Morals or money? which one is more necessary to survive?

What the question asks. Which one is more necessary for one to thrive on their own?

Morals 8
Money 13
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Comments ( 15 )
  • SwickDinging

    The answer should be morals, but in reality it is money.

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    • RoseIsabella


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  • Tommythecaty

    Neither if I eat people instead of groceries.

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  • COVID-19

    Lack of morals leads to losing money. Love of money leads to loose morals. Capiche?

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    • LloydAsher

      Does it though? I mean my father is a doctor, raised his kids right and is probably gonna donate most of his will to the church... so yay me.

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      • SwickDinging

        How does this make you feel?

        I only ask because my husband and I will probably have a bit to leave our kids when we die. We have a lot of kids so by the time it's split up it won't exactly be a fortune, but enough for them to do something with it. Probably enough for a deposit on a starter house/flat if they chose something modest.

        We briefly discussed the idea of telling them that they weren't getting anything, as we thought it would encourage them to stand on their own two feet. They are still too young to ask these questions yet but the school they will be going to has a lot of spoilt little shits. My husband and I both grew up poor and we don't want our kids to start acting like the entitled rich kids at their school.

        Obviously we would still leave them everything that we have. They mean the world to us and we'd do anything for them.

        But I'm worried that this lie might damage our relationship so we decided against it. My husband says that it's grabby and in poor taste to expect inheritance money from people, which I do understand, but as we are both from poor families we have known our whole lives that we'd never inherit Jack shit from anyone so my argument is that maybe we don't understand. Maybe if you know your parents have a bit you would expect something.

        Do you think it's done you any good to be told you're not getting much/anything when your dad goes? Has it made you work hard to achieve things for yourself? Or do you just feel totally rejected by him?

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        • LloydAsher

          I mean we think we are going to still get a slice of a fortune but not enough to stop working for the rest of our lives if we were frugal kind of amount. Actually I think theres a household money threshold to make in order to get the inheritance for my parents will, at least that's what they told us. 50,000 not that high of a bar but its enough to get us moving towards careers.

          If my parents tried their darndest to raise kids with spines and no silver spoon in their mouths. I respect that mindset and all my parents owe to me was their attention for 18 years, the fact that I am living with them currently (I'm 22) feels like a blessing. I've been trying to get an apprentenceship so I can move out but with this covid economy it's not going fast.

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  • Mammal-lover

    In modern world money. If you you roughing it in wrll wherever. Then morals. Money don't mean shit in the end. But thats not our life so money. Being able to tell people no. Being from a poor family and having a good work ethic combined with dedication to get what I want im the richest in my direct family. They are always asking me for money.

    Hell just awhile back my brother asked me for 700 so he could take his dog to the vet. 700. From someone I haven't spoken to in like 7 months. Freaking insane. Yea I said no. You need to be able to say no to anyone for any reason wich is hardly moral. I'd let my family starve to death before I cough up money without chance of rebursment. No one and nothing gets in the way of my goals.

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  • my_life_my_way

    Money can give you power and influence, morals can only get you taken advantage of and trampled by more ruthless people.

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  • controversy

    Money makes the world go round.

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  • LloydAsher

    You can live with bad decisions. You cant live without money. At least in america its near impossible to starve to death.

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  • TellMeWhy-

    Depends on how loud each person's conscience is.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Its a sick world. Morals are good but they can cause you to be taken advantage of also.

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  • KacyWatson

    Money can buy you happiness. Happiness gives you a reason to live brings meaning to your life. The evidence of this is that you need money for food shelter and a place to sleep.

    I know this because I have actually been homeless before.

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  • rocketdave

    Money is a reality.
    Morals are what someone else thinks you should think and do!

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