My budgie wont let me pet her?

I just got a budgie a few days ago, from a family that couldnt keep it but the budgie is pretty well tamed. Shes around 8 months old and will try to bite me if i attempt to pet her.

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Comments ( 6 )
  • FormerVixen

    Budgie's are infamously skittish. You're a new person, new environment, it's going to take time. I've cared for parrots my whole life, I use to care for abused and abandoned parrots as well so here's the tip I can give you that had the highest success rate:

    Move the cage next to where you spend most your time at home. Being close to you while you're just doing what you do can work wonders to help the little birdie get use to you and being close to you. Make sure to talk to her in a soft, soothing voice as she just hangs out near you. When she gets more comfortable with you being nearby start resting your hand by or on her cage for a few minutes at a time. When you start getting a positive reaction from doing that then it's time to tempt fate a little and rest your hand INSIDE the cage, starting right at the door and letting her investigate your hand. She may bite you a few times but, thankfully, a budgie beak can't do a lot of damage. This can take months but it's worth it in the end.

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    • Fetiza000

      She's been with us for about a week, and indeed she does those things. But i've had many budgies before as a child.

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      • FormerVixen

        Every bird is different, they adjust at their own pace. Have things been going better with her? I haven't logged in for a while and wanted to check up on you and your birdie buddy.

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        • Fetiza000

          Meh, softly saying no to her jut occasionally works. She still bites tho.

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  • Ellenna

    Give the bird time to get used to you and see you as the food provider. In the meantime, leave her alone and don't push it

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    that shit takes time

    dont be a dick to yalls bird

    itll come round eventually

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