My boyfriend looks at his phone whenever he gets bored. is this normal?

My boyfriend takes out his phone & starts aimlessly scrolling Instagram & looking at social media whenever there’s a break in conversation when we’re with friends. It’s almost automatic/obsessive. When the conversation goes off him, or he gets bored, he just automatically goes to his phone & starts looking at people’s stories. This is fine but it’s in the middle of a group, & he doesn’t even talk to me he’ll just go quiet then goes straight to his phone. It’s almost like he’s completely in his head. Normally it wouldn’t bother me but it’s literally every time, & seems kind of rude.

I can’t tell if he’s self-absorbed, an introvert or just bored? He’s not really that shy, tho, so it’s honestly just kind of rude to me. It’s literally every time there’s even a slight lull in conversation. Is this normal?

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Comments ( 5 )
  • anabnormal_guy

    i do that, if the topic they are talking about is not an interesting to me,/something that I think i dont need to answer anything/they don't ask me.
    i wont pick my fone if i have a girlfriend

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    • Ok cool, thank u sm

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  • SwickDinging

    There are a couple of people who I know who will get their phones out and scroll social media or start playing games whilst there's a group conversation/activity going on. I always notice it and I think it's very rude. Other people notice it too and also find it rude.

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  • charli.m

    I was gonna say it was fairly normal from the title...but no. Not when you're supposedly socialising. Jesus. How rude :/

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  • Mini69

    It’s an obsession of modern times. It seems to affect some people more than others but I don’t think age, gender or any other identity specifics make a difference. Me and my man are in our 50’s and 2 or 3 years ago he became obsessed with his phone. Every time we would sit down to relax, or in company if he got bored, or in a restaurant waiting for our order or any other time with a few minutes spare he would have his phone out looking at god knows what! It used to drive me mad, I would be trying to have a conversation with him and he would have his nose in his phone with no clue what I was saying to him.

    I used sex to cure his behaviour. I told him he needed to give me oral every day for a week as much as I wanted with nothing for him. Every time he refused or if I saw him with his phone in his hand at a time I considered inappropriate I was going to add a day. He ended up pleasuring me for just over 7 weeks before he got his. But these days he rarely uses his phone at inappropriate times.

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