My boyfriend likes blood, good suggestions?

Ok yes I know this isn't normal but does anyone who is familiar with these interests know a good way to do it without much harm or leaving scars in all about, I'm thinking my thighs will work, anyways it's not my thing but he's really into like sucking on a cut and such and well I want to be there for him but I'm worried about the pain and the scars. Any ideas to get around that? I'm thinking my thighs as I already got a few scars there not sure what it's from I'm thinking barb wire though

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Comments ( 63 )
  • RoseIsabella

    Just put on your Asics, lace em up real tight, and then RUN! Run as fast as you can, and run far, far away from this weirdo you call a boyfriend! What he wants with you ain't love, girl!

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    • curious-bunny

      What is it you thinks he wants? Like I mean I don't have a problem with it for the most part

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      • RoseIsabella

        Honestly, I just think he's weird and that it's unhealthy. I don't think cutting someone, and drinking their blood is a loving thing to do. I think OP's boyfriend is just a stupid, selfish jerk with a lame-ass fetish. Anything that involves blood is a great way to spread disease. I think her boyfriend is a loser who has watched too many vampire movies!

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        • Dot123

          Some people like/love blood play. Not for the normies. I guess.

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          • RoseIsabella

            Maybe her boyfriend could just go down on her during her period, and just leave it at that? I still think consuming human blood is a great way to transmit disease though.

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            • Dot123

              That works too. And it does if the blood isn't clean. You always have to be careful like anything else.

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        • curious-bunny

          Yea I agree it's weird and unhealthy but I guess the back story on how he got the interest might help, he was never into it by any meansz till this one girl he was dating used her blood as a test to see if someone she is dating is with her cause they care for her or if shes just a fetish to them, she was a trans woman as well, and when she presented the test to him well they started doing blood stuff together and he grew to like it, he knows I won't ever taste his own, blood grosses me out a little bit but I understand the interest he has in it and it's not a hard limit for me, I always thought it would be but when it was actually presented to me turns out I'm not actually terribly agaisnt it so I understand your point but I hope the extra knowledge helped put e everything in perspective

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          • RoseIsabella

            Yeah, I'm sorry, but the past is the past. You're not responsible for whatever bullshit he did, or happened to him in the past. Also I think your idiot boyfriend ought to go get an AIDS test. I hope you are at least using condoms when you my are with this guy, if not then you need to go get an AIDS test too.

            Nothing against transgendered women, but for the record, your idiot boyfriend's ex is is a crazy bitch!

            Okay, I think what you need to do here, sugar, is clear; you need to start reading and learning about setting boundaries! It's not healthy to let other people manipulate you with their sob stories about the past. Don't ever do anything that risks your health and wellbeing just to make some idiot happy.

            Happiness is a choice that comes from within, and is more about a person's relationship with his or her Higher Power than anything else. Happiness does not come from drinking someone else's blood, or letting some other jackass drink your blood. Don't let this loser manipulate you with his stupid bullshit! For all you know he might already have a disease, and be trying to spread it to you, and anyone else who is stupid enough to believe his bullshit!

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            • curious-bunny

              Um I know I'm not responsible for anything in his past nor is it a sob story. Just the story of how he got the interest. He doesn't have any. We haven't done anything physical yet we are waiting till we live together and junk, but anyways he's the type that refuses to use condoms for some reason anyways I'm ok with that but ain't shit happening till he's had an extensive test done and he knows it. Don't worry I won't let him do any manipulating on me. He can be a real dick at times though. I'm being more defensive and expressive when he's like that though and yea he's not biggest fan by the sounds of it but I'm tired of his dickish behavior, I don't even think he realizes he does it

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  • nikkiclaire

    There is a major artery on your inner thigh. Don't be stupid.

    Get a new boyfriend.

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    • mc-nede

      if he wants blood let HIM cut himself.
      what a sico to make a gf give blood
      just no

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    • curious-bunny

      Hmm alright not the thighs then, I I don't know I really care for him

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      • nikkiclaire

        Well sorry to say, but he doesn't give a shit about you.

        You need to find someone your own age who will be a strong friend and partner. Not some sick fuck who likes blood.

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        • curious-bunny

          Someone my own age wpuld be smart yea but the only guys my age just fetishize me and that's more painful than you can probably imagine. And then I met him on grindr by chance, hell I was about to delete my inline dating accounts when I met him and he's never once made me feel lok sone fetish, he makes me feel good and real and it's wonderful, I've never met a guy before that makes me feel this way. I believe he does care about me just he's rough around the edges, he has some serious growing up to do and I hope he does, he didn't always like blood an ex of his got him into it to be honest

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          • nikkiclaire

            I don't know where you live but there are lots of normal gay guys your age, that won't fetishize you. I know it's hard but don't sell yourself short.

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            • curious-bunny

              I know you are right, I live in the northern side of the state's, but he makes me happy and I don't know how well we will work out but my whole life I've followed my head and logical thinking, I'm giving my heart a shot at leading the way and I really care for him, we have our problems wich I feel might grow to be a bigger thing down the road but I need to give us a shot, I used to sell myself short back when I lived as a guy, but not anymore, I actually recognize my own beauty and such now days

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          • nikkiclaire

            Well time to get him out of it. As others have said, it's really dangerous. Especially considering he has probably done this with others.

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            • curious-bunny

              That would be nice, he has done it with others yes, I fully intend on having him get tested for anything before we take things further let alone even approach the blood door

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        • RoseIsabella


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      • RoseIsabella

        What's there to care about? He's just a loser with a retarded vampire fetish. There are plenty of fish in the sea, so just throw this rotten one back.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • bigbudchonga

    Find a way that doesn't leave scars, or leaves them in places you're never going to see. I would say the bottom of your feet, but you've got to be really carefull to do it on fatty bits as to not hit any tendons. If you are going to do it on visible ares then go for leeches. Whilst they're sucking your blood they leave an anticoagulant on the wound, so it'll stay bleeding for ages after and leeches won't leave scars.

    Also tbh I think everyone just goes over the top, be a bit careful because he's probably a bit psychologically weird, but at the end of the day so fucking what. You can do this in ways that don't really harm you. So long as his behaiour doesn't develop into anything that actually starts posing a risk to you then if you like him stay with him. Don't listen to the sheep.

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    • curious-bunny

      That is very true, and very smart with the leeches! And thank you like just cause his interest is fucked doesn't mean I should leave him, that would be like him leaving me cause of sone of my own fucked interests and just yea

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      • bigbudchonga

        Couldn't agree more. It's not even a dangerous interest if done correctly.

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  • mc-nede

    If this is a troll
    and ur bf wants blood
    wait till u have a period and let him at it

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • ellenPawface

    Just wait for your menstrual cycle.

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    • curious-bunny

      Don't have one. Never will thankfully.

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  • Cutie12345

    Um yeah so you should run lol

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  • mm6969

    if he really likes blood , tell him to give you head during your period, I loved earning my red wings.

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  • debil

    um leave him

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  • curious-bunny

    Haha he's also into choking and cutting off the blood flow from it, he is definitly weird but I kind of like his weirdness, may I asked what happened between the two of you?

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  • papasanta

    Don't have to do it if it makes you uncomfortable. I don't mind if my husband doesn't want kids. Life goes on.

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  • EnglishLad

    If your boyfriend has a blood fetish, I suggest you get a kitchen knife, slice off his head, drop his severed head into the resultant pool of blood, and run like fuck.

    Sex should be fun, not harmful or abusive.

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  • Kristin87

    This is definitely not a good idea. If someone truly loves you they would not ask to suck your blood.

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  • charleylovescars

    Don't cut yourself or cause any damage to your body, even small cuts can be harmful. If he is a good person he will understand. I would suggest buying of making fake blood instead, or maybe having sex on your period if that floats your boat. Please stay safe.

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  • Iszzy123

    I say get a new bf by if you want to stick with this weirdo idk get some live chicke and cut an drink then blood and cook it for dinner....two birds one stone

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  • Dot123

    Use a pin or a razor. make small cuts.

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  • Lunamoon101

    They have professional people who cut for you. I have heard of this a long time ago. I only know about it because I have a degree in psychology and when people hear that they think they can just tell you anything. But it may actually help you out. I think I know it sounds nasty to some so stop reading here outsiders if you feel squeamish. But hey he likes blood and a woman’s cycle is once a month, and if you have bad period cramps then having an orgasm is actually a good thing if you have them. Some women don’t for a very long time. I didn’t until I found the right guy who actually listened and that wasn’t until I was in my late twenties. Anyways good luck maybe that could help.

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    • curious-bunny

      It would but unfortunately I don't have monthlies, so pursuing his interest would involve well yea

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  • WhyamIthiswayx

    I would have fun with it and get some fake blood from a Halloween store, get naked or sexy and put it down your neck and over your body and turn him on. Or better yet go on a fun date together and donate plasma, you’ll see your blood circulate with each other for 45 minutes... 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

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  • Mark92

    Keep a cross with you, he might just be a vampire XD!

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  • Honestly this relationship sounds to toxic. It's one thing if you choose to engage in your partner's fantasies, but this will permanently change your body, literally scarring you. I wouldn't do it of I were you, and your bf needs help. I'm sure you will regret it later if you do this

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    • curious-bunny

      It is a bit toxic and yea It will scar and that's one thing I'm so agaisnt it about. I don't know maybe I won't let him do it, I guess we will see

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  • First of all, both of you must be tested for any stds.
    Usually the donors cut themselves, coz they know how far they can go. It is better on a fleshy area of the body, or around the shoulder area or the chest area.

    There are bloodletting manuals online. Search for "bloodletting techniques" and " sang donors".

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    • curious-bunny

      Ok will do, and yea I know we both are going to get tested

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      • Think about it before you go that way.

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        • curious-bunny

          Trust me I will, it's something I'm not completely open to but I'm considering it

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  • farkelu


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    • curious-bunny

      I wish I was I wish I was but I am not. I do my fair share of online fuckery on Xbox but not on here, I've actually never said a lie on here believe it or not

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  • He's a fucking moron and if you stay with him that will make you a fucking moron as well. Intentionally cutting yourself is called self harming and is usually a sign of mental health issues. You need to dump this guy like it was yesterday.

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    • curious-bunny

      Maybe but I'm ok with that, just I don't know, I get your point, I do at least it won't be a regular thing by any means, a treat at best

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      • Waste of time you posting this thread. Every single person is telling you the same thing, which is a first on this site, there's always some sicko egging people on to do wierd shit. But on this occasion even they are telling you get the fuck out. But you seem determined to stay with him and fulfill his sick fantasy. If you are not listening to what we are ALL telling you, why bother posting the thread, you might as well delete it!

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        • curious-bunny

          Stay with him yes cause I'm simply not ready to leave him, however you guys have convinced me pretty well of not going with his fantasie so yea I'd say you guys helped and tgere was a point after all

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          • Good really happy to hear we have talked some sense into you. The only problem now is what will happen next. He may accept your decision, that would be the best outcome, but I would think that highly unlikely. That means only 3 other possible outcomes

            1. He coerces you into changing your mind, he sounds like the sort of freak who will manipulate and play mind games to get what he wants.

            2. If the first option fails, he will cut you without your consent, that is physical abuse, afterwards he will be all sorry and beg forgiveness and promise never to do it again, so you won't report him. But of course he will do it again, and he will keep doing it again, and keep promising not to, but he will until you die, or have the strength to leave. By then you will be emotionally damaged.

            3. He will leave you to find some other poor victim to abuse. This is the second least likely outcome, but the second best for you. Not much good for his next victim of course.

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            • curious-bunny

              Don't worry I would never stay with someone after I realiuze they are abusing me, and if he just went and cut me like that well I would leave him that very day. I would never put up with that. I suppose we shall see what happens, for everyone's sake I hope you are wrong though

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