Moms father

My father in his early 20s was a mechanic who hung out at race tracks and befriended a team of stock car drivers. He would fix and also build engines for an older guy. This guy and my father became very close like family. My father started hanging out with this guys sons who raced the stock cars he helped build. This man thought so highly of my father he introduced him to his 16 year old daughter. My father was 25 at the time and they were married 6 weeks after they met.

That 16 year old girl is now my mother and they have been married 42 years. My father was very close to her family, the only time I have ever witnessed my father cry is when my mom's father died. This was along time ago but seems kind of weird for American standards. It seems my mom was quite young but it has worked well for them they have stayed together and had several children and now have grandchildren. My dad is still good friends with my mom's brothers and the rest of the family.

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Comments ( 8 )
  • bigbudchonger

    That's a nice story, dude. It's nice to have a break from the scat and cuckold trolls that infest IIN lol

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    • Cool, I figured I'd be called a p3d0 baby for telling.

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  • olderdude-xx

    A wonderful love story based on mutual respect between two people who enjoyed a hobby together - and one recommended his daughter as a potential mate.

    This is about as good as it gets... and totally normal.

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  • Ihidabody

    Geez that's so sweet how romantic. Anyways, why did your father get with a girl as young as 16?

    That's weird lol. Also, what was the point in this story?

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    • It was just is it normal post. The old guy actually tried first to hook him up with my moms sister who is a few years older but he liked my mom more. I dont know why.

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      • Ihidabody

        Yes....But what was the point?

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        • Whether or not its normal.

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          • Ihidabody


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