Men and women, have you ever tried pole dancing?

This is a simple survey. I know most people view pole dancing as stripping and it's not but it is physically demanding. This is a random access thought of mine. Nothing sexist or judgemental.

Yes, I am female 4
No, I am female 3
No, I am male 20
Yes, I am male 2
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Comments ( 7 )
  • curious-bunny

    Not yet but I want to

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  • Mehereok1

    A woman from my business group does it for fitness, and teaches it. She's in ridiculously hot and sexy shape, very fit, toned, and killer legs. What she does is sexy, but it's really a fitness routine. People love it.

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  • Nyanga

    What does working a stripper pole have to do with sports?


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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I've never tried it. My boyfriend's mother has a friend that teaches it for fitness purposes. Completely unrelated to the second sentence, but my boyfriend used to know how to pole dance due to an old job he used to have before he met me.

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  • Handyman

    As a kid we did it playing on a pole, I never knew it would become a popular form of dance!

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  • SwickDinging

    Yeah, and it's fucking hard. Respect to all those strippers who do it full time because it's way harder than it looks. I haven't done it since I got pregnant with my first but I used to do it when I was younger and it was excellent for toning muscles. It gave me callouses on my hands though.

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  • Meowypowers

    Only for excercise.

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