Man at works constsnt outbursts?i

A man at my job is always making a lot of weird noises, singing very loudly, making noises like an animal etc. Today it was " HEEHAW HEEHAW" on and off for hours. If they announce a name on the lousdspeaker he will repeat it like " LESLIE...OOOHH LEESLIEEEE!! ".
He makes everyone uncomfortable and customers get put off. For the record I dont think its Tourettes.

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Comments ( 42 )
  • litelander8

    The dishwasher at my work doesn’t speak all of his shift until everyone leaves. He talks about killing himself quite loudly when he thinks no one is listening. It’s terrifying.

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    • --

      Can you blame him! Fuck I hate washing dishes too.

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      • john66669

        did that job fucking sucks you get a shit ton of cleaning for ok pay a lot of stress a kitchen that thinks you know nothing and treat you like dirt the only good there were occasionally the hot women working there

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        • --

          Yep, I did dish washing as well. Washed dishes at 4 am at a bakery. we however did not have any hot women, we had a bitch that I wanted to strangle though.

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          • john66669

            damn i never knew how to make a move on them as i was shy and afraid of harrassment issues but damn some of them were fine

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      • leggs91200

        th... th...

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    • bigbudchonga

      Dude, that's fucked. Have you tried talking to him? He sounds like someone who could really do with a friend.

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      • Ive talked to him but hes unpredictable. Sometimes hes friendly but hes also said some offensive stuff like im " shoving a banana down my throat" and " hey why dont you go take a shit?? "

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    • LornaMae

      Seriously? That's one of the saddest things I've ever heard. Is s/he American?

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    • Nikclaire

      He talks to you about it or himself?

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    • Mammal-lover

      That's equally weird. Beibg a dishwasher isnt all bad though. I much prefer my production job and will happily never become a dishwasher again if I can avoid it but still

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      • SwickDinging

        I had a dishwashing job briefly when I was younger and I disliked it because my hands ached from the really cold water. If I was given gloves and allowed to use warm water I think it would be ok.

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        • litelander8

          The sanitizer would literally eat my skin at the job that I did have. However, this dude has obvious mental problems and all employees steer clear of him.

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          • Mammal-lover

            Haha yea the sanitizer Is very hot, you get used to it though

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        • Mammal-lover

          That's a shame. I only got freezing cold water once. Honestly I loved it lowered my temp so I rested at the perfect level it was amazing

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    I had a dude like that at my job once. He'd shout loud things at random and mutter about negative shit all the time. I made the mistake of chatting casually with him and he became obsessed with my age, constantly pointing out that I'm 31 to EVERY customer he talked to.

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    • leggs91200

      how old was he?

      I mean 31 is nothing to obsess over.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        I think he was 17. He thought 31 was old and because I didn't look 31, it amused him or some shit.

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    • Yes. Ive talked to him normally on occasion but he cant stop saying offensive stuff like commenting on how i eat m banana or saying FUCK FUCK " every other sentance.

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      • Cuntsiclestick

        If he makes you uncomfortable, limit the amount of time you talk with him.

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  • Fugazi,again

    Every workplace has a guy like that. I worked in a warehouse and there was a guy who used to zip about all day on the forklift truck singing really loud and trying to make people laugh, but when you saw him coming you'd usually avoid him cos he would expect you to pay attention to him. I now work in a restaurant washing dishes (my colleagues say I'm real quiet and never smile) and there's a Portuguese guy who sings out loud like a madman all day.

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    • I honestly think hes not autistic or tourettes just mentally unbalanced

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  • Nikclaire

    I have a guy like that. He sings loudly about whatever task he happens to be doing. I avoid him at all cost.

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  • Mammal-lover

    That's weird

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  • GaelicPotato

    He's probably a little autistic.

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  • Ellenna

    Presumably the boss knows about this? If not, why not? (If he's the boss there's nothing to be done about it except change jobs.)

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    • justdippinginthecesspool

      Hi, Ellenna. I know this is weird, but it's honestly innocent. If you do something for me, I'm willing to do one of the following:

      1: Send you $1-3 via Paypal.

      2: Buy you 1 month of IIN gold.

      3: Use 2 thumbs up on your comments everyday for 2 weeks-1 month

      4: Perform a custom request that we can both agree upon.

      5: Nothing. You perform my request for free out of the kindness of your heart.

      Here's the request: Get me a link from this site, provided the post I'm looking for hasn't been deleted.

      I believe the post was something by a feminist saying how she thought men should be submissive to women.

      You commented on the post, including some comments about anarchy. So, if you look back far enough in your comments history, you should be able to find it.

      If you reply with the link I'm looking for, I will give you one the above rewards that we agree upon.

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      • d0esnormalmatter

        Very fucking suspicious dude. Fuck off pls.

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        • justdippinginthecesspool

          Like I said, I know this looks weird, but here's the deal.

          There were some pretty interesting conversations in the thread that I want the link for. I myself made a rather long and detailed comment there, but I requested that the account I made it with be deleted a while ago, so I can't go back into my own comment archives to find the post.

          I know that it would be a pain in the butt for Ellenna to go through months, or maybe over a year, of comments looking for the post, so I offered to compensate her in the only ways reasonable for me.

          I've already looked at posts years back in a few of the topic sections that I thought the post could be in, but didn't have any luck. If Ellenna or anyone else doesn't respond soon, I guess I'll go back to doing that.

          Any questions?

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          • d0esnormalmatter

            Yes lots of questions.

            What the fuck is so interesting from that random post in the past? I can't help but think there is some ulterior motives going on.

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            • justdippinginthecesspool

              I just like to go back and read comments on old posts, and read interactions I've had in the past.

              Unfortunately, I think the post may have been deleted. It was pretty controversial after all. I've used the search and looked in several more categories, and I can't find it.

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    Me and him would get along. I feel like weird ppl magnetize to me

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  • ellnell

    He could be on the autistic spectrum. What you describe sounds like echolia. If he doesn't have tourettes then autism can be another reason for echoalia as some autistic people has this as well.

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  • Mark92

    Complain about him to your boss.

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    • Nikclaire

      So you would actively work to get a guys who is washing dishes for a living, and wanting to off himself, fired??

      Good neighborly love there.

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      • I dont need to the customers always complain about him.

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  • leggs91200

    You just more-less described most of the people on the crew I work with. We act like a bunch of jack asses.

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    • Do you make rude sexual remarks and refuse to help customers?

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      • leggs91200

        Well, no.
        A lot of joking, calling each other "asshole", or "Get the fuck out of my way" but all in jest.
        Sexual jokes are kept at a minimum.

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        • Thats kinda normal but this guy says really weird stuff.

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          • leggs91200

            the weirdest thing I have heard at work was last night when we learned some big huge corporate super power guy was coming...

            And the manager said, "I don't know about you all but I am excited to see him."

            Cannot be any more bizarre than that.

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