My broken toe still hasn't healed after 2 years?

This probably sounds really dumb but okay so I broke my second toe about two years ago. I was a bit suspicious as I got two different diagnoses, the first time I went to the hospital I was told it was a chip and that I needed to tape it for a few weeks because it was close to slipping out of place but apparently there was a problem with the computer they were using to view the X-Ray on (this also makes me suspicious because for all I know they could've been lying) so I didn't actually ever get to see the break. I went back a few weeks later, and I was told that it was a clean break and that it would heal naturally within 2-3 months (this time the doctor didn't even look at my toe whatsoever or take any new X-Rays) so I stopped taping it and just left it to heal. Fast forward two years, I'm pretty sure it never actually did heal because it occasionally will just start hurting like hell out of nowhere and it still looks slightly swollen, should I see a doctor or is it normal? Thanks!

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Comments ( 4 )
  • dirtybirdy

    Eh, I kicked a wall about 5 years ago but hit the damn stud. It hurt like hell for a few years. I never went to a doctor for it, but I assume I fractured my big toe. It's ok now..

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    • wigz

      I was messing around once with a vibrator and I wanted to see how it felt on my foot so I touched it to my big toe and it felt like it got struck by lightning! I thought I had broken that toe quite some time ago but I never got medical help for it but I think I was right about it being broken or fractured though based on how bad that vibration hurt.

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      • dirtybirdy

        Holy jeez, I'm not sure I'd want that intensity on my hooch...
        I'm pretty sure I broke my toe, but I'm a trooper and I ain't got no time (or loot) for a doctor. Us chicks are quite resilient.

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        • wigz

          It was a pretty weak vibrator, actually. That's partly what surprised me so much and I only touched it there for a half-second.

          I was just teasing my husband about women's pain tolerance being higher. I nicked his balls and he was carrying on about it so I told him I thought the whole ball pain thing was a male conspiracy because how can they tolerate their balls slapping around during sex if it hurts that bad? He thought I was serious for way too long.

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