My current girl didn't get a manicure and slashed my forehead in her sleep

I know every woman is a violent sleeper, but this current one is negligent in her mannie practices; her claws are weirdly sharp.

She thew a wolverine move across my forehead while tossing and turning,drawing blood and possibly giving me cat scratch fever, I am lucky she didn't murder my eyeballs.

Is this accidental or is she attacking my face consciously because she doesn't like me looking at other women's smooth, well kept finger and toenails?

No way. No excuses. Never see that nasty chick again despite it being an accident 2
A good woman will always take care of her own finger and toe nails and not let this happen 2
She is third world and uses sharp claws to fight 5
It was an accident she was just being negligent and randomly flailing 11
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Comments ( 2 )
  • SkullsNRoses

    If she didn’t sort her nails out ASAP after that she’s not a keeper.

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  • azithromycin

    Find someone else, she may go for your throat next.

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