My dog goes nuts when she knows we're going to the beach

She shivers, whines and salivates all over my car. She also hops on my lap while I'm driving. I was thinking about getting a cage because she's destroying my car.

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Comments ( 13 )
  • Nickvey

    if its one of those rat sized dogs couldnt you just zipper it up in a used purse

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    • e51pegasi

      Gloveboxes are just ratdog perfect.

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      • Boojum

        Or a strong plastic bag tied securely at the top.

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  • Boojum

    You may think it's cute, but it's stupid and irresponsible to have a dog, no matter how ridiculously tiny, leaping around inside the car while you're driving.

    For one thing, it's distracting for the driver, and it's not unknown for small dogs to get themselves under the brake pedal.

    Also, consider what would happen if some idiot shot out of a side road and you T-boned them. Your car would stop almost instantly, but the unrestrained dog would keep moving at the speed you'd been doing. Your little darling is unlikely to survive hitting the inside of the windshield, even if you've only been doing 30 mph.

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  • bobia_borupski

    paul walker once took a heavy dose of codeine and shoved it down my throat at first i resisted but i had to give in when i was conscious again the dog was ripped apart and little bit of her body was on every wall in every direction i started crying and i heard paul talking in the other room. i got up and checked it out and paul was naked with another man and his face was being rubbed with a monster cock. i noticed lasagna noodles, tomato sauce, ricotta, and mozarella cheese on the nightstand. i heard the man say, while making direct eye contact with me "ring ring you got a call" i screamed and paul walker's magnum dong shot out across the room(kinda like a frog's tongue trying to catch a fly) and into my vagina and that's how i got pregnant with my second child. hope this helps!!

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    • pendletonGibbs

      you get an A+ for that story

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    • lonewolf1253

      Take your trolling else where asshole. You Tube can use a fucking imbecile like you!

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      • spanking1234

        Do not say that bitch.

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  • lordofopinions

    Dog's know a lot. It obviously knows its going to the beach. Yes, get a cage so it doesn't trash your wheels.

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  • athem

    It's normal for a dog to get so excited, but it's dangerous to let her run around like that. I'd definitely get something to keep her under control while your driving.

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  • SheikhShazam

    Your dog is like me when I go to the beach. I figure my car is a cage on wheels, so I go bezerk. Gotta vent the crazies.

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  • pizzabrowniesushi

    Yes a cage would be good or a truck that she could ride in the back or you could give her some whip cream in a venti starbucks cup.

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  • Dustyair

    You need train it properly.

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