My company is mandating pronoun declaration

People were voluntarily doing it but now they are making it official. We have until Friday to submit our pronouns, for our company email signature and some other social media. I want to submit it/its/itself. My co-workers are pretty hardcore brainwashed, will this be interpreted as insensitive and get me fired? I don't think it's their business what gender I am even though it's obvious.

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Comments ( 48 )
  • bigbudchonger

    It's compelled speech, dude. If you're from the states I reckon they would lose this case in a higher court if you want t otake it that far.

    You could put "your majesty" or something equally ridiculous on the form then go for unfair dismissal when they fire you; who knows, you might be in for big bucks in a settlement.

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    • 1WeirdGuy

      Thats what its gonna have to take for them to finally have to put some rules on this stuff. Even democrats are gonna have to come out with some kinds of boundaries when the lawsuits start flying.

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      • Millie_the_evil_saint

        What's with you people constantly wanting to be in lawsuits? Doesn't it get tiring? Most people just want to do their job and get home and relax. Like I don't have the energy to see several lawyers and start several lawsuits about trivial matters such as pronouns. How ludicrous.

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        • Anonnet

          This isn't a trivial matter. It's uncomfortable, annoying, and invites "problems" with whoever doesn't comply. Choose to mess around with it, or simply not do it, and suddenly this "trivial matter" becomes a big deal... which isn't usually how trivial stuff works.

          And yeah, some people simply won't comply, either because they're on the other side of the political line (since doing this with default pronouns is a political statement, like it or not), or because they simply don't like being forced to do inane things that don't matter. For instance, your company mandates a Red Shirt Day and you come in wearing a pink shirt on purpose. It has nothing to do with the business, your work, your performance, or your team's performance so why are they making it mandatory? You start to think the CEO is going to just force you to do whatever pops in their mind, which isn't fun.

          I would just leave the company, personally, but if he can get a cash payout due to dumb corporate decisions, all power to him.

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  • Elroy7141

    The world has gone mad

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    This is one thing thats nice about being blue collar. I see this being damn near impossible to enforce in a factory somewhere where I live 😂

    But honestly the best thing to do is just put your biological pronouns down and dont get involved. Itll make you look mature and sane and people will trust you more.

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    • daydreamer394

      Nothing about pronoun fixation is mature or sane. Stating the obvious is needless.

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      Yes exactly. This is something we can agree on.

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  • RoyyRogers

    You realize this is breaking EEO right? This might inevitably force someone out of the closet. Which is a violation.

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    • daydreamer394

      It's actually forcing non-conformists 'out of the closet'. It's a power play to see whether you'll resist.

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      • RoyyRogers

        It's auctully forcing queers out of the closet. Some people are not ready to come out and it's not fair doing this to them. I had a freind out me for being not entirely striaght a few years back. I had a hard time doing damage control. Its homophobic really.

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    • KholatKhult

      Actually a really interesting point
      And if we consider transgenderism to be a mental/medical condition wouldn’t it be in violation to force employees to disclose such things ?

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      • RoyyRogers

        Yes, if it's a psychological issue it's violating right to medical privacy. If it's a gay thing it's a protected class. either way it's a major violation of workers rights. Some people prefer not to be out of the closet and if say a Trans man isn't out but asks for freinds to just call them a nickname vs changing pronouns. It should be that person's right.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    donteatstuffoffthesidewalk/ dontatestuffofthesidewalk /donteatenstuffoffthesidewalk

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    • Millie_the_evil_saint


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  • Tinybird

    Fuck that

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  • ospry

    This is a tricky issue. If the company was trying to mandate your beliefs by telling you that you HAVE to believe in gender ideology, then that's something everyone should be against. Having people submit their pronouns is more along the lines of asking people to be respectful even if they don't see someone's gender identity as legitimate

    Assuming it's the latter, don't do a "joke" submission. There are people where you work for whom this really matters, so unless the company is doing something to really overstep their bounds and infringe on your viewpoints, it's probably best to leave it alone

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    • Anonnet

      I don't think this is that complicated. Calling someone by their wanted pronouns is not the same thing as telling them your own pronouns. Why is presenting my own pronouns a symbol of respect (and vice versa, why is not presenting my pronouns the same as saying "I don't see your identity as legitimate")?

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    • Clunk42

      Yes, "respect" is lying to someone's face just because they believe what you're saying, and would be offended if you said something else.

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      • ospry

        I have a family member who's trans. The way they explain it is that they don't expect anyone to believe they're "literally" the gender they identify as, but it means a lot when people are accommodating. No one's saying you CAN'T be an asshole if that's what you really want, just that there's no real point in doing so

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        • Clunk42

          The way that makes it sound is that they're just looking for validation, and just as it is not respectful to lie to another's face, it is not accommodating to validate nonsense.

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          • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

            reminiscent of the dudes speech at the end of hbo chernobyl

            'every lie we tell creates an obligation to the truth' etc

            what is the cost of lies

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        • daydreamer394

          "No one's saying you CAN'T be an asshole"
          So your sort aren't hounding people, doxxing people and firing them from their jobs for correctly calling you an asshole, asshole?

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  • kikilizzo

    My pronuns are xoxsosorosru/xoxsososrus, if you can't say it right and use the wrong pronun just once you will be cancelled.

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  • kelili

    This is ridiculous and always will be. I would refuse to participate in this.

    And when you think about it you never refer to someone as he or she when addressing them. You use you. So this is bullshit on so much level.

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    • daydreamer394

      Exactly, they're demanding you to call them what they want when they're out of earshot. They want complete control.

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  • Millie_the_evil_saint

    Just play it safe and go he/him or she/her (depending if you're a man or a woman). It's your job. You don't want extra drama at work. Even if it's silly and completely idiotic, sometimes it's safer to just not get involved in debate and play along with what everyone does.

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    • Anonnet

      And this reply is exactly why I hate this topic. It reeks of "get in line." I'm probably biased as a contrarian, but seeing someone say out loud "don't have an opinion" pisses me off. If no one says anything, nothing changes. If he's dissatisfied with what's going on, he needs to talk to somebody about it. If all the left ever did was get in line, we wouldn't even be talking about pronouns, but they voiced their opinion and things happened. It wasn't silly then, so what makes it silly now? The only time you should ever suggest that someone shut up is if their lives are on the line.

      Seriously, being a mindless idiot isn't his job. Realistically, he has several avenues on this other than "joke around" or "get in line". He can talk to his boss, get his coworkers involved, send a letter straight up the ladder, or even make the decision public. It may cause some drama, but if he can weather it, he should do it.

      It may seem like a lot for pronouns, but mandating it was already a lot for pronouns. It wasn't silly then, so what makes it silly now? Top-down bullshit where you can't say anything back is the bedrock for a stifling, toxic workplace.

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  • Wow3986

    Fucking hypocrite. I reject being referred to as "you" but you didn't think about that. This is the reason why people like me wake up everyday and have to deal with the trauma of living in a world where we are oppressed by monsters like you and have our pronouns invalidated.'re appropriating animal culture! How do you live with yourself?

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  • daydreamer394

    They're the most powerful cult in the country. Don't be fooled.

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  • daydreamer394

    Don't say "it". Leave the dehumanisation to them. Just demand to be referred to as the opposite sex's pronouns, and make sure to sue them for transphobia when they inevitably slip up.

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  • Meowypowers

    The number of pronouns can be infinite. The number of sex's are mostly two.

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  • LloydAsher

    Corporate did the same thing. But they know their employee base so they decided it's just for the desk employees.

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  • jethro

    use "I/We" pretty much covers it and those are pronouns.

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  • Wow3986

    People like you are why everyone is oppressed nowadays. You need to solve the problem not be the problem. Your post is offensive and invalidates my pronouns. Change your behavior.


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    • Millie_the_evil_saint

      LOL I hope this is sarcasm.

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      • Wow3986

        "LOL"? That's what you have to say about all this? You're crazy and fucked in the head. This is no laughing matter. People are dying everyday because of stuff like this.

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        • Millie_the_evil_saint

          XD Oh you're being serious. Wait, lemme laugh some more.

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          • Clunk42

            He's not. Wow's a troll. Everyone here just ignores him.

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            • Millie_the_evil_saint

              Yeah I don't really know anyone here. XD Didn't make it my mission to socialize with the IIN anon crowd. Still funny to see some posts here.

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          • Wow3986

            People dying is funny to you? That's some psychopathic type shit. Get help bigot!!

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            • Millie_the_evil_saint

              Your suggestion that OP's post is offensive, that it could lead to someone's actual death, and that you are boycotting IIN because of OP... is funny. I still don't see you boycotting IIN. You're still here. :-)

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  • rockyrocks

    idk cuz i'm trans i'd appreciate stuff like that

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  • ketchoop

    Literally what is the issue if companies want to be respectful of their employees and their pronouns? The world is not going to explode into a ball of flames because you have to submit a couple words. It is a complete waste of energy getting so upset about it.

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    • daydreamer394

      So many hyperbolic lies in one paragraph. 🤔

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  • Wow3986

    So you're saying that people shouldn't take part in calling people by their pronouns!? WTF!? I do not appreciate your comment full of such hateful nonsense and bigotry. You're the reason why people like me have tragic lives. We already have it hard and you're going to make it worse by invalidating our pronouns? You're contributing to our trauma! You're an absolute scumbag. Seek help you ableist!!!

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