances immune functions.
    - Inositol hepaphosphate (IP6), has powerful anticancer properties, possesses natural killer cell activity.
    - Melatonin, 2-3mg daily, taken 2 hours or less before bedtime, a powerful antioxidant that also aids sleep.
    - Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) a powerful cancer prevention agent.
    - Selenium, 200 mcg daily. Do not exceed a total daily intake of 800 mcg daily from all sources, including diet. Powerful free radical scavenger and protector against cancer. Aids in protein digestion. Caution: Do not take supplemental selenium if you have heart, kidney or liver disease.
    - 7-Keto DHEA, a metabolite of DHEA that possesses anticancer properties without being converted into testosterone or estrogens.
    - Shark cartilage (BeneFin), for cancer treatment 1 gm per 2 lbs of body weight daily, divided into 3 doses. If you cannot tolerate taking it orally, it can be administered in a retention enema. For cancer prevention 2000-4500 mg 3 times daily. Has been shown to inhibit and even reverse the growth of some types of tumors. Also stimulates the immune system.
    - Superoxide dismutase (SOD), destroys free radicals. Consider injections (under doctor’s supervision)
    - Vitamin A (Micellized Vitamin A emulsion from American Biologics), 50,000 IU daily for 10 days, then reduce to 25,000 IU daily. People with cancer require higher than normal amounts of this antioxidant. Use emulsion form for easier assimilation and greater safety at higher doses. Capsule forms put more stress on liver.
    - Carotenoid complex with beta-carotene enhances natural killer cell activity. Low beta-carotene levels have been especially associated with lung, bronchial and stomach cancer.
    - Vitamin E, up to 1,000 IU daily, a powerful antioxidant and cancer-fighter. Use d-alpha-tocopherol emulsion form for easier assimilation and greater safety at high doses.
    - Vitamin C with bioflavonoids, 5,000–20,000 mg daily in divided doses. Powerful anticancer agent that promotes the production of interferon in the body.

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  • tattybojangles

    did he died?

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  • Hmmaybe

    He may mean a lot to you but even after he is dead you have so much to live for. Live the life he can not there is so much to experience, don't throw it away, not on account of anything.

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  • chris1710

    Call this man, he can help 07590 106151

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  • Trismegistus

    We are all slowly ding.

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  • mevil

    well, you seem to be a good person, and i think you should stand by your friend side `till the end (or maybe it`s over because i dont know if this story is old) but you have to realize your friend is not as good as you. sorry for the cold words but someone has to tell you this. nobody should ask to someone else to commit suicide it`s too selfish and even evil. i would ask you to respond to this comment, even if you want to insult me for my words, that`s ok at least we`ll know you are still alive.

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  • Gabriell

    Tell him there is nothing scary in death. DON'T kill yoyrself. KEEP researching. DON'T harm yourself while researching.

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  • I kniw exactly how u feel ive been in ur shoes! Im glad ur tryin and im prayin for you and ur friends the onl y mustake uve made is sellin ur soul to the devil, not smart goin to hell dont make ur friend better if u do kill urself theres a chance u will not be with him he will be in heaven and unfortunately u will not talk to ur precher or a precher about the sellin ur soul thing pray to the one and only god! The one that sent jesus to die for ur sins he is the only one who can help good luck and dont stop prayon hes the only one that can make miracles happen an if yr friend does leave thus world know this, god calls on the best to be his angels!

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  • Think.. If you will kill yourself he will be sad for you.. If it is his destiny to go away then it's time for you to pray to him.

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  • MarshmallowShopper

    aww hope he gets better! don't kill yourself, lisen to everyone on here. :3

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  • jessiii


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  • yeathatgirl

    Never give up on finding a cure. Your friend needs you. But do not kill yourself. When he asked you I don't think he did it bc he's selfish. He's just terrified. Anyone whose bout to die would be. He wants something normal, something familiar. I don't think he really means that. You sound like a great guy with a big heart. It's people like you that make this world easier to live in. Just be there for him. Try to understand where he's coming from. I can't tell you how to get over this or how to deal with it. That's something no one can help with. Everyone grieves in different ways. Keep being strong. For you and for him.

    To touch on the issue of faith I'd have to say heartbreaking situations can either break your faith or restore it. When it comes to death we never see why "god" would take young children or wonderful people from us. We don't understand why rapist and murders live yet your best friend has to die. It's not fair. And it will never be. The only thing you can do is make peace with this issue. It's not the end of the world if you choose not to believe. One day your faith will be restored. I hope this helps ;)

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  • MyTobyBaby

    I use to be the same way with my mom, who is dying of ALS. But now I have to learn to accept it, because her disease is terminal, so there's nothing anyone can do to help her. And please don't commit suicide, I tried that just four months age, and it's not worth the pain of the ones who love you.

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  • Your amazing. I've never heard of such a loyal friend. I look up too you. Sadly I can't agree with dying along with him. How do you even know there's another world to go to? I'm not judging your friend, I bet he's a great person. But he wouldn't be a good friend telling you to die with him. He would want you to live you life, get married, have kids, do something with your life then die peacefully. If he is a good friend he would wait for you.

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  • bellabellacat

    Oh hon - don't do yourself in. You are a wonderfful friend but your friend isn't being rational - totally understandably! I personallly believe there are lots of loved ones waiting to greet us on the other side -even if we don't really know who. God bless!

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  • cheesey_jelly

    I wish I could tell the whole world to pray for you and your best friend. But all I can I say is you are in my prayers and in our hearts. What you're doing is more than some of us can say we've done. Keep fighting for him, even if you lose the battle, you'll know you tried to the best of your ability. Please don't end your life, of course, be there for your friend until his is up, but when he's (if he does go) gone, live your life, leaving him in your heart.
    All the best, be strong, he needs you.

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  • peacelovenchocolate

    Keep trying but don't kill yourself I know he's your best friend but I'm sure that he would have other people up there for him and also if he does go it will b a perfect world so he wouldn't even have to worry about being alone it would b absolutly perfect... Hopes this helps! N I hope he makes it :)

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  • karmarainbow

    i understand how much it hurts... you have to make sure and not get totally lost in his sickness though. its very hard to do. you are doing the best thing you can, and being there for him is more than noble. thinking about ending your own life will not help anything. pain is something that can be dealt with and worked through.

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  • matthias737

    - Grifron maitake D-fraction from Maitake Product, a mushroom extract that contains D-fraction form of isolated beta-1,6-glucan, a substance that prevents carcinogenesis and inhibits the growth of cancerous tumors. Also helps the body adapt to the stress of cancer treatments such as chemotherapy.
    - Acidophilus (Probiata from Wakunaga) has an antibacterial effect on the body. Use non-dairy formula.
    - Chromium picolinate, at least 600 mcg daily, helps to build and maintain muscle mass. Useful if muscle atrophy exists.
    - Flaxseed oil, has antioxidant properties and may protect against, and prevent spread of, cancer.
    - Kyolic-EPA from Wakunaga, speed healing.
    - Grape seed extract, a powerful antioxidant.
    - Kelp or seaweed, 1,000-1,500 mg daily. For mineral balance and to help the body avoid damage resulting from radiation therapy.
    - L-Carnitine, protects against damage from free radicals and toxins. Use a form derived from fish liver (squalene).
    - Multienzyme complex, to aid digestion.

    There is much more to write. The important thing is to avoid any dairy products. To eat low-fat diet and supplement omega 3.
    - Curcumin, an extract from the spice turmeric, is gaining attention for its antioxidant properties and its ability to protect against cancer.
    - Tomatoes, onions, rosemary, green tea...
    - It says: “Do not eat any animal protein – never eat luncheon meat, hot dogs, or smoked or cured meats. As your condition improves, eat broiled fish three times a week.”

    I pray for him. God bless

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  • matthias737

    Thank you for telling me more about your friend. Unfortunately I don’t know anything about this type of illness.
    I understood he can't digest raw food. Under these circumstances it would be worth trying to eat raw food - fruits and vegetables prepared in blender or juicer.
    He should avoid peanuts, saturated fats, salt, sugar, or white flour. Instead of salt, use sea salt, kelp, or a potassium substitute. Avoid all teas except for herbal teas.
    Preferred is food with lots of fiber as clean bowels are very important. Person is as healthy as his/her bowels. Regular bowel movement helps to get rid of toxins and all body waste.
    If you can buy book (on Amazon, might get it in whole food store):

    Prescription for Nutritional Healing, Fifth Edition: A Practical A-To-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements.

    The best would be find some specialized nutritionist center, someone who has years of experience with passion helping others, but you had already mentioned it.

    This book is great and helped me a lot. I have third edition. There is already the fifth updated addition. I can recommend some SUPPLEMENTS from this book against cancer in general as I didn't find reference form acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

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  • You can't pray to any God, and think their going to answer. You have to stick with Jesus chrisy

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  • Don't kill yourself or ur elf

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  • Duke

    He asked you to kill your self...what the fuck, I see no logic in that. Your friend is dyin, sad truth to face but that's life.

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  • kornjerker

    he dos need a friend after he dieds and i think that should be u cuz u guys would be best friends forever so i tink u should end it

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  • yayasaga

    Well do not kill yourself!!!!!! If there is a heaven and a god he will be loved very much on the other side. Plus people who commit suicide according to the bible don't go to heaven anyways. So he wld and you wldnt. He can be waiting for you there. Patiently. The people who love you here need you your young and have a wonderful future ahead of you. Your friend should and will understand that. Best of luck finding your miracle!! I'll pray for you both

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  • welcome_to_nightmare

    when first seeing the post i laughed my ass off and reading through the post made me laugh even more. your a fucking idiot. who uses all their money funding crap that at the end of the day does jack shit. voodoo, witchcraft and praying to gods that aint gonna do anything either and if your god agreement does pan out doesn't an agreement with one god like nullify all the others? gods are greedy they're not gonna share you and if they keep you, what makes you think you could see your friend coz you dont seem to be losing anything? next killing yourself because your friend doesn't want to be alone once he's dead... the guys a selfish asshole and you should slap his terminal ass. i think you should just smother him lol or atleast just let him die. your makin a whole big deal out of nothing summary your an idiot. p.s if i wasted all my money on some bum i might want to kill myself too lol.

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  • dailynews

    Have you tried praying to the God of the Bible? My advice is to ask a pastor who knows the Bible to visit your friend. If you both accept Jesus in your hearts, you'll see each other in heaven, at least :) I know it's tough to want to stay alive, but there is hope! Don't give up! I'll be praying for you!

    Psalm 34:18
    "The LORD is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit."

    John 3:16
    "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son (Jesus) so that whoever believes in Him might have eternal life."

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  • Yeah go kill yourself and see if it brings your friend back...really. Just do it.

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  • iLuvAnimalzz33

    he wants you to take your own life if he dies? selfish.

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    • frums


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  • WTF. soldyour damn soul? your crazy and stupid..if its his time its his time... selling your soul your insane...THINK of your friend, he would not want you to do all of this for him. sell your soul, VOO-DOO,selling your soul, trying to kill man. i can see your a good person but over did it

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  • Trismegistus

    You guys suck!Stop exploiting his desperation for religious propaganda purposes at once!He can pray all he wants,prayer never healed nobody you stupid fucks!Sorry.I lost it.
    I personally would like ding holding the hand of somebody I love while he/she is ding as well.Ding together holding hands.Possibly after the last meal the last joint and the last shag.In this order.If you plan to kill yourself you might wanna do it in a cool way.Even known I think it would be an awful waste.But before you do it,make your friend knock up some fine chick.Children are our only immortality.
    That would be my last wish.If I had any strenght left in me to do it.And,don't get fooled,you'll never meet him again.
    But you can raise his child..wouldn't that be just awesome?If you can't do it right now,save some of his sperm!Some of his cells!put it under liquid nitrogen for later use!If you can't freeze him whole...maybe one day cloning won't be illegal and...
    It sounds crazy doesn't it?Well,it would most likely work better than praying!
    You have my sympathy.For what's worth.

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    • Trismegistus

      Last will:I want to be cloned several times and frozen whole under liquid nitrogen or have my body stored in any other efficient way to be revived or resurrected in the future.(I'm being seriously)

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  • redwhite

    I'm truly sorry to hear about your friend. I am not as fortunate as you.

    I have no friends to worry about

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    • YumInsanity

      its all about you isnt it

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  • rak

    U have to find a truly Pentecostal church so if there are really Christians they could help you. When I was a little kid, I had a testicle disease, I was about to lose it then a few truly Christian guys came up to my house and started praying for me.after that I had no pain because I was healed by Jesus Christ. He's the only one who can really help you

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  • Go talk to a Baptist'll help. And dont kill urself. It won't make a difference trust me

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  • amili

    Use this passion and love for your friend and turn it into something productive! Please don't do anything to harm yourself: use this passion and love for your friend in a good way. Try and help others like volunteering with cancer research groups or Study a course so you can maybe one day help other cancer patients. You have a big beautiful heart, please use it for positive work!

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  • lalalala34

    Please do not kill yourself, that's not the right thing to do.

    But I wanted to comment to tell you that there are alternatives to cancer treatment, I once watched a documentary about how there is some centers that treat cancer where cancer patients eat high amounts of fruit and vegetables and are treated with high amounts of vitamins and it really does work.

    Also, I'd recommend reading the book "The China Study" by T. Colin Campbell, PHD. It talks about how meat causes many diseases, and cancers (animal proteins cause it) and going vegan can reverse these diseases and stop cancer and reverse cancer growth.. so a vegan, plant based diet for your friend could very well be helpful as well.

    So I just wanted to let you know about these options to look into that could help since you really seem to want to try anything to save your friend.

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  • pasha_32510

    Ideot for selling your soul

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    • delirium

      Not really, if it could save someone i truly love, i would do too. I'd buy a new one after :).. I mean i think i can handle it without a soul for a time..

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  • LasNoches7

    is he dead yet?

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  • gaz3912

    Grief is a natural human condition.

    In our lifetime, we all experience the death of a loved one.

    One day, you will pass (die) and the best you can hope for, is to die in your sleep.

    Memories after all, are an accumulation of a life lived.

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  • DestroShinigani

    youve already damaged your purity pretty badly...i dont know if god will take him to heaven or not but if he does then your pretty likely to go to hell for selling your soul to the devil...but if god is forgiving enough, and he's extremely forgiving, so long as you dont commit suicide, pray to god, and if you made a pentagram destroy the demon it has within could possibly go to heaven

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  • phoenix26657

    cool can i have your freinds body

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  • Klem_Stardom

    Let me start out by telling you I apologize for being a bit gruff. Do not commit suicide, no matter what your friend wants you to do. If my best friend died, I would be devastated. Heck, I would be crushed if she even moved. No matter what happens, DO NOT KILL YOURSELF! If you have to, go to a counseling class. You have other friends who are friends with your best friend, right? I know for a fact that they would hate loosing both you and your best friend. Keep searching for cures, but spare your own life.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    Am probably gonna lose my 80 something year old stepdad soon. He has Parkinson's and a bunch of other stuff wrong with him .It is sad to see such a kind gentle soul go out like that. So I know how you feel.I try and think of all the good times we had and still have. take care of yourself and don't do anything stupid to cope.Do something nice for yourself everyday to keep sane.

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  • Mrar

    You will get through this.

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  • Waya

    Instead of ending your life and become useless , use your life to find a cure. Others are going through the same grief as you. When you meet your freind again hell definetely be proud. Dont worry hes in gods loving hands.

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  • toofgod

    Nobody owns your body but YOU. If you want to snuff tour life then make sure you follow through with it. I'd be SELFISH for anyone to twll you otherwise

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  • anti-hero


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  • PeterSykes

    Kill him and then he won't be a burden.

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  • David718

    you're a great friend. :)

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    • Mikefromthed

      ... And if he's ok with it and you are fight! Fight until you can't fight anymore.

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  • Shily666

    I have seen this exact thing on this website before. It's fake.

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  • alextsang08


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  • Cheese123

    Just accept that he will die whether now or later. I'm so sorry, Inwish I could give you better news than that. There aren't miracle cures for terminal cancer, and religions just don't work that way.

    You have to live on.

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  • Aurora93

    Are you still alive?

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  • PayDay

    Compounds in marijuana and baking soda is proven to cure cancer

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  • LemonCheese

    I think it's amazing that you're doing all you can for your terminally ill friend. So, you shouldn't stop, no matter what. But even so, none of these things could work, so spend all the time in the world with him that you can, make sure you treat everyday as his last. But I'm not sure about killing yourself for him, you probably have so many people who love and care about you. You have your whole life ahead of you, I'm sure your family and friends absolutely adore you, and they will be absolutely devastated if you were to do such a thing. You really need to have a long think. Your friend will be okay on "the other side", so don't worry. I'm sure he's got at least 1 person he'll know up there. (:

    P.S. I'm not religious, but I'm just trying to think of anything I can to help.

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  • desmond1990

    No amount of praying/voodoo will help him.

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  • chocolate21

    Look, I know he is your best friend but you have to accept that he has cancer. Stop trying with the voodoo stuff. If he wants you to commit suicide for him, then that is pretty selfish! Please just move on.

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  • curvyblonde95

    Don't ever let anyone talk you into taking suicide. If he says you have to take suicide if he dies, he is very selfish! Yes, it is sad that he is dying, but that should NOT mean that you have to go with him.

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  • Arsonwolf

    Vitamin C. Look up the 60 min story.

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  • lovehate83

    You wouldn't want to be alone so why would you want your friend to be alone?

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  • PainfullyHonest

    LISTEN READ THIS ENTIRE THING! A friend that is so selfish that he asked you to die with him is not worth it AT ALL If he accepted it and told you to just forget about him then I'd keep going but this asshole that said "Kill yourself" NEEDS to die it's guys like these that make those insane cults where everyone drinks poison. Do you REALLY think you should kill yourself for someone like that? If so then you're a suicidal idiot looking for a reason to die.

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  • th33INSAN33

    You'll just have to face the facts that he may die. Trying to contact all gods possible(there are around 33,000 total) is a waste of time. No god or goddess will be able to help as they do not exist. Sold your soul to the devil? What did you do? If someone was making an offer with you, you got scammed. Trying to go to witches won't solve you friend's problem either. There's no such thing as magic. If your friend is meant to die, then let him go. There's nothing you can do about it. If the doctors say that he is soon to die, you might as well leave it at that. I am terribly sorry that your friend is dying. I know how much hurt this can cause a person. I've lost several family members to cancer. You really don't need to kill yourself over this though. You have a life to live. Why waste it? I'm pretty sure there isn't an "afterworld". You should always live life to the fullest.

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  • Twistedsniper98

    I know how you feel... My grandma had lung cancer, bone cancer, and others... She was going crazy. Not like a phycopath, but like a " not yourself anymore"... But she died 3 days before school started... And I just got into highschool so it was extremely hard for me. But what I'm trying to say, is to never give up....

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Yes, you should try to do anything you can to keep him alive.

    No, you should not commit suicide. Who knows if there is an afterlife? What if there isn't? Its existence hasn't been proved. If there wouldn't be one it would be just a pointless waste of life...

    I'm sure your friend would not want that for you. If he truly is your friend, he'd want you to live a long and happy life, and be happy if you found someone else when he isn't with you anymore.

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  • FriendlyAnswers

    Do not kill yourself at all! God created your body to kill your self or what? I don't want to be rude but do not kill your self please just because somebody you love is dying it doesn't mean that you should kill your self please do not kill yourself please !!!!!!

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  • Coolieo

    I would be overwhelmed if someone loved me as a friend that much; you shouldn't take your life over someone that will be sad you killed yourself for.

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  • Unknowngjg

    If your friend does die don't end yours soldier on and find a cure

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  • Malik333

    Pray ALLAH but be prepared... Death is a reality and it can't be stopped... Suiside is the worst idea... Don't create hell for yourself and your friend too....

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  • wolflover87

    you freaking sold your soul?
    Sorry, but that's not worth it.
    You need to find one religion you like.
    For example,I'm catholic, which means christian (duh) and if your friend died he would go to heaven (if he was a good guy) Ok, you sold ur soul...sorry.
    And voodoo? Come on.
    And since you sold your won't be with him "on the other world anyways."
    Life is nothing, remember that.

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  • XxPattycakexX

    I'm sorry about your friend but there are some things that one just can't fix. Stop trying and accept it. Spend time with your friend and treasure the time you have- make ammence. As for suicide...that's something I just can't believe he asked from you! That's selfish of him. Don't waste your time on finding remedies doll. Instead, help him cope with death and ease his pain.

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  • Zeldamaniac2

    Plz don't commit suicide!!!!!
    You were destined to be born otherwise you woulnt be on earth!!!
    You have a life so you should enjoy it while it lasts

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  • laugh.alot13

    Please don't kill yourself! You are truly an AWESOME friend to him for all you've done even contemplating suicide. Just be supportive while he's still with you and try to say goodbye when he leaves :)

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  • 777electric

    Go kill yourself then, shows what a "friend" you are.

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  • Sunnydayz

    You should try but not to hard
    My granddad got lung cancer and gr lived for five more months than expected we tried a lot but his time came

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  • Ningelle

    It's extremely unlikely that you'd end up together even if you did kill yourself, so it'd be kinda pointless.

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  • grandwizard

    See a therapist. Next thing we know she will be humping the dead corpse

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  • derpington

    You sound like a very devoted friend! There are not that many people like you that will care this much-which is sad. But its normal to care this much..but dont kill yourself. When we lose things in life we love, we feel hopeless and lost which is probably what you feel like but we all pull through when we are strong! Pull through this life challange and you will live happily.

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  • LoverBitch1234

    Keep Trying And Dont Give Up!! Commiting Suicide Is Like Quitting And You Have To Be Strong For The Both Of You. Tell Him Someone Needs To Be Around Looking Out For The People And Things He Love So That Is Why You Should And ARE Not Going To Do It. If He Still Believes He Will Be Lonely In The After Life I Am Sure There Are Many Relatives Waiting With Open Arms. I Think You Are A Remarkable Human Being And Friend And Keep Trying Because Cancer Will Be Stopped One Day.
    Why Not Today?

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  • Im going to tell this to you straight up. I understand you love your friend. Its obvious you care. The best thing, in my opinion, is to spend his last days with him. By no means am I telling you to give up, I would never discourage such a determined-spirited person. Actually, I respect you for your bravery,and thoughtful. All I am saying is to use you guys' time together wisely. Perhaps keep praying to God, but only if you really believe in your heart, otherwise, you'll get no outcome. But if -not when- it is his time to go, you cant hold the bitterness. If he is your friend, truly, he will have want you to be happy. You will make him happy by being happy.

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  • Amz

    You are an amazing friend cause your trying your hardest to help you friend but don't kill yourself you may seem sad about it cause their your best friend but don't do anything stupid and think about killing yourself just keep helping him and maybe he will live. :) Hope they do get better!

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  • Geldsmaggen

    Don't commit suicide, but for his sake keep up the research. New discoveries are made all the time. Think of all the past medical discoveries. There had to have been people who had been diagnosed as terminal and told there was no hope just before these discoveries were made that then got lucky and made it.
    Studies show THC starves cancer cells. Google it there is a lot of information on this. If he's not already try to get him a medical marijuana card if your state has it. Though not a cure for cancer(though it may reduce the risk of a tumor living to that point and may slow the growth of a malignant tumor) it might give him more time.

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    • Geldsmaggen

      Then, again(and none of this should be taken as medical advice) from some reports it may go into total remission from THC, though it's unlikely (for example, Bob Marley died of toe cancer).

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  • leeloominai

    apricot seeds cure cancer, true story.

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  • 362led

    Kill yourself don't let him die alone

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  • Wh0Ar3YoU


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  • trollx1

    don't do it try giving him cannabis for his cure it works my friend smoked cannabis and it cured his cancer

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  • donky6

    Nawet zmarli ludzie mają przyjaciół też

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  • walrus101

    what happens is meant to happen. pray to whatever God you believe in, oh, and don't sell your soul to the devil. if you successfully sell your soul to the devil, he will give you anything you want, but you will regret it, I promise.

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  • emmawesome9

    I don't think he is being a good friend at all if he is asking for you to kill yourself. Think about everyone else. Your parents, his parents, your other friends. You shouldn't have to die because he does.

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  • p0c0no

    Just... do a little diggy today, because I am a dwarf and I'm digging a hole.. diggy diggy hole.. I'm digging a hole :D. That song inspires me!

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  • Noodleflower

    Sweetie aww!!! D': keep praying no mater what... No doctor can just say that even if they do pass away god took them for a reason and god is always there for you even if your friend does pass... I am praying for you bunches!!!

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  • Nahtangnouv

    this post is old that guy might have died already (just letting u know)

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  • 1marcelfilms

    Its normal. Evryone dies

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  • Milenajonijon

    So what happened? Is there a conclusion to this?

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  • Seustewart

    Good voodoo? Selling ur soul? Are you mad? Turn to God for Christ is the answer. God may or may not cure ur friend but he can put u both at peace. Right now ur facing both losing ur friend and heading straight to hell. Good luck.

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  • humaNoID

    how are YOU doing?

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  • Flaberghasted

    Your friend is selfish

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  • Lysander

    you know, the relationship you two guys have is amazing, i wish i had such a good friend as you. but think for a minute, he is about to die and if science cant stop it there will be no good or magic that can help. however immortality can happen, even if he dies but you remember him he wont be dead at all, just like air, you know it is there even though you cant see it. i just recently lost a good friend of mine and the girl i loved the most in my life and many times ive looked at the knife i carry in my pocket and thought that all the pain i carry in my chest could be good in seconds but then i light a smoke (im not proud of it but its the escape i found) and in the middle of the night when silence invades our world and hear the light sound of tobacco burning i remember her and think that i can hang on. you gotta hang in there, for him, for your family and your friends, you could never imagine how many people you would hurt if you took your life. just take a deep breath and make every single moment with your friend a moment you will never forget.

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  • nonoitisnot

    This is really stupid, he is going to due get over it. Be a normal person

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  • davidnine

    One thing for certain.All of us are going to die.Sadly,some of us sooner than others.Dying is part of life.Dying is easy,it's living that's the tough part,especially living without the ones we love.

    Hurting yourself,and I know you're in emotional pain also,is doom for you,and no turning back .

    Your friend wouldn't want that of you. If you are a true friend,just be there for your friend. It will mean more than you could ever know.

    One day,you will be happy with your decision to be with your friend til the end.It's an awesome gift to be there for someone !

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  • thatoneperson

    He is not a true friend if he asks you to end your life. That is selfish. If there is an afterlife, a true friend would want you to enjoy your life, and wait for you.

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  • DenverWagner

    Read Harry Potter, you'll understand death better.

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  • Eliott+Transford

    this is harsh but im a bit of a sociopath... what a selfish b*tch.

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  • LookSomeonesWelding

    ugh all the comments are so long.

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  • r0xy

    Soooo sorry about ur friend ur being really nice by trying to help but don't KILL yourself if ur friend dies please listen to everyone on here

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  • DiddleyDo

    Ok. No one will ever read this which I am writing now, but just for the chance that somebody does, I'm here to say with absolute rational understanding that this is true:


    If you're looking for remission, I'd directly go for the BEST: there's a man called Gerald Kein (I am *not* related to him in any way and won't get a cent for this) that has got people to find their REMISSIONS. He's American and he's a hypnotist (I too am a hypnotist, and even though I know the technique, I wouldn't risk people's lives saying that I know I can cure them because I'm still denifinitely not *that* tried and tested. Kein's got about 50 years of work in the field of hypnosis, and is a nice, funny old chap. He's a great person to get to know.)

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  • starkitty

    don't die! be my friend :3

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  • Avant-Garde

    Don't kill yourself and forgive me but your friend is being selfish. I know he's scared to die, but he should want the best for you. I'm sure he'll make friends in the afterlife. Please, don't tell me you really sold your soul! Never get caught up in black magic! Don't get me wrong I'm into cosmic stuff, but there are some things no one should get into even in desperate times. Good luck, though:)

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  • Ambiguous

    You have to learn to let go. It is a natural process in this world and eventually the world keeps turning. The best thing to do is to stay strong and make your friend proud and avenge him by making a solution to the problem.

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  • nietnormal

    Check out vegan diet

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  • I am nobody for you but I tell you and adk you to Please do NOT kill yourself.

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  • FourAMandstillgoin

    I dont want to put a downer on you but you are currently going through a stage of greiving: the point where you will do anything, i hope you can get through this healthily until you finally reach acceptance (before that will come denail, anger and possibly numbness) but i hope you know investing too much effort may only hurt you more in the long run. its perfectly understandable as to why you would go to such lenghts.

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  • FourAMandstillgoin

    I hope you havent killed yourself( if you did, this is a very pointless post) I will say if you did you probably wouldnt see your friend on the other side because you sold your soul. I Highly doubt voodoo and other such practices will work but your strength to keep trying is admirable, if you get through this after all has passed, i seriously hope youd consider putting efgort into helping other lives too, we need people like you. And im sorry if that doesnt help you in anyway.

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  • MythologicalMoose

    He dies = You die = Family might kill themselves = Other family and friends may kick the buclet too = And so on...

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  • MythologicalMoose

    Your friend isnt a friend if he want YOU to die, because HE dies. And he wants you to continue this crap? Gotta stop gurl.

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  • Whatever you do,
    You're feeling this pain because your friend is dying right? Well your gonna do the same thing to your whole family if you kill yourself!!!

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  • Drakerocks

    Ummmm all i can say is keep up the good work.

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  • peachlux69

    just remember, whe we die, we die alone. even if you die at the same time, you enter the realm by yourself. suicide is a bad idea.

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  • I love how your trying to save your best friend BUT DON'T KILL YOUR SELF!!!! and I think it's f'd up that your " best friend " would ask you to kill your self for him

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  • bigbob101

    What good are you dead answer that question? if he dies fuck it he dies. Honor his life by helping other people in need devote your career path to becoming the greatest fucken scientist ever find cure for cancer

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  • MegaM7777

    suicide only brings you to hell...

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  • -awesome-freak

    P.s tell him to try and make you hate him before he dies so you would be less depressed :/

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  • -awesome-freak

    I wish I can have you as my best friend you are doing the best you can but I consider it very selfish of him to want to end ur life for himself please don't kill yourself though :(

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  • ebonysky

    Is it odd that I don't believe this post? The books and organic stuff? It's sounds fake

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  • AmINormal101

    Jeezz this is all messed up.. Feels like everyone's panicking.. Hey, don't kill yourself. Really... Make sure he accepts Jesus Christ as personal Savior and repent from his sins. Consider this it might not cure him but it will be an assurance that he will go to Heaven.

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  • Don't kill your self because then you'll cause trouble to yet even more people. Just keep trying to find an alternative and live your life as he would like to have lived his. If he is going to die, remind him he is going to a better place.

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  • pinerd

    Commit your life to finding a cure for cancer. Im sure your friend would like that more

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  • niniozo

    everyone dies eventually. unfortunately his time has come sooner. he cannot ask you to take your own life. you musnt do it, you will hurt your friends, your family. think of how his family feel he is terminally ill, then think of how your family would feel if you comitted SUICIDE. im pretty sure its worse. your parents will look like bad parents. your siblings will be known as 'the brother/sister of ___ who killed themself' you will hurt everyone who loves you, and chances are you wont see the guy in heaven, as you may be in hell. and there may not be a heaven or hell. just dont do it. he may live, he may die. your time isnt meant to come, so dont make it come. if he had a choice to choose if he lived, do you think he would choose die? no. dont do it.

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  • Wow you are truly a great person. People like you are very rare. You have a kind heart. But PLEASE do not kill yourself. Even though your friend said it, I know he really doesn't want you to die. He wants you to live and be happy. Keep trying and pray with him as much as you can. <3333

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  • horsedick.mpeg

    Ok first off, you're a good friend secondly don't kill yourself he's retarded to tell you to do that, third they probably won't find a cure in our lifetime fourth take a chill pill And lastly try to make his last days friggin epic.

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  • aceface93

    This is so sad but if he really cared for you honey he wouldnt ask u to commit suicide no matter how scared he is to be alone. Simple as that

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  • alexrobyyy

    In most religions if you suicide you don't go to heaven and what will your family do if you die. They will feel very upset ;(

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  • maui

    Please do not kill yourself. You and your friend both need help. I recommend you talk to someone. you have taken on too much responsibilty. Your friend may die, we all will eventually. for them to ask you to kill yourself is crazy. yes they may be terrorfied of dying, that is natural. so maybe if they spoke to a counsellor or someone they could accept their on-coming death and make peace.
    this is their path not yours.
    peace be with you.

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  • WhiteSheepOfTheFamily

    You need to focus on being with your friend right here, on earth, while he's still here. You'll have plenty of time later to practice voodoo, find a cure, or kill yourself.

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  • aeiou

    I don't know if you're friend is even your friend. No offense but he's kind of selfish. Think of this, he would like you to kill yourself after his death. A true friend would ask you to stop and rest because you've done waaaay more than enough. You've been very very loyal to him.

    If you really love your best friend, just pray dude. In one way or another, prayers always turns everything at its best.

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  • nadim

    Don't die on us you sound like a friend anyone would want

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  • polkadot101

    Please don't kill your self please! The people around you will be very sad

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  • kyanviado

    You are a true friend but to kill yourself is never an option. Believe me I have made 12 attempts myself and I regret I ever tried because now my arms have scars which will be there for the rear of my life. You stated you spoke to witches. That is my personal belief. A little tip, the potion or spell does not work by itself. No, you also have to believe in it. If you have read the wiccan last rite, I assume you haven't but I could be wrong. But one of the sentence is as follows

    "Let my family mourn my passing but not my loss,
    and let them heal knowing I will see them again"

    Same as I believe in Christian beliefs as long as you believe in it, whatever you are, christian or pagan you will see your friend again

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  • samanthab1997

    Im so sorry for you...but keep up he'll be thankfull when its over

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  • kayla8

    its admirable wat uv done but sometimes theres things in life u have no control over and u may need to accept that. i hope hes ok but idno if theres really much you yourself can do to stop their cancer leave it to their doctors and god. dont kill urself, u have ur whole life ahead of you...just think it wud b more beneficial to maybe raise money for cancer research than kill yourself or b there to support their family after. its sad about your friend but the only thing that cud make it worse wud b if a perfectly healthy person choose to died too as a result.

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  • FocoUS

    Don't kill yourself. It's unfair that you try so hard to keep him alive an he wants you to off yourself. The stress of the cancer is probably making your friend act a little funny.

    You're too hard on yourself. Death is something that happens to everyone. It happens to some younger than other. But it's a fact, and you have to accept fact.

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  • Please don't kill yourself or harm yourself!x

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  • shag776

    It is normal to try to help a dying friend, but the shit you've said you've done is ridiculous. I think you may be obsessed with you're friend.

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  • Zone

    You gotta live for the both of you. If you die, he will definitely be gone forever.

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  • if it were me i would have to say no on this one. if he was delirious the first time he asked then he probobly didnt mean to say it in the first place. fever can make you do and say crazy things, trust me.but if you die many other people will get hurt and if he wants to go in peace, let him but it really is up to you.

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  • megipop626

    It's great that your trying to find a cure for him and everything but YOU need to think about YOU. Don't do anything that will harm you because the people you love will feel the same way that you feel about your friend, about you. You know how horrible it feels so why would you want other people to feel that way? That may even cause them to go to extremes like you.

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  • You will see him again someday.

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  • Take him to Cleveland clinic

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  • mathwiz6

    Do voodoo and all that stuff but dont commit suicide. Think about it this way if u commit suicide ur family will be lonely.

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  • sydnicayden

    I think it's amazing what you are doing for your friend. I would do the same for my bff/bf Dylan. But I don't think that you should commit suicide if he dies. I mean it's sweet that you would do that. But going that far is a little too obsessive. Maybe you should listen to his parents and just let fait take over. Everyone has their time. And maybe now it is his. Sorry but I felt like I had to say all that because my aunt lost her bff/bf to brain cancer too. So I kind of know what your going through. Good luck. And one more thing. Don't kill yourself your time will come but don't die for your bff even if u do love him that much.

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  • Sweetz

    If this is true then i think you seem like a good friend but about the whole commiting suicide part....ehhhh....what if hell does exist? Or you end up somewhere else? Think about family and others. i know we all die, its a part of life but let it happen on its own. Your time will come eventually.

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  • I contemplate suicide every day, I just can't do, as all I have are shit-tastic kitchen knives. I knom from experience, there is a HUGE difference between contemplating and doing. If you think it's the right thing, then I would not get in the way. But, do you think there is "another side" , that if you die, you WILL see your friend? What would happen if you don't, and died for nothing? These are things you must contemplate.

    TL;DR version: it's your choice, but think about it carefully, as its your life.

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  • a7x-is-awsome

    I am so sory for your friend but uf u kill your self u will go to he'll. I am not trying to be mean but it is true u will go to he'll for killing your self

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  • ToriahnaChristine695

    I am glad ur concerned about him but instead of killing urself, why not pray for him? If u don't I will

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  • MiraviDesu

    Haha! Gowilla "don't kill your elf"...... Funny....... The situation the poster is in, crazy not funny. Don't kill yourself, he's in a state of greif over his own demise that he is saying ludicrous things. I'm sure if he were us and is as true a friend you say, I think he'd tell you to live you life so fully and happily that your heart explodes at a very old age because it was too full of love and wonderful memories.

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  • ninehalf338

    You are such a good friend. But your friend can not expect you to kill your self. You have done all you could do and you can not take your own life

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  • You have done everything you've can do and even sold your soul to the devil to try to save his life but it's not a smart idea to do pray to all these gods because only one has to choice to see who lives who dies

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  • U must luv ur fwend so much. I think its normal. If they ur bff u don wama loose them 4eva :( i wud do ANYTHING 2 sav meh bff

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  • It's one thing to do stuff for ur friends but if u don't want to don't, you only live once, are u ready to be done?

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  • Don't kill yourself. Your trying your hardest. In my honest opinion it's quite selfish to ask someone who is busting there butt for you to kill themselves if they die. I hope your friend isn't dead and he won't die but it's out of your hands, take it easy.

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  • Max-imus

    Become a doctor or an oncology researcher. Your time would be better spent. You may be the one that discovers the cure!

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  • Max-imus

    Yo! I've lost 3 friends in the past 10 days. Not one of them would have asked me to die so he or she would feel better. I feel for your friend, but what he is asking is selfish an I'm sure he doesn't really mean it. Cancer is a horrible thing. The best thing you can do for him and for yourself is to be there for him. He will pass and you will move on, despite how struck you are by this now. I wish you peace, happiness and wisdom...

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  • stephy2284

    Hi I understand your friend is dying and I'm truly sorry for that but if he or she was a true friend they would not tell you to commit any kind if pain or suicide to your self and as to keep trying to find a cure keep on and don't lose faith you never know what happens. My father was diagnosed with some kind of throat cancer my sister and her church prayed and prayed for him in the day they were going to do surgery on him to in his throat they first put they camera in his throat before operating and they couldn't find the cancer at all his was asleep and all supplies were next to him to start the surgery. The surgeon put a stop to the operation and till this day thanks god my father is alive and living well and with all proof of document and blood test to prove he had throat cancer so keep up the faith!

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  • itssofluffy12

    Keep researching! It's good for you and your friend! But never ever ever kill yourself!!

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  • Don't kill your self because if u do that u will make all of the others that love you feel the same way and you don't want that

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  • sarah101


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  • sarah101

    Stay stormy and don't kill your self and I know it hard

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  • dirty_Narcissus

    Live as long as you can. Cuz there is no OTHER SIDE. No one guarantees that. I personly don't believe in heaven or hell. I believe in disappearing. Once you are gone, there is no turning back. So, don't give up. Work for your friend. Don't forget, Everybody will die eventually. But suicide is something wrong.

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  • ILuv2Hoop

    You r an Amazing friend . never stop ..keep trying to find a cure..even if he doesnt make it , u could help alot of otha ppl !!! Dont take ur own life !!! keep bein tha great friend u r .. There is only 1 true God tho so make sure thats who u pray to :) <3 i hope for the best !! i will pray for yall !

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  • amira1295

    If you cannot indeed succesfully save him, and he whinds up dieing, he will not be pleased to know you took your life. He would be more than glad to have HIS life back so im sure he wouldnt want you to lose yours as he might. Hope he recovers

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  • dead yet? I HOPE NOT!

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  • xdamienlockex

    yopur going to kill your self before he dies if you dont take it easy. i know that time is ticking quickly every second but your no good to him if your dead or if u go insane from trying. if there is nothing you can do then try to understand he will be going somewhere better then this where he doesnt have to die in such a painful way he cant be at peace when he goes if your not. help him by helping yourself at the same time. and tell him im sorry i really am and i hope he encounters a miracle. my names damien locke and i wish the best for you and him.

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  • Crunchy_taco

    You sound verry sweet doin all those things for your best friend and all but please, if he dies do not kill yourself. You probabaly haven't expirienced love yet or had children or had whatever life had left to offer. You are probably worried about this and that's why you put it on this website. So that should be even more reason to not kill yourself

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  • abnormalman

    instead of spiritual stuff that doesn't work, maybe try with BIOENERGY HEALING. Try to find a bioenergy healer and take your friend to one. If it's not too late, maybe that could help him.

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  • I know this is probably to late but try everything you can. but don't kill yourself there is no "other side"

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  • omylanta

    i think maybe his role in this life was to show you how to put your cares aside to help others, not saying you arent a caring person, i dont know you. you shouldnt kill yourself, stick around and help others in his situation feel better in their last moments in this life. i bet he'll be proud of you when you meet him again someday =].

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  • twitchy

    And if he is how long does he have

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  • chicabonita

    You are such a sweet friend! Don't kill yourself though!!your friend wouldn't want that!! Don't sell your soal to the devil! Spirituality is the best thing you can do now if it's terminal! Pray! Don't stop until the end! Get his last rights anything God, Allah, Buddah whoever! I believe in God and all you can do is pray! Stop spending your money though! You and your friend are in my heart and prayers! God bless! :)

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  • its normal to try and stop death but u cant i had to accept that the hard way and unfortunatly u have to too but watever u do dont take ur own life but dedicate it to charities that search for cancer cures or go to uni and study to become a medical scientist so that u can try to find a cure and make sure no one goes through this.

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  • smallmouse&fatcat

    im sorry to hear about your friend, and i think you should keep trying to save him. but when it comes to it i don't think he will want you to give up your life as well because lets face it im sure he is not that selfish. my best wishes i hope you can find a cure xx

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  • ladyday

    check out rick simpson and his documentary "run from the cure". he has cured many people with cannabis oil. Just like organic fruits and vegetables, it's anti-angiogenic.

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  • phullofit

    don't kill yourself. please. life goes on for you and him after death. you'll see him again one day, and it will be spectacular.

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  • taggy

    My thoughts are with you, your friend and their family. Please dont end your life, not matter what pressure your friend or yourself puts on you.(and i dont mean that to sound nasty)

    People live on in memories and love and his family memories of him wont be yours.
    am i making any sense...I hope so.

    I lost my mum to cancer 7 years ago and only now am I learning to live with this. Through grief I very nearly ended my life but the thought of putting my kids through the pain I was going through stop me.
    I wish you the answers to your prayers and peace in your heart

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  • jonrawrs

    Never give up, but don't kill yourself.

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  • notmyusualusername

    HAHAHHAHA he's dieing! That's SOOOOO funny!

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  • Twitch

    We all die at some point anyways. If you want to "be with him" fine. Just make sure its the right choice for you.

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  • lulu5

    Pray to God and he will act according to your faith and stop saying your friend is going to die cuz if thetas what u say it will happen. Stop parking to all those goda and put your fainth in JEsus

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  • I do not blame your friend for saying that, as he is about to die and likely afraid of the after life (or lack thereof).

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  • Mrtreakle

    This has got to be a joke...

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  • ManIDKBro

    Whatever floats ur boat

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  • Tyler.Costello

    I wish I had cancer.

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  • blackalica

    Nigga please

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  • iintolovethissite

    this kid sold his soul to the devil no wonder the gods arent answering lol

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  • alexrobyyy

    Notmyusualusername shut the f*** up

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  • bargjones

    He wont be alone after his passing

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  • IisNotSoNormal

    Seriously?? If he truly believed that tere is a chance to even be alone on ye other side than he obviously believe in spirits and God. If so, he would also know that you are never alone on the other side. It's you he should be worrying about.

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  • Don't kill yourself. Your friend would of wanted you to be alive, he is just afraid of dying, like anybody would be. As for what you are doing for him, you are definitely a great person. I do understand that you are desperate for him to get better. When you pray for your friend, if you want a better chance of him surviving, try praying for God, or whomever you may believe in, to "help" you in your research so you can cure your friend. It might sound a bit odd, but the truth is that God can only help, not fix things. The fixing part is what takes people like you and me, and you've been doing a wonderful job with that part. Try your best to make it though this, and, no matter what happens, you will be proud of yourself for trying everything you possibly could of tried. No matter what happens, understand that it's only whats best. I know God might seem selfish if he suddenly passes, but, as you know, and it might be hard for you to believe right now, there is a reason for everything. It could be that his life could be much better in heaven, or, if he survives, it could be that he has a lot left to do here on earth, or it could be that he is dying because his life might be miserable hear. Whatever the case, there is one thing I can definitely guarantee, me and about 80+ (the "+" being everyone else that you and your friend might know) other people have yourself and your friend in our prayers. All in all, I have tremendous sympathy for you and your friend and wish you both the best.

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  • Batmanlol

    killing yourself wont solve anything

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  • SiriusDa

    So yeah, no idea if this is still read by the poster, but in case it is, here, my help:
    1. The Silva method (either him, you or both) probably would be best if you downloaded audio lectures somewhere online for free, in person lectures cost a shitload
    2. Read (both of you ideally) Robert Monroe trilogy, or start with the first book "Journeys out of the body" (to find out what happens after physical death).

    Hope you still get the chance to read this and that you at least check it out,
    may you always be better and better.

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  • lfc_fowler

    To die in the face of fear is fear itself
    to die because of the one you love is not poetry but a symetry of events

    stay posotive because there is always hope and you have to be posotive to see that there is hope yet

    peace out

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  • if you dont like the life the people you have and everything then keep moving, leave start, stomping new don't end it all. and become a christian and see a preist

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  • donut kill yourself and see a priest you need some mental help but life is worth living and if he wants you 2 die 2 then how good of a friend is he/she

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  • jon87

    dude! google "mucusless diet healing system" and "Is any sick among you?" you will find help

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  • renbby17

    I had a very good friend die of cancer. He was 12 years old, had everything going for him. He admired his big brother who I had dated. Anyways, He wanted to be a football player just like his brother. Then one day, they called me and told him he had cancer. I cant tell you how devistated I was. I spent my summers with him and I continued to do so. I put so much faith into this little kid and he always told me he would make it. One day, his parents called me and told me that he had passed away. Its honestly the worst feeling ever knowing that your put your heart into something that you had no control over. I hope everything turns out alright. I dont think you should consider killing yourself either. You just need to think about your family and friends. Plus, you dont know what happens after we die... nothings guarranteed meaning, after you die, there could just be nothing. Sorry, that was harsh. But, good luck. And I am really sorry :/.

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  • Curious2know

    Think about how your parents, other friends, and relatives would feel if you killed yourself?

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  • I think it's amazing that ur doing everything to help ur friend, but don't kill urself. That will just put ur family through misery. Please don't kill urself. Trust me, ur friend won't be alone if he passes away :)

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  • Ryuhei

    I'm so sorry about your friend but don't kill yourself I don't think he'd want that but instead live for him and know that even when he is gone he is still with you.

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  • hawwdurr

    ok well im not sure when this was posted, but i really really really highly suggest you take a look into this video

    i have not tested this myself, but i have met people who have and apparently it works absolutely as well as they say, also a lady i know who is suppose to be dead by this christmas because of cancer (she has 5 tumors) started taking this and within 2 weeks 2 of her tumors were decreasing in size by a noticable amount

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  • candy8

    It's really sweet that you are really really trying to save your friend. But if he dies don't kill yourself ok?

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  • Selena

    It's ok... My little friend died when she was 10... No
    Need for suicide D:

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  • lillylovergirl

    i would keep trying no matter what, i dont think your paranoid, just strong willed. but dont do the whole suicide thing he may be your best friend but you shouldnt do that, he wont be completely alone if there is an after life he would be with lost family members and other friends, and if there is an other sidetwhenever you die and go there your sposed to be young again, so he can wait but dont ever give up, i mena i almost did all that when i found out my great grandma was dying, she was healthy as a horse and they had a cure for it but they wouldnt give it to her. i pleaded and prayed but they wouldnt so dont give up, for him you have to keep trying even if there is nothing else you can do keep trying for him

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  • goFUCKyourself

    dnt kill urself cuz u sound really kind and that would all be wasted if ya killed yourself soooo dont ;(

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  • kellster123

    I'm so very sorry to hear about your current situation but I really DO hope you look into this very very important piece of information I have to you. There is a health product called Mariadina out there that has proven to cure or stabilize so many diseases which amazingly includes Cancer. I know you may find this strange, unbelievable and ostensible but please have a look at it. . No I am not advertising on your post as that would be a very sick thing to do, I am merely trying to help. (:

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  • SillyKitty55

    don't kill yourself.
    my brother's best friend int he world killed himself and my brother wanted to kill himself.
    please don't kill yourself.
    that is not going to change the fact that your friend is going to die or is dead(if he does pass away) one day you two will meet again.
    i also believe that if someone commits suicide they will go to hell.
    you need to try and be strong for yourself.

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  • matthias737 see some customer reviews

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    • anonymous999

      Thanks so much for your help and support! I bought your recommended book, it has some new ideas which I didn't know about. Plus I convinced his parents to search a new (better) nutritionist.

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  • palmlovinghater

    OK i think that you must really like this friend if you even thought of killing your self you should thing if you did suicide it would be for him but think about your other friends and your family maybe you can finish all his goals in life i know if my best friend is dying i wouldn't kill my self but i would accomplice all his goals when and when you die your friend will be ever so grateful and remember friends end with end meaning to the end and that means more than this life he will be your friend even when/if he is gone and you will be his and remember its OK to fill his space if he leaves it is healthy to have a great friend

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  • Goategg

    Hey, que sera, sera, right? What'll happen will happen.

    If he goes into remission, which he probably won't, all's good. If not, he dies. And there's no changing that. I understand you want to go for everything that could possibly increase his chances, but what you're doing now ain't it.

    What you got is a bit of super hero syndrome. You can't solve all problems. Sometimes the won't, can't go away. Period, end of story. Keep your friend good company. But don't let his damn genes interfere with your life. You don't need to let two people die, do you?

    Although really, if you want to off yourself, have at it.

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  • yeah_buddy

    You're annoying. Face the truth. Your friend is dying and you can't do anything. Life sucks huh. Man up.

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    • Way to be a pessimistic, low life, loser. I hope you feel good about yourself now that you might have hurt someone else.

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    • DarkAngel212

      way to be sympathetic

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  • ihaveapenisinmyshoe

    Kill yourself it'll show if your a true friend

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    • LtMkilla

      I feel so bad for loling at your comment

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  • jesus_christ

    If you are really that fucked in the head, go for it. lol jk

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    • Dont play like that. These are peoples lives at stake here. Be serious for once.

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  • cronicmasterbator

    someone is the captain of a fail boat :P learn to be a better captain use the map called commen sense :P wont need to ask us if its normal

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    • How dare you?

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  • SovietAviator

    SOunds like you are in love with this person, when he dies if you want to be with this person, then go. I am not telling you to commit suicide, that is your decision to make.

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  • Aryan

    If U r in Love with this Guy then don't ever think he will Die..He will not FOREVER!

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