
Manspreading = the habit some men have of spreading their legs wide on public transport in such a way as to encroach on the seat next to them.

Obvs this word is of feminist origin. It is interpreted by feminists as signalling masculinity and male dominance.
Feminist or not though, nobody likes not having enough legroom because someone else is spreading their legs wide open while you're expected to keep yours closed.

It could be excused though if men experience discomfort when sitting with their legs closed. (by this, I mean significant discomfort: I'm a woman and I find it less comfortable to sit with my legs closed too. I mean, enough discomfort to bother you)

Sitting with legs closed is uncomfortable for a man. 27
Sitting with legs closed is slightly less comfortable for a man than sitting with them open. 15
Sitting with legs closed is no less comfortable than sitting with them open. 7
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Comments ( 29 )
  • RavenCage

    I think that some people overreact to this "problem" even assuming ulterior motives for a man sitting on a chair alone with their legs slightly apart, assuming they're trying to mark their territory and assert their dominance when it really isn't that deep. I barley even pay attention to how my legs are positioned when i sit with nobody else near. Also, it's hypocritical to throw in a misandrist term like that and pretend that some women don't take up space with their purses or bags; But you don't see people calling it "womanspreading".

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  • Boogienights

    Any man who says its less comfortable is full of shit. Im a man with a big set of balls and I dont find it any less comfortable to sit with my legs closed or even crossed. Men who whine about this are neanderthal. Its toxic masculinity in action.

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    • Feedthepony

      Maybe you have skinny thighs and so even with your knees touching there is a 'thigh gap' which accommodates your gigantic gonads. Have you actually measured them, by the way? How? If you did how did you determine that they were massive wrecking balls? Compared the size to the average size of randomly selected large group of men?

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  • Boojum

    The way most American men sit with their legs crossed - an ankle resting on their knee - is another space-occupying posture.

    An alien might think that all American men have such gigantic gonads that they have to give them loads of room, while men from other cultures have such tiny balls that they can comfortably cross their legs by resting one thigh on the other.

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    • Feedthepony

      Very true.

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    • McBean

      Given alien's interest in anal probings, gonads most likely attract heaps of interest. I suggest watching Southpark, "Cartman gets an anal probe." It's a good episode for old folks to become acclimated to the pop culture of those under forty.

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      • libertybell

        I'm 48,and I love South Park! When that episode came out, I was 26,I think. It carries on into middle age.

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        • McBean

          Yes, I had the same opinion as well.

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      • Boojum

        Oh, come on, Beanie! 😝

        I know I'm ancient, but the anal probe trope has been around since the infamous Whitley Strieber abduction story back in the 1980s (when I was merely old compared to your age now).

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        • McBean

          You'd be very surprised if I divulged my age. Hint: my granddaughters (ages 16 and 14) recommended that I view the Southpark episode.

          Btw, I appreciate that you are providing our humble website with the jaded voice of experience. That allows me the freedom to make comments that direct the banter into viewpoints expressing upbeat pessimism, and irreverent but clever fuck-off-manship. As my friend dude_Jones says, "Social artistry is the vitamin of life."

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  • momwatcher69

    Sitting with your legs spread SO far apart, that they impede / intrude on the "space" of others, is just rude, period. No matter WHAT gender you are. And this has nothing to do with testicles !

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  • Sunshinegirl

    Can a transsexual male---a biological woman who identifies as a man, be guilty of mansplaining?

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    • Feedthepony

      No transspreading isn't a common problem.

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  • raisinbran

    It's okay if you can lift your nutsack.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I always sit criss cross apple sauce.

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    • dirtybirdy

      Hahaha I remember when my daughter was in pre school and they changed Indian style to criss cross applesauce....and I read a story shortly after that BAA BAA black sheep was changed to rainbow sheep, so as not to offend anyone
      ..good grief

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      • RoseIsabella

        I do prefer Indian style, and black sheep. It's funny that although I don't like it the whole political correctness thing has permeated everything so much that I just started saying it. Although there is something deliciously immature about criss cross applesauce.

        Rainbow sheep on the other hand does sound like the gayest sheep ever!

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  • Only Asian men wouldn’t have a problem

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  • dirtybirdy

    FFS. Gotta let the "boys" breathe. Women have every right to sit that way too. No need for people to get so bent about it. Kindly ask for the seat if you need it, sheesh.

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  • PassengerPigeon

    The thing about having external genitals is that you can injure them fairly easily if you sit strangely. If you sit with your legs open on public transport or something and your leg slightly nudges mine when I sit down next to you, whatever. If you're taking up an entire additional seat and blaming it on your genitals, you aren't necessarily sexist, but you are most certainly, fittingly enough, an absolute prick.

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  • Feedthepony

    Check out h3h3 productions great video on mabspreading.

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  • dirtybirdy

    Yup! XYZ+++

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  • Bazinga

    Yes, you have raised a good point on anatomical differences which is this. Male anatomy is designed to keep sperm just a bit cooler than body temperature. As a result, the scrotum is temperature sensitive. When you are cold, your scrotum contracts pulling your balls close to your body to keep the sperm warmer. When you are hot, the scrotum relaxes causing your balls to dangle and get cooler. When they are dangling, they can get in the way like you were suggesting. When you are cold, it's not an issue. So, you can see that sagging is not a permanent condition for men, therefore it does not indicate aging like saggy boobs do for women.

    A limp penis is a different issue. That weighs heavily on the male psyche. That Oz guy is but one such example. I'm ready for your next question. I know that you think in very fine detail.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It just might offend them soon enough.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It can be perfectly comfortable for a guy sitting with their legs closed or even sitting cross-legged, but only if you pull your balls out from between your legs so that they're resting on top. But it's often impossible to do that discretely, so that then you're judged instead for publicly groping yourself. So you can't really win either way.

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  • Bazinga

    I love your hypothetical thinking because it is the sign of an intriguing mind. Consider this. A jock is a bra for your balls. Now, inquiring minds like yours need to sort out the details. I am here for you. Please ask me any follow up questions. I want you to sleep soundly tonight with the ball comfort problem put to rest.

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  • Boogienights

    Its actually not a problem. They dont get smushed. They just fall into place.

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  • LloydAsher

    I always just cross my legs when I sit. Like how boojum explains it.

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  • McBean

    Mmmmmm, if only you could share your imagination with us. What a gift that would be.

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