Long vaginal lips

I have quite long inner vaginal lips than protrude. This worries me, in terms of what men must think, and I don't know whether I should be worried or not.

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Comments ( 255 )
  • b454

    a Coochie without lips is like tits without nips

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    • hjukoi89765trgfhj

      IF YOU HAVE A VAGINA THAT IS DIFFERENT IN ANYWAY EMBRACE IS. listen... all girls out there that are self conscience about it dont be. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE HEAR ME OUT. i hated mine intill i started fucking the right kind of guys!!!! GUYS THAT ARE GOOD AT SEX AND KNOW WHAT THE FUCK THEYRE DOING WILL LOVE A DIFFERENT LOOKING VAGINA. they will explore it and that will play with it. they will love it. and any bitch that doesnt like it are so much of a pussy because they cant handle it that they shouldnt be fucking you they should be the ones getting fucked by a dick because their clearly more of a pussy then your own vagina. but seriously guys dig it. dont show fear of it and have fun with it. makes sex great and it attracts guys who know what the fuck theyre doing. so get off your computer! and go get laid! you have a gift from god!!!!!!! USE IT.

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      • Leviathanel

        i always wonder about those shallow kind of dudes. it's a fucking vagina, so it doesn't look prepubescent but it's a vagina and i'm supposed to be attracted.

        guys act like they're kings. it annoys the fuck out of me.

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      • sweetcupquake123

        I really need to ask this I've been to nervouse about it but I decided to look it up and I found this website and well me and my boyfriend had sex for the first time for the both of us we have done it 5 times now but any of the times I didn't let him see my vagina because I have very long inner lips and I'm afraid of the way he will react but at first he would want to finger me but I didn't want him to because I was imbarrised but I've let him do it 2 times or soo but didn't let him see and he is really wanting to see he says its prefect but he doesn't no the long ugly parts... I love him a lot and I hope he loves me enough to embrace it but I need advise..and I hope someone will give me it.... What if he sees it and doesn't like it and dumps me or doesn't talk to me:( so parinoid plz reply:(!

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        • johnho

          You re fine it he isn't it's his problem.

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      • jessiepoo


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    • hjukoi89765trgfhj

      Okay, now i have no idea how this website works because i just made an account to share my experience. I have had only 3 guys ever see me naked... because i have always been very VERY self-conscience about it. and for a wile i would never let a guy touch me down there intill i got drunk and long story short i almost had sex with the guys... one thought it was a bit awkward looking but still fingered me and wanted to have sex with me a few weeks later (never did but not because of my vagina.. i had a boyfriend) anyways the other guy really liked it and i let him touch me down there on several occasions.. we also had sex. never heard a complaint. then the third guy wich i really loved. seemed a bit shocked at first but still carried on to having sex with me had a few mean jokes go along with the relationship but he also wanted to have sex again... so as self conscience as girls are... think of your vagina like your nose. EVERYONES DIFFERENT. AND A GUY ISNT GOING TO HATE YOU BECAUSE YOUR NOSE IS HUGE AND IF HE DOES. HE IS AN ASSHOLE. you just have to know how to separate the assholes from the semi-good guys.. but seriously. if you know the guy well enough or you have a good relationship with them enough to have sex then it shouldnt matter and if it does you shouldnt be having sex.

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      • Icantstandit22

        I have the same problem. How to you act sexy? be sexy in ur situation? my guy always walks around the house naked, and I cant!!!! becuase theres something dangeling down there. Reminds me of a roster!!!!

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Im pretty sure your guy has something bigger dangling down there, sweetheart. ;P And Ill bet if you walked around naked he'd be randomly jumping you, haha :P

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        • nymphael

          You must be wonderful!
          I'm crazy about women with very long pussy lips!

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          • johnho

            Right on!

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    • johnho

      It's hot, I don't think it's hot that these pron stars actually trim their lips back?

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    • falcie101

      im beyond grateful i found this site. me and my boyfriend have been talking about sex for a while & im SOOOO self concious about my abbormal looking lips. ive spent about an hour reading all the comments and i feel so much better!

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  • ClausticChemist

    a pussy's a pussy, who cares. they all look different anyways.

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  • Xelsae

    Oh my goodness. O:
    Why did I think I was the only one with this?
    It always makes me feel better to know I'm not alone.

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    • nymphael

      I'm looking for a woman like you ;-)

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  • mrbond

    ATTN LADIES: I signed up just to leave this comment. One of my ex-girlfriends has long lips. No, that is not why she is my ex. However; She was very self conscious of the appearance of her genitals. She was very uncomfortable about it. I am leaving this comment in hopes to help you ladies who may suffer the same. Long lips are beautiful, and precious! I realize they may provide you discomfort through the day, or too much comfort when you don't necessarily want it. But from a mans perspective, you are blessed with a beautiful, very operator friendly vagina! Don't be fooled, they are not very common, but you are truly blessed to be packing long lips. Id kiss 'em for ya! :) I am a big fan of long lipped vaginas and the women who belong to them. So do us all a favor ladies, and jam out with your clam out. ;)

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    • hunglikehorse69

      it's not just normal, it's fucking sexy.

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    • marywanna

      Yay, for men like you...that celebrate women's insecurities but I wanted to list a few problems I have with long inner lips. I have one inner lip that is longer than the other and it has pea sized cysts inside of it which the doctors says is normal but they won't remove them because they will just grow back. My lips are very sensitive and when I wear jeans they hurt and feel pinched or twisted. Also, I have heard them referred to as "meat curtains" by men. Another downside is that the lips just grab the toilet paper and keeps some, lol...so now I use baby wipes. There are also positives like I am always wet and my girlfriend loves to suck on them.

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      • starlite80

        i dont have big lips but i have long i think there called vulvas the things that dangle,,well neways i have the same exact problem when i walk sometimes it hurts in jeans like there being pulled,,and yeah the toliet paper thing i use baby wipes to sometimes,,i have one thats longer then the other,,and my bf wont eat me out he says he doesnt like to do it cuz he doesnt like the cum all over his face hes tried a couple times and it was horrible it felt like he was biting me so i made him stop i think that upset him that i didnt like it but i could tell he didnt like it so i dont know if its cuz of my vagina or what,,neways im so insecure about them i feel so weird down there also

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        • xxxAndy86

          You’re not weird baby, I dealt with lots of women like that, theirs might even be longer that yours, I like to eat them out as a man, I don’t know why your boyfriend doesn’t enjoy it, I’m just 100% attracted to that, feel free to contact me

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        • saduJ18

          Apparently he's just not doing it right. ;)

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  • HeyThereEliza

    These comments made me feel so much better about myself. (:

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  • likeyourself

    Im a 39y/o male. I was married for 15 years to a woman with a "normal" V. A year after my divorce I found Carrie. She in a confidant, smart,athletic, out going hi energy girl. During our fist time she kinda only wanted "me" down there not my hands. Soon after I saw what looked like a single long V lip about 1 inch long hanging down. This was new to me. I never saw anything like that before BUT.. was VERY interested.Ill speed it up...I found that in her life, this was the one thing she was not comfortable with which I fell sadly has hurt her sex life. When I saw it I thought it was awesome and unique. She laughed but it really was. I LOVE her lip. IT ALSO MAKES SEX BETTER! Out of the last 100 times we have had sex, she has missed her "O" only once!!!! She now enjoys oral (as well as I do giving)and getting started is awesome. I can lick my finger and gently touch the long lip as foreplay and she goes crazy inturn gets her wet! She told me that it is part of "her" and is just as sensitive as the rest of her. Bottom line... after she found out that I really loved it, she was more confident and ladies...Nothing is more sexy that a woman that is ok sexually with her body. Please dont have surgery!!! I truly believe that you have a advantage!!! p.s. when doing certin excerises she has a O ,yes, right in the gym because of the lip rubbing on her outfit. You are normal!!! Please find the right man for you, even if that means finding a few jerks first. Ladies, DONT YOU DARE let some guy that makes fun of you get the best of you by hurting you sex life for maybe years to come even with someone else. The one that loves you will love every inch of you and he will be a lucky man!!!

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    • idontcareee

      That's crazy I thought it wasn't normal at all and ive always felt odd about it but this just makes me feel so much better about myself.

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    • starlite80

      mine is prob almost the same as hers and i was so insecure about it and im even more since my man wont go down on ,me..hes says its cuz he doesnt likle doing it but i thinlk its cuz he doesnt like it,,who knows he likes playing with it alot with his hands and loves stimulating me,,why dont u think he doesnt like going down there,,do alot of men hate doing that whats the problem,,id really like to know from a an that y when i saw your post i was so happy,,thank u for making ur women feel awsome

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      • saduJ18

        I don't understand how he could dislike going down on his girl. I'd rather eat it than fuck (If I had to choose, I mean).

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        • johnho

          I know some guys are weird right?

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  • ORnurse

    I think long vaginal lips are a beautiful blessing. In my humble male opinion, they are so beautiful to behold. They are a complete turn-on. however, every vagina is different and beautifully unique. There is NO, i repeat No, ugly vagina. God didn't a mistake there. It reminds me of a beautiful scented,budding lotus flower. My first wife was blessed with that beautiful attribute.

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    • MnMxx

      I have to say I'm 23 and I have them too, but this was very beautiful, why can't there be more men in the world like you?

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      • xxxAndy86

        It’s a blessing to have a vagina like that, as a man, I just love all types of vaginas, let me take care of yours, feel free to contact me

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    • saduJ18

      Hell Yes.

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  • nature22

    I am so glad I looked this up! I've been self conscious about having long vagina lips for years and have been so worried I haven’t had sex because of it. I still think they look gross, but I guess I’m not a lesbian so I don’t have to like the look of them :p
    But yeah thanks guys

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  • poptart

    I love my long lipped vagina!

    Longer lips = more nerve endings = more pleasure. ;)

    I've only ever received compliments.

    I don't understand why any woman would want surgery? Perhaps some might see it as vulgar? Well, it IS a sex organ... sex is supposed to be vulgar, that's why it's so fun!

    I think that if I were a man I'd actually be turned off by a woman who had labia reduction surgery.

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  • JoelOsteen

    Don't listen to these bozos who tell you to get surgery and get your lips reduced; most guys like them long and if they don't get a new boyfriend!!!

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  • bori_blanca

    My bestfriend and I are extremely close, and as teenagers experiencing sexuality, we would share each others stories with one another, and well I have come to the conclusion that due to my longer lips, I think I have a better sex life. We have actually seen each other naked, and while her vagina seems very tight, and her lips seems thin and small, almost non-existent, mine on the other hand are hard to hide. At first I used to feel so embarrassed! I thought to myself holy crap I have a birth defect, yet she has never ever experienced an orgasm and I on the other hand can easily have two or three in one sex session. My vagina stays moist throughout intercourse, and it doesnt take much to get "wet." I'm not sure if its the difference in our states of mind, libido, all that, i dont know, but what i do know is that many of my partners although not first admitting but later on reveal to me that they admire my lips, and enjoy them immensely. I guess, it really does depend on what your personal experience and opinion is. Yet ever since my new found confidence I have a lot more fun with my lips, and actually try to bring them up during dirty talk with my partners. Maybe the secret to no matter what kind of vagina you have is to embrace it, make it seem sexy and your partner will surely agree.

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    • freakiestbitch

      I always talk my vagina up, and i also have multiple orgasms and i talk to some of my friends and they never have orgasms they always ask me what its like and i say amazing.

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    • Icantstandit22

      How do u were baithing suits? mine sticks out!

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      • starlite80

        tuck em in,,i do

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    • chimera504

      Incorrect. I am not only multi-orgasmic, but very compact. The brain is a bigger sex organ than the clitoris, that is more likely the difference.

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  • whoweare

    Girls.. PLEASE don't get self conscious about that. It is perfectly normal. No vagina is ever the same, it is truly unique. And it does improve ur sex life because at the bottom of the vaginal lips there are the glands that produce the natural lubrication, the bigger/longer the glands, the better lubrication. My 3 year boyfriend even told me it kind of tickles his penis while we have sex and that it feels AWESOME ! Having large vaginal lips doesn't have anything negative about it . INSTEAD it is super beneficial for YOU your PARTNER and YOUR sex life. BE HAPPY THAT U HAVE THEM :)

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    • Terry...

      I don't like incorrect information about sexual organs to get out there. It leads to myths and confusion.
      There are no glands at the bottom of the inner labia, or the outer labia for that matter. Therefore, the length and size of the lips has nothing to do with how lubricated you are.
      Lubrication of the vagina and some of the outer area comes from the Bartholin's glands which are on each side of the vagina. The Skene's glands which are just below the urethra, produce extra lubrication during arousal.
      For some extra info, women should not feel inadequate if they do not "squirt". Studies have been done and it was discovered that in all women, the fluid that was considered to be "squirt" fluid was analyzed and the result was it is urine. Some women actually lose control of their bladder when extremely stimulated. It is called "coital incontinence".

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  • freakygirl1120

    I have big pussy lips, and the reason why i looked this up is because i want to loose my virginity this week and i kinda have regrets since i am very self conscience about it. The only person who has ever seen my pussy lips was my cousin and that was years ago when i was a kid and she looked at me in an odd manner, then as a pre-teen i was molested by my cousin's husband and i promised my self nobody will ever see or touch my pussy lips again. The other day i was making out with my boyfriend and he pulled his dick out and he was putting his hand in my underwear and i stopped him because i was ashamed of it. Now i'm going to his house this spring break and i'm gonna try and have sex with him and if he doesn't find my pussy lips attractive i'll just tell him that he has a little dick and leave him plain and simple.

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    • Well im worrie cause i have long outter and inner lips.. And it sorta hangs past the outide.. It kinda looks like a clam sticking its tongue out or something.

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      • Snapple

        Yeah i know how you feel :8

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      • starlite80

        mine too ur not the only one

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    • hunglikehorse69

      i'd love to see.

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    • nymphael

      I would be so happy to be your boy-friend!

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  • ukmaturecpl

    of corse its normal
    my wifes inner lips also hang outside her vagina and her clitoris is also large and protruding but trust me when she opens her legs and all these inner parts of her pussy are on show it is the sexiest sight ever and any man will agree.

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  • volgan15

    When I saw this I was instantly relieved. One of my lips is longer than the other, but because I touch myself on a specific side, I hope this is normal as well...

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    • wiemmii

      I have the same thing!! one of mine is bigger than the other and i always thought it looked weird.... i'm afraid to let my bf see because he might think its gross or something then i'll just get all embarrassed :/

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      • volgan15

        Don't worry darling, maybe he'll like it ;)

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      • UnabashedUser

        Most guys have one ball larger than the other. No one is symmetrical. LOL

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  • ToothFairy

    Once I heard a talk between two guys hangin in a bar, they were about 30-35 years old, one of them was sharing his experience with such a girl and he was like: "omg, it was so fleshy, I jerked off only touchin it..."

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  • dancerjane

    I am a dancer at a fully nude strip club and I have extra long vagina lips jsut like you described. I was self concious of them for years until I started dancing and honestly you have nothing to worry about. With my lips Im one of the top money makers. Sure some guys prefer smaller lips just like they would prefer brown hair but there are so many guys who LOVE my lips and vagina because it is the way it is. I get VIP's all the time just because some guys are so in love with them. Just love your vagina and your body because there are plenty of guys out there who will fall in love with those lips and plenty of guys who wont care either way.

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    • Bibzz

      Hii, I want to Dance too ! but Im rly insecure bout those lips. I dont want people talking shit when im on stage or wtv you know ! how did u get confident about it ?!

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      • freakiestbitch

        Guys have there preferences. I worked at a strip club and also have big lips, At first i was a lil scared but actually got so many compliments on them and i cant even count the number of times ive been asked if ive ever been licked. Just some advice, When i worked i the strip club was when my self esteem boosted the most.

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    • nymphael

      Wow! I wish i could meet you!

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  • bbwinn

    Look, if vaginal lips break your relationship, then it was not there to begin with. Personally, I think it would help but lips, no lips, big penis, small penis - you guys have to decide. And yes, I am a guy.

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  • Anouk

    I have the same thing too. And i get so scared about what a guy might think when he see's. Even though my last boyfriend didn't care at all and never mentioned it. I couldn't help being self conscious about how i looked, and would never let him go down on me. I know that it's normal for a woman to look this way/ to have bigger inner labia but i cant help thinking mine are huge!
    But i don't think my body should adapt- my thinking should. To be honest we all should just work on our confidence issues rather then have surgery.

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  • grizzlygirl

    yes hunn it's normal. i got them too (hate to admit that online) lol....but yeah my ex boyfriend used to make fun of me for it and that went on for almost 3 years before i finaly had enough of him.

    anyways back to the subject it is perfectly normal and infact it's what your supposed to have. if you dont like them or if you dont feel right with them go talk to your doctor about it and see if there's anything you can have done about it.

    ~Grizz girl

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  • deepthought33

    Jeez, do you poor girls get any kind of sex-ed at all?

    bleeding and slight discharge: normal
    irregular periods: still normal
    severe itching, pain, thick discharge:not normal

    differently shaped, colored and sized labias:normal
    oozing pustules on said labia: not normal

    men's opinion toward a vagina:as varied as their preference for anything else. Most of 'em just want to have sex and if they have the nerve to say something about your intimates just tell them they have a small penis. They shouldn't be very bothered by such a statement as the penis also comes in many size, shapes and colors.

    On a side note, I bet having a huge clit would be AWESOME!

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    • deepthought33

      As a disclaimer, if you're having irresponsible sex, "irregular period" COULD just be a MISSED period.

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  • maxtor51

    i dated a woman that had the longest vagina lips i had ever seen. she was not tempermental about them a bit but very proud of her pussy cause she showed it to me so many times. her lips hung down when she was standing about a good 2 inches. i used to grab and pull them down sometimes when she was standing upright and they would stretch a good 4" by just pulling on them a bit. her pussy was the biggest i haver ever encountered on a woman and i have been with a lot. it was a beautiful thing and wish i had got some pictures before we broke up but i doubt if she would let me take them now.

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  • Unique

    you'd be considered lucky in some tribes in Africa.
    Girls are supposed to have long labial lips.
    And they do all sorts of things to have them.
    Mostly, mechanically.
    Its believed they make child birth easier, and the sex greater.
    Is that true in your case?

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    • freakiestbitch

      well i cant have kids but my sex lif is definitley great

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  • twilightgirl

    yeah mine could be normal but i really want surgery as many boys in my school tell eachother a lot of things...

    but is it normal to have constant discharge? it worries me. when ever i look in the mirror i see an ugily vagina, long lips, and a big clit with constant discharge.. great :/

    im scared to go to the nurse about this as she might be 'grossed' out do you think she will? ive wasted so many tears over it and thought theres not much point in living if no ones going to want to have sex with me..
    please write back to me as im so scared! xox

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    • Experienced12345

      My vagina is exactly like yours, and I felt disgusted with it too before I had sex.
      READ THIS VERY CAREFULLY: The guys will not give a fuck. They will notice it and they will probably say something like, "Oh, you have long lips"..before they proceed to stuff you and eat you out. My current sexual partner says he likes it; that it's fun to play with.
      As with any other "imperfection" you will blow it out of proportion when in reality it's not a big deal at all. I don't care what it looks like anymore. Don't compare your body to the pornstar standard. The average girl does not look a barbie doll, and the average male does not look like a ken barbie doll either. No one is perfect!

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    • jake102

      dont worry im a guy and vaginas turn me on but you just need to be happy with what you got

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    • freakiestbitch

      sweety,the discharge your experiencing might not be discharge it could just be that your lips are rubbing on something and your becoming a lil bit wet and it drip onto your underwear. just a thought.

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    • Yes it's normal. Just make sure you wash every day. You'll still get the discharge but it won't smell if it's clean.

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      • How can anyone mark mine down? I said it was normal. And the way she would notice it's an infection and not normal is if it smells!

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  • baldeagle

    There's nothing more beautiful'n'sexy than long lips! Period! Be very proud of them! The longer the better!

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  • Lastname

    Oh my god, I made an account on this just so I could comment, I'm just a teenager and my boyfriend really wants to finger me, I've always hated my long lips, now I actually don't mind them, thank you so much (I spent about half an hour reading all the comments) thankyou thankyou thankyou

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    • Riggist

      I'm a man, and find them very attractive and sexy......so there.

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  • Resip

    Geez, ignore people recommending surgery.
    You are quite normal.

    I watched a doco where in the soft porn industry they photoshop labia out for censorship reasons, it gives women a FALSE sense of what a vagina should look like.

    They are like penises, unique.

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  • missmeow

    I learned alot reading this, but I don't have long vagina lips. I've never even seen them. Now I kinda feel like the weird one LOL

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  • Jessie926

    i also hve long lips. i am soooo insecure about them. the guy that i lost my virginity to i felt that i could trust him, but after we did it he didnt speak to me and he told his friends how my vagina looked and how he didnt like it that way blah blah blah. but my current boyfriend doesnt judge me about them and he actually loves them.

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  • musicfreak

    One man's trash is another man's treasure. The world is full of many body types. The only differences are the opinions of others. Why some women have longer lips than others is all in their genes.Unless a person modifies them either by surgery or any other form of body modification. Some people will find something to criticize you about, be yourself and enjoy it, if you don't like something do something about it, if you can't do anything about it, then lifes a bitch, you gotta deal.

    Should you be worried? If I was your bf, No. But someone that can be judgemental. Yes.

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  • twilightgirl

    hi, i thought i was the only person that had this pheww! im young and i have long inner lips
    im so scared to go to the nurse about it they are purple and lumpy and my clitoris is huge!! i dont think it will be an infection because im still a virgin.

    But to top everything off i have constant discharge its clear sometimes yelowish its so fustrating
    my mum booked me in to see a nurse but i missed the appointment. im having second thoughts about going because i want surgery i hate these things im so scared!!

    what if i have an infection??
    please please write to me im un certain what to say to the nurse x

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    • dudeitssam

      ok. so i wasa afraid to go to the doctor as well.i have long labia which is why i was afraid but one day I woke up and everything was swollen red and irritated it was painful. so i went because i knew that they are there to help me not make me feel horrible about myself. i had the test and exam done. i was nervous that the dr would act revolted but she didn't. and it turned out i had high ph levels they gave me a medication everything is perfecet now.

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  • IAmJustMe2BadIfYouDontLikeIt

    It's perfectly normal. Like grizzlygirl, hate to admit it online, but I've got them too.

    If it makes you feel better think of it this way...guys have a problem with the size of their penises. I've been asked how big is too big and if I like small and a dozen other questions all related to size. Me, personally, I don't have a preference or at least if I do I haven't found it. Some women prefer big some prefer small, long, short, etc.

    So when it comes to what men might think...it all depends on the man since it's all about personal preference. Just ignore the ***holes.

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  • Fleabitten2

    It's sexy as hell.

    Don't get surgery for that--Get them pierced instead!

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  • thataintright

    its like some roast beef lunch meet shit up in here. id suck on those flaps of joy anyday

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  • TweetyGirl

    Wow am I ever glad I found this!
    I've always been extremely self concious of my clitoris, which is about an inch long. I personally can't stand to look at it. I know the only reason I am a virgin is because I'm worried what guys will think about me. I've gone down and given hand jobs but I've never taken off my panties for a guy. I have my hand over the very bottom of my vagina in all my moods and guys ALWAYS say my body is perfect. But what they don't know is I'm hiding my long ugly clit.
    But now I think I will have sex this weekend, because apparently LOTS of girls have it :D and the guys seem to dig it (;

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    • brightlight11

      I completely understand. I have the same thing. I used to think it was a problem so I waited a long time to have sex for the first time but my boyfriend loves it. Well he must because he's always trying to go down. I still feel a little self conscious but I'm much more comfortable now

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    • TerriAngel

      You lucky girl.
      mines small, or average.
      I knew a japanese girl with a large clit.
      It was just obvious.
      She could have multiple orgasms.
      She could even get off in class just by small movements.
      If you find the right guy, he'll love to ring your bell.

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    • freakiestbitch

      i think some of you girls are confused on what the lips are and what the clit is. the clit is at the top and the lips hang out if you have larger ones. i dont know how to deal with a large clit but im sure you will find a guy that loves you no matter what.

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  • Loveyourbody

    I also have a long lip, and at first i was very afraid and bothered by it, thinking that i was the only one.
    Dont ever be afraid of goin to the doctor because when i did to find out wat the problem was, she was very proffesional and understood how i felt. She explained to me wat i had and told me it was common and normal :)
    After reading this descussin, if i ever get a boyfriend that wants to have sex, i'll explain to him what i have and i know he will understand- it acctually sounds fun having sex wit a long lip ahahha

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  • Answer_nicely

    why are you self concoiuse about ur lips?
    it is a beautiful thing to have such puffy pussy lips. just imagine how a man would love to suck and flick them during oral sex. hell you should even measure them from time to time. big puffy pussys are sexy and men adore them.

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  • ok so like to sum it all up in three words,
    you good breh

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  • warprincess246

    to answer your question if it is perfectly normal during sexual intercourse yes it is my vagina lips are the same as yours idk why and it happened when i was 12 out of nowhere but i feel that is is perfectly normal and god made you who you are to be who you are and you should never want to change yourself and the guy who wants to be with you should love you for who you are.

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  • UnconBodIma77

    I have long lips and i personaly hate it, it makes me feel very very very self concious about my body image, I hate it. I am only 14 and i know i shouldnt worry right now, but i do, Cause you see i am veerrrryyy very self cocious and im lesbian, i currently have a gf and i hate having long lips cause i dont know what she is going to think about it. Ummmm i was considering talking to my mom about surgery for the near future and i also hate that from the long lips when i wear spandex for volleyball it looks like i have a d!ck and it is really embarassing... What should i do, But on the other hand having long lips is normal, i asked my doctor.

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  • herbert

    Am a male 42 yrs, in my life i like these long vagina lips, i like to suck them thats why I like them.

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    • herbert

      its normal am a male and i like meeting a woman with as long as she manage to make they are nice men like i like them.

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  • butterfly44

    hey. i don't know why i'm doing this but i thought it may help.
    i'm heysister, forgot the password. i first posted on here when i was 16. few years older now.
    and like... what i find is that guys are surprised.... but they don't like idk. i don't know if they mind.
    but one guy rejected me because of it. which hurt. but ... can't say he was perfect though... ;)
    i am still considering the surgery... i don't like the surprised reaction... also, you know when you wear stockings for example it's uncomfortable sometimes... and sometimes you get unneccessarily turned on...
    i don't wear jeans anymore... haven't in 8 years. tight stuff like that just makes me hurt, and i swear when it comes off my vagina like breathes or something.. haha
    was all that tmi?
    idk if a lot of girls have it though. because a friend brought it up and it didn't seem usual for him.
    in addition, websites like this are looked by people who've got protruding lips.

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  • burberrybabe

    I was embarrassed when I was younger about my lips as well. They protrude, and hang down and my clitoris is huge. I was so scared about showing any guys, but I was curious and tried anyway, very nervously.
    The result; if the guy is judgmental; fuck him, but in most cases, they will be so grateful for getting in the sack with you, they won't care OR they will love your big exotic lips!
    My boyfriend isn't judgemental and I am completely comfortable with him.

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  • missinnocent

    omgg! well, i am 19 yrs old, and ive been dating this guy for more than a year, but known him for two years. we never had sex, yet. in two days, we will have sex and he will take my virginity. we talked about it, we explained our feelings about it.. everything responsible. but, I am so ashamed of my vagina lips I might reject sex just because i'm embaressed. my right lips are so large! they stretch out 2-3 inches. my left side, very extremely small. i am also extremely embaressed about the skin darkening. i am white, and i have a red pussy, but on the edges of my lips are like coffee brown... and the hair is so dark u can see the gain under my skin after shaving or plucking.. i feel so ugly, and ashamed of what it looks like. help me please... i am greatful to know that im not the only one.. but.. one sided?? i hope hes a guy that likes lips.. :\

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    • SuperNova680

      your not alone! I have one lip longer than the other

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  • I have big vagina lips and I've had a very good and active sex life. My boyfriend and ex were best friends(you can guess why there not now) and they both had the same friends. Well one of their friends came too me and said he heard from both guys that im the best they've ever had and wanted to try. I told him no. But honestly I think it creates a better sex life(:

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  • MissCrazy

    Don't get surgery!! This is completely normal! Everyone has different vaginas!

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  • I'm soo scared to show the guys. I feel like I'll be compared and stuff. When I wear tight pants it doesn't bother me but I do feel like they "hang out" I'm not sure what to do. I feel like I won't go anywhere sexually if I don't feel "sexy" reading about all these other women I now know I'm not alone.

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  • Chaosed

    100% Normal, Each Vagina Is different right. Just like guys n their penis, Women have alot of variety to. It shouldnt be something a person should be overly worried about. Any guy whom goes into bed with a girl whom has longer lips shouldnt be weirded out what so ever. If you run into a boyfriend or girlfriend who thinks its gross or thinks lower of you for obviously isnt worth it in the 1st place. ^ ^

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  • JJlonglips

    I'm 16 and I have really long lips and it's very embarrassing for me during sex cause they think my lips are my clit and idk.
    But on the other hand, everyone I've had sex with has said it was the best sex they've had in they're whole life. Only one has actually talked to me about it though. And they say they love my vagina because it's just better and more unique and that they love the way it looks.
    Part of me wants to do the surgry and the other half doesn't. What should I do??

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    • hunglikehorse69

      no surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!! send me pics of it instead. lol

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  • sativo

    I love long lips. The longer the better! 100% serious!

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  • dannydflorida

    the only bad part i see about big vaginal lips is that she could not wear a string bikini....coz the lip slip situation might just happen anytime. I am a big fan of big vaginal lips... they look like a giant butterfly.

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    • freakiestbitch

      never thought of it that way but they do look like a butterfly.

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  • louielou

    There's a few (guys, I assume) quoting silly things like "they'll make you grip tighter" (no they won't!) or spouting immature rubbish, so I felt I should tell my side of things.

    There were no internet images to compare myself to back then. I remember wearing really tight trousers in my early 20s and being totally puzzled why my friends found it so amusing. Yes, I was that naive :)

    I've never had a negative comment from a lover, ever. In fact, one boyf absolutely LOVED seeing me in tight jeans (I avoided them once I discovered what people could see!). And like a lot of women with long vaginal lips, very tight trousers are painful to wear.

    There are no problems with sexual response, as for it making you more sensitive..I've no idea. Though one surgeon quotes, %%u201Cany time you make an incision, you have decreased sensitivity.%%u201D. Genital surgery isn't something I'd ever consider, unless I was injured.

    Trust me, any guy who gets you in bed is just pleased to have you there, and he won't care. And in the unlikely event he does, he's not worth getting intimate with.

    PS: Vaginaoplasty (vaginal tightening) is different from Labioplasty, which is the surgery we're focussing on here.

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  • maxtor51

    long vigina lips are quite normal. i have dated may women in my life and none to compare to one i dated about 2 years ago. i have had small vaginas, large vaginas and then the average vaginas. this woman had the longest outer and inner lips i had ever seen on any woman. when performing oral sex on her i could actually take the outter lips and place them on my cheeks and would take up most of my face. the woman was not a big woman at all but a big boned woman but not overweight. she could stand in front of me naked and i could reach up and pull the outer lips down a good 2-2 1/2 inches. they were quite long and so sexy. i love them to play with. her hole was not that big and was quite a juicy one when she got hot as to her juices would run down her legs if she was standing. she had to wear a pad sometime when we went out and i would mess with her in public which she enjoyed. i would actually get her hot in public and her vagina would swell up to big porpotions and would get everything wet. so, big vagina lips are not uncommon and quite sexy to me. keep them, even stretch them if you like cause it will turn a man on.

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  • waddafx

    omg heysister, i have that to.
    it makes me so self consious. i never let my boyfriend go down my pants bc i really like him and im scared he will be like wtf you freak. i always go down his before he can go down mine=
    i just had my mom make a gyno app for me but i didnt tell her why bc i was embaressed, i hope the doctor does something about it!

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  • Nejmie

    Hey all you poor ill-informed people......when a woman hits puberty and matures, the vaginal lips change and grow longer. It's just another one of the changes that occur upon maturation. All women have vaginal lips that are longer than their labia. Some longer than others.....that's just the way God made us! Don't worry about it.

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    • chimera504

      This is not accurate. Who on Earth told you that. My lips have never grown past my outer lips. Geez. Compact or long, we are beautiful and built just as intended.

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  • xxloverbugxx

    I know how you feel. I was w a guy, we were both virgins and we dated for 2 yrs after i go w a diff guy, he was basically a male version of me LOL anyway he waitd to do things, he said he wantd to eat me out snd i said ok the first thing he says is "your meat its hanging out" he is face look lik he was about to puke or that he saw something to ugly it burnd his eyes. ever since then ive been extreamly freakd out of that happing again, i have thought about surgery but i dont want to do that because im so sensitive and it makes for better sex. ive had to learn to love myself.

    i would say there are 1in.

    ive also bein askd if i have "meat curtians" that also made me feel bad

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  • austin21781

    honestly..i love to suck on long pussy lips

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  • prof_chaos

    Long lips are amazing. They make the vagina look much better. Better for oral if u have a set do no disturb lol no surgery

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  • Littleinsecure

    rem I only have one vaginal lip longer than the other, but when it's together it just looks like two on one side and one on the other.
    Anyone else had this problem?

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    • SuperNova680

      I have that problem too...

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    • volgan15

      I do :(

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  • bigd99

    how old are u ??????

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  • baldeagle

    PS. Bald is best too!

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  • lynn_044

    oh my gosh! i do the saaameee thing as the rest of you. i was actually googling it a second ago and was reading you guy's posts! must be normal! i feel much better now. and actually i'm a year too young to be using this site actually, haha but i doubt any of you care...hopefully not because i've been trying to figure this thing out.. umm..yeah about the dane cook thing, i love him, he's so funny, but the high school play curtain thing, not cool. my boyfriend now is the only one i've ever had sex with, and he's obviously seen my lips, and we were actually just watching his latest stand up...and he says something ELSE about big vag lips, like elephant ears...i tried to talk about something else as soon as he said that, i got sooo embarrassed. like i wonder what my boyfriend thinks about them? i get so nervous when he gives me oral. infact we don't do it that much because i don't really think it's all that pleasuring..maybe because of my big lips?..sometimes i feel like i'm missing out and that it should feel much better but it's just because of my big lips. but i've had them all my life. i thought i was the only one!

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    • deepthought33

      Sorry girl, it has nothing to do with your lips. I'd tend to blame that more on the techniques of your bf. Help him out...he might not know.

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  • thorn503

    Nothing abnormal about big, long lips. Actually, they turn me on. Men will have preferences, of course, just like with breast size, hair color, etc. however I wouldn't get surgery to fix something that is not a problem. Large labia afford your lover more flesh to enjoy, as I do.

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  • slackjawedyokel

    since when do teenaged boys have vaginal lips?

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  • Terry...

    I am so tired of women being mercilessly judged on their appearance if they don't look like air brushed, surgically enhanced models.
    Now women have to worry about how their labia look? I never heard of this before, until Labiaplasty became the new fad for plastic surgeons to make money on.
    In our Western society we put down female genital mutilation in other countries (which is abhorrent), yet we now do it here and label it as Labiaplasty. What's worse is they now tell women their normal labia aren't attractive by pushing the surgery, photoshopping labia out of porn mags and porn stars getting clipped if they don't meet up to what is now considered "attractive".
    This just all leads to some women not liking yet another part of their body because of media. What makes it worse is that when porn presents clipped and/or photoshopped women, many men are led to believe that the ideal look is next to invisible inner labia. Boys in particular are led to believe this, because those are the images they "judge" by when they become sexually active.
    So now women aren't only being told what is considered outer beauty, they are also being told what type of labia are considered "beautiful" & if they don't measure up, they better cut it up.

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  • MsPandabear

    I have the same problem.. I'm really scared to tell my partner. I love him and he loves me.. But I have long pussy lips and I think it would be odd to just tell him.. I'm scared to tell anyone.. So how do I tell him? I think it will be odd... He has had sex with many women. I am 17 and a virgin.. This is why I am worried.

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  • naatali

    heyy there I"m seextin and have big lips .@ first I thought it was bad and weird. Whennever I wore toght jeans it Squizzed my lips really hard which hurt. There were no jeans or shorts that'd fit me. I was feeling so depress and weird..whnver we had a game we had to wear our volleyball shorts..I didn't like them. but we had to wear dem..:( Fnlly I got out of volleyball.
    I waas checking out if by 'casuality' there were more girls like this
    I feel much better now that Ive heard mny of this great uniq women! N the guys that know hot to be realli 'men'
    I hope there's more girls in the same situatuin dat get in this bloq and realize they are Special n_n

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  • countrybumkin

    i love long lip vagina's they make me think of little pink butterfly wings.. i just wanna kiss em. i love playing with them with the tip of my tongue, just dangling there so invitingly.. show them off with pride ladies

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  • immaballer14

    wow i thot i was the only one tht hade this... i think they are totaly disgusting. i spent so long reading all these comments and i am so thankful. thankkkkssss uu!!

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  • trustissues#42

    Lately my boyfriends been wanting to have sex, and due to my large lips, i havent really said anything. Yesterday he told me that he really wanted to have sex with me, but i didnt know what to do. This morning i looked on this website and seen all the comments so i told him & he said it doesnt bother him or worry him.. so we're good :) dont be ashamed of it!

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  • tkv019

    i'm so happy i looked this up. i've been hard on myself for this and i thought it wasn't normal at all and i actually thought i only had this problem myself.
    the first guy i lost my virginity to mocked me for it when we broke up, he told half the town that my lips were like wings and that i was a freak. i was constantly mocked by people and i didn't have sex for 8 months because i felt unsecure about it. i'm over this problem now and i'm so happy people think it's normal. i've ever heard and read here that guys actually like it.. SCORE! ;)

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  • freakiestbitch

    Seriously girls, I was born with big lips or as doctors call it extra tissue, I was also born with out a uterus and 2 cherries, and always thought that was the reason for the big lips but then i did some research like all of you and realized that it is completely normal to have larger lips and Most men love it, especially if you find one that loves to go down on a girl. I used to be ashamed of it when i first turned 18, but am now 25 and realized that guys love it and i should have never of wished to be any different. I used to want surgery but have came to realize that theres no reason to do that because I dont care what anybody else thinks and i love my vagina just the way it is god intended it to be that way and plus if you get surgery down there it might mess with your sex drive. Sry just wanted to comment on this because i actually can relate. So girls dont dwell u will realize that some boys especially in between 18 and 20 they wouldn't know a good vagina if it was in there face. You will find that someone that person that makes you feel amazing and loves u for u. You ladies have a BEAUTIFUL gift from god or whoever it is u guys believe in and dont let anybody ever tell u any different. I hope this helps.

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  • xxdark.beautyxx

    Ps I have been told that I have a very tight v, so its not that I'm loose, its just the issue with the clit and labia that I'm worried about

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  • xxdark.beautyxx

    These comments have made me feel a lil better that I'm not the only one. Both of my inner lips hang past my outer lips but one is longer than the other, and yes it kinda folds. I feel so self conscious about them because I feel like some guys may think its because.I'm a whore and had a lot of sex, with all the guys alwAys making crude jokes about girls "hanging down". I havent had a guy complain but I feel like they just kept it to themselves or something. And I'm very afraid of having an encounter with someone who is grossed out by it. Im a girl so I don't know if its because I'm not attracted to vaginas or what, but I hate it, I think it looks gross and not normal. I haven't seen any other v besides the porn stars. I wilk probably never be comfortable with it. Are you sure that its not a turn off??

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  • 123babewithbrains

    Im a girl, all guys wana have sex with me, saying my body is perfect ect, but i just need to get REALLY comfortable with a guy before he can do anything to my body, and im scared if they saw my lips they'd be grossed out:(
    i have a boyfriend who i've only had sex with twice, he hasnt said anything about my lips, and he doesnt seem to care, but when he goes down on me i just cant help but feel SO self concious! This has made me feel a bit better bout my self but i still get nervous:/

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  • dolphin22234

    Today i let my boyfriend in my pants for the first time and my lips are longer then average and we were also making out as he put his hands down there and as soon as he got to my lips i opened my eyes to see his face and he had a weird look on his face as if he thought it was weird and it made me really embarrassed, i dont know if i should ask him if he liked it or not but im really self conscious about it. HEELPP?

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  • bboyj123

    Ha. I love how we're all signing up! I just did.
    its perfectly normal. I've had a ex who had that big lips. And its fine. It's who you are I wouldn't change it. It's like getting plastic surgery I would rather have all natural then something fake ya dig. And making love shouldn't be about what it looks like it should be all fun any gigz and enjoying it with your partner. . Ha.

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  • And too jessiebbyx yes im only 16

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  • dannydflorida

    Hello ladies, just signed up.... please do not worry... most men love long vaginal lips. I my self is dating a women (she is from brazil). Her vaginal lips are so huge that when i am down there eating her out the vaginal lips almost touch my ears on each side. I can literally tie a small knot with both of them.... so you get it? they are huge... and that is what makes my girl different than others... i love it.... I can almost chew them in my mouth like a chewing gum and wiggle them around from one side of my mouth to another...Can you do that with a woman who has normal lips? NO !!!! i love my girl.....the first them when i went down there.. she was wearing a miniskirt with no panties and i was on the floor on my knees looking up her legs...while she was standing ... believe it or not...seemed like that there were two 8oz steaks just haning from up there...it was quiet a sight. Take Care...

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  • jlindaaa

    I also have long, fat lipss and they hang , and i think they're really ugly. but I'm also not a virgin when i lost my virginity to my boyfriend of 3 years i was really scared that he might think that it's ugly and tell his friends. But he likes them but i still don't like how it looks. but i might also be pregnant and im scared tht i might go to the doctor and they might see it. also i think the fatter/longer they are the sex is better

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    • freakiestbitch

      sweety most doctors dont judge and most of them are not new to seeing bigger lips. You have nothing to worry about.

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  • BobbiLynn

    See being comfortable with yourself is fun. My best friend has this perfect virgin-looking porn star vagina, I know that sounds contradictory, but its just so perfect, and then I see that I look perfect to my husband, and so it's all allright


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  • Tobi-Uciha

    I farted

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    • Black_Rain95

      Oh why?

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  • crazymofo326

    Guys love to play with long pussy lips. You can just make your dog bite them off and then fry the lips and give it to a guy for his birthday present. It will turn him on and cum in your ears.

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  • me_gigglez

    hunny there totally normal, i see you ladies thinking the worst.. I have big lips & Big boobs & a butt & i think im blessedd in all parts of my body (: just be happy with your vagina.. girls w. no big lips shouldd be the ones concerned haha jp but there not as bad as you think (:

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  • helenjewett

    please don't get reconstructive surgery.
    Every girl's down there looks different.

    It's normal to have longer labias.

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  • Sean021021

    Personally I don't like flat pussies, I like phat ones, it seems fine to me as long ass its pussy, I would lick it! lol

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  • checker655

    I think a big clit and pussy lips are great to look at and play with. Also they are great to lick and suck on.

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  • asilla

    okay i have it to. i dont like it, next time i go to my othadonist for birth control im going to ask my doctor about it because she has to look there anyways and i'm embberst to just let her see it. and i dont know why im on birth control because im scared to have sex with it anyways! or to even let the guy go down my pants. but as soon as i get options that wont hurt you i will putt it up here=]

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  • sisophous

    A lot of posts on this topic seem to be appearing as of late.

    Here is a link to a place in New York City that provides such services. You may get something out of it by just browsing their site to learn more. Personally, it is a non-issue with me and likely with most men.


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  • Jessiebbyx

    What is the natural age you should have long vagina lips? Xx

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  • louielou

    The site vaginaverite has some interesting thoughts on the subject of all vaginal surgeries, too. Hope you feel less self-conscious :)

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  • igottabigdickxxxryanxxx

    very hot on occasion, but i'd have to see for myself ;)

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  • LexRex19

    IDKY i am doing this lol. I can relate! I have always been really self conscious about having long vag lips down there, but i have learned it's just one of those little different things, that makes me (ME). I think of it as like having unusually pretty eyes or something. Everybody is made differently and it makes us who we are. I totally know how it feels to be worried about this and somone telling people, I still do. I am very picky when it comes to sex anywayz, maybe that is why...So maybe it's a good thing. Eventually I came to terms with the fact that i'm just unique not a freak. Thank goodness i have only great experiences sexually with Caring people.

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  • muffy1992

    Recently my husband and I went to a strip club, I noticed that my entire pussy did not look like any of theirs. In fact theirs looked teeny weeny. Mine does not, mine is fat and the lips are long, I didn't realize that this was different in women. My husband says he likes it, but the whole experience made me feel weird.

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  • Jessiebbyx

    I have long lips and I'm just a teen, first I really didn't think it was normal I hate the look of them. I had thought it would ruin my older sex life :/ but as I have been reading these comments I have thought to myself are all men the same because I really wouldn't know what to do if I had that experience (getting laughed at) I don't know if I could cope

    Is it normal to have long lips at such a young age? They are uncomfortable! X

    Thanx xxxxx

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    • freakiestbitch

      its completely normal

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  • shade_ilmaendu

    There are websites on the Internet now showcasing photos of "normal" bodies, ie your average, everyday person, not models and pornstars who've been airbrushed and photoshopped.

    Our bodies are all so very different. I used to feel self conscious for the same thing, til I realized it doesn't matter, and that's what any guys gonna say too :)

    One thing I don't understand... Why is this tagged as funny? This is some good discussion about body image o.o

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  • arleen513

    I thought i was the only one who had them phewww thanks to this website i feel comfortable(:

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  • naomisian

    Im nervous to be honest i have long lips an yeah it does hang im really paranoid im 18, an i wont really let any of my boyfriends [exs] go down on me incase they judge me, I just dont think it looks right awh i dont know im meeting a lad in two weeks an ofc im not a slag an just have sex but when crunch comes to the crunch an like id let him go down on me an he dont mind but he says he loves me for me so yeah i hope so i wont be so paranoid

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  • Nejmie

    It's just the way women are made. All women, during puberty, experience body changes.....elongation of the vaginal lips is just one of them. Some women's are longer than others, but definitely it is normal. Biology 101

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    • Black_Rain95

      But will they keep changing til a specific time??

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  • biatchbabe(01)

    hey hey i have been so scared 2 show my bf my body as i am young nd have big lips.. i have been wif my man 4 10 months nd he has not seen my body.. he wants 2 but i am really scared :( i hop in da shower wif him but cover up nd when i lay in bed i cover up aswell i dnt no wat 2 do i am really scare.. he tell me not 2 worry wat i look like but i dnt listen.. when we have sex it is on da dark or i just tell him not 2 look down i feel werid sayin this but i need help.. :( :( :(

    i need help plz sum1 give me info on wat 2 do i dnt no wat 2 do thanks ppl

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    • freakiestbitch

      if you guys have sex im sure hes prob already felt your lips. If he loves you he will love all of you no matter what u look like.

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  • heysister

    are you sure?

    if anyone has long lips can they comment and say whether its all normal, during...

    im so scared guys would talk about that stuff.

    are you supposed to tell a guy that its... different?

    and are they really all different?


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    • onebyone

      no its not different when you have sex i have a great sex life and i also have longer vaginal lips. no guys ever complained i've actually gotten quite the opposite it actually keeps it more.. moist

      i used to be nervous then i just decided whatever its my body im fine with it and i think i look good so who cares

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      • UnabashedUser

        I love to bury my face in a full generous pussy and lick and suck every gorgeous flap and dimple. Mmmmm....mmmm...

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      • you make it sound like your loose

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    • BobbiLynn

      Yes I have them, they are different than other vaginas, but form my research on the topic it's a lot more commone to have long than barely there. Anyways, if you feel more comfortable telling the guy before hand, well then tell them, you shouldn't have to but you'll know if he's the kind of guy that would react 'out loud' to something new. Just be comfortable with yourself.


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    • kumarpk

      Long lips will give a good grip and having sex become very fine ok. Don,t worry about it.

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      • sexykay

        if i was dude i would love to suck on yo sexy jucy pussy lips post some pic!

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  • Knock_It_off

    I meant Done*

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  • Knock_It_off

    Get labiaplasty, saw some girl on DOC 90210 get it sone, she said it hurts to wear tight pants.

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    • heartless777

      I have them too. But mine don't fold luckfully! Don't do surgery. It's your body, be happy with what you have. I don't now what guys think, haven't been in love yet.

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  • tbs

    I have this, too. I was always self concious about it, but went about my sex life as if I didn't care at all. My ex (yes, this is why he's my ex) went down on me and then stretched my vagina 'lips' and was apparently very surprised. He then made up a song 'Does your clit hang low' to the tune of 'Does your chain hang low' and spread it around the whole school. They sang it for months. BEWARE WHO YOU SHOW YOURSELF TO! However, with my current and long term boyfriend he doesn't find a problem with it. We have a very happy and active sex life and it doesn't really bother me anymore. You just get used to it (:

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  • SelfConscious6678

    What if your outer lips are really big, is there surgery for that?

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  • Curiouskitten444

    I personally dont have that issue but its totally normal and fine.

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  • mm6969

    I love to suck on them meat flaps. They are caused by hormones not by being a slut. I love them

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  • Sara0303

    I don't have big lips, but it's normal

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  • CD(✿◠‿◠)


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  • Slammyjim

    I've literally had the same problem my whole life!! It sucks. I'm always second guessing myself and I'm always afraid to have sex with guys..thinking they'll be grossed out or turned off by my big lips.. i don't know what to do or how to make myself feel better about it. I'm not that much of an insecure person but when it comes to my lips, i'm the most insecure person on the planet. I know if a guy doesn't like me or he thinks my big lips are gross, he can go fuck himself and he doesn't deserve me but it still doesnt make me any more secure.

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  • shordee

    I'd love to suck on some long lips

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  • mokuton

    I love long vaginal lips. I love licking them and fucking them cox it feels better

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  • lovewomen57

    Hell yea babe

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  • shordee

    I'm a guy and I would absolutely love long lips on a girl it is a turn on

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  • Pineapplejuice

    I have this problem too and it makes me very insecure...

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  • Musique

    It's okay, I'm sure your vagina has a beautiful personality.

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  • Zumba

    I'm the same! I'm nervous that if my boyfriend fingers me he won't be able to find the vagina hole because the lips will be in the way! Please help

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  • cumblaster

    I've always been very turned on by women with large pussy lips. My ex wife's pussy lips really hung out of her and that was sooo sexy to me! It made licking her very exciting, it was also very hot to have her ride me and see those big lips wrapping around my cock

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  • allstarbunny

    In some African cultures, women weight their labia minora (inner lips) to stretch them and make them longer. In fact, one woman's two labia, when spread out like a fan, spanned nine inches! So if you have long labia, consider yourself extra blessed.

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  • Pepperoni_Sticks

    Hun your vag lips are luscious and beautiful! No man is gonna be measuring to fish lips. Lets get real. I'm out

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  • Leviathanel

    how bad are they clam or beef curtains.

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  • estherw

    mine is big, n i have a crazy sex drive. the guys i'm with say i have big pussy lips but they seem to love it n always come back. So please, stop being self conscious n enjoy sex. most of the guys r even more insecure than you about how they look down there!

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  • oicuwantit2

    Love long labia, I could spend hours giving oral but long meaty petals are to die for. Youll make someones day with that beautiful bod.

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  • Dee(M)

    Every vagina is different, that's what makes men want to fuck them all. Having long lips is no different than having long legs, or big breasts, or a pert ass; they will still attract men. Be proud of what you have!

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  • i like the kind that looks smooth and with nothing sticking out no clit hanging out no over sized lips
    thats the types i like

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  • you mean the vulva lips or is it the clit thats long if so its a turn off to me others may like when it looks long but i don't

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  • Smiffy123

    Reading most of these comments made me feel a bit better but I'm still so self conscious! I can't handle trying to clean the toilet paper that gets stuck there, I don't want to have to take baby wipes to a boys house..(I'm single) I want to use toilet paper like a normal person. One of my lips are 5x bigger than the other and looks like a wrinkly tongue flapping everywhere, although that sounds funny it looks so ugly! Talked to my sister about it for the first time and she said not to worry, but I do because the boy I like has lost his virginity and I haven't so if he freaks out I don't know what to do. I also have a lot of discharge that I want to sort out.. But how? I used Vagasil a couple of times but I don't know if it's working... Can anyone help me feel better about this at all:(

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  • What'sright

    If I was your guy I would be eat your pussy and sucking on those lips. You would be squirming like an earthworm getting put on a hook in pleasure.

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  • Avant-Garde

    It's normal. All vulvas are different.

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  • xshroxoom3x

    Some guys like it... :)

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  • saduJ18

    Look, different men like different things. If a dude don't dig your pussy, you find another dude. Some dudes dig skinny chicks, so chicks think they ALL gotta be skinny. If you were, then those of us that dig thick chicks are screwed! No wait, we won't ever get to screw... Anyway, don't change yourself to fit what society says you should be, cuz there's someone that wants you like you are. Dig?

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  • myreasontofly

    Jesus christ I'm so happy I found this. I've always been really self conscious but my husband never said anything about them so I don't worry too much. I see these picture of these women with little tiny vagina's and I feel so weird... Like maybe I'm ugly or weird because my inner lips hang. When I was younger I always tried to stuff my lips back up or something because I thought it was bad. Or I pulled on it a lot because I thought it was so weird. I have been terrified to go to an OBGYN because of it.

    And I also have the constant white discharge. Constantly. Ever since I got my period 6 years ago now. I never knew what it was. I thought maybe I was just gross or something but I keep myself clean. Unless my husband and I have a lot of sex, it still happens. I never thought that it could just be cum. My lips aren't really super sensitive but 9 times out of 10 I always have an orgasm. Wearing tight pants feels so nice I'll almost orgasm just from walking from the crotch rubbing my vagina.

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  • atrudixman

    There is no man in this world who would give a damn for we love the looks of it the taste of it and the smell of it. What has a sweet smell of innocence mixed with a touch of naughtiness and delightful excitement? Only a woman can claim that one.

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  • insecure420

    my inner lips hang out past my outer lips and I have always been insecure about it I havent let a guy see me naked because I'm terrified of what they might say.When I was younger my mom saw it and didn't even know what to say so I've never told anyone about it let alone show a guy

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  • flower28

    okay , so i have long lips i believe? like my clitoris is a little big bigger than most of my friends and honestly i feel uncomfortable letting my boyfriend see it because im afraid he'll leave me or laugh. And ive had sex with him like we lost it to each other but he has never seen my vagina because i dont want him to think that ive had sex with other guys because i havent but it looks lose so he will probably think that im really shy about my vagina.... i dont know what to do . help! please <3

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  • ILoveYhu<3

    i have long pussy lips and im self concious about it:/

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  • itsme19

    I love this website!! I always thought I was the only one with long lips iv always have been embarrassed about them.

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  • big_vagina_lips

    We think that's may be normal. But if you are from Australia you can visit us www.enhanceclinic.com.au and book an appointment.

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  • truth890

    Well ive never been self concious like i go out with no make up and stuff. So i was never concious about having long lips, and yes I went for it. But only being 14 you can guess what the guys are like at school, childish and immature! But silly me let an ex down there, like the dick he is started saying things about it to his friends acting all 'hard' and then little rumours went round about me now I regret it so thats why ive searched this up, readimg these comments has made me feel better again. Thankyou

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  • 123***

    well, m so happy to see this much positivity out dere, which was unexpected and to read the comments, and to know what people outside think about the long lips...thank u guys. feeling very much relaxed now or else i was lot worried and was thinking for the surgery... but its all over now...n i know now that its normal andddddd natural completely and moreover i now have got the confidence to explain this to my partner also, in case he acts like a lol ;)

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  • BigGrady80

    Don't be insecure girl! Honestly everyones different!! people arent that dumb to not know what ugly is! if your twat is GOT! lol get surgery and ALOT! and if u cant.. just smoke POT! rhyme time but serious! lol take that advice if ur pussys ugly get it fixed before u wind up 40 with mad cats and a butch dyke for a hubby sad but trueee!

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  • xkevbx

    Like everyone else, glad to find this and glad to see others. Thought it was me.
    My issue isn't a man. My fiance has no problem with it and when I mention surgery he wonders why.
    We want a threesome and I am self conscious of what the other girl might think.

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  • naatali

    I think and know that dat make us unique! We see it as weird bcuz not much people have that...But we do
    I used to thik I was weird, but I found the beauty inside me:) I've talked with many specialized doctors about this andd they agreed that we are all different, we all have our own thing that define us.
    If God wantedd to make us like that,we r his perfect job bcuz he is perect:)

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    • hali39

      each pussy is a different beauty. i love each of them

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  • ilovebenkweller

    i made this account because i need some serious advice.
    i am currently a virgen and i have a boyfriend he is one of those funny guys and tells me everything he likes about vagina's for instance the other day he said "i hate when the lips over power everything when they are tooo Big" he has never been around my vagina. he also has had sex already (which i hate) im so terrified he is going to compare mine to theirs. not in a good way, i mean i love him,i am afraid my lips are to , big . . . this is akward for me since im confesssing online . please reply. very much appreciated.

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  • SoWhatT.T

    I was so worried since i was 13 :s idk why :P. Practicing sports, a lot of times i was getting in rooms with naked chicks ahaha :) So i was wondering why my P looks not like most of all do T.T i trought i had a problem :D. Today i feel alright looking at myslef since i got a nice body but i'm still afraid, what a reaction someone ith who i will have a contact will just have...? wht if my bf won't like it?!
    ps: i got a heart p lips form... yeahhh sounds weird, kinda looks so -> ♥.

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  • sav9745

    I'm getting to that point in my relationship where my Boyfriend wants to start being sexually active. I too, have 'large' vagina lips...Thankfully, I'm not alone!

    I know he wants to *eat my out...And everyone here, is talking about *regular sex!

    What does a guy think when he goes to eat you out and see's.... THOSE!?!?! It's bugging me out, and *I don't want him to think I'm Nasty*.
    Does anyone have suggestions or tips?!

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    • he'll think its nasty looking for sure

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  • amei212

    I have never been on a sight like this but i just feel the need to have people to talk to.. I have the same issues.. i have long lips, about an inch long and only my boyfriend knows. It "bugs him", i guess its noticeable in underwear and even yoga pants.. i have been with him for 3 years and he is the only guy i have ever let down there. I feel like a freak, i have been thinking about surgery, but i don't think i could afford it. My boyfriend and i have great sex, but he openly says how it makes him feel uncomfortable, i can count the number of times he has gone down on me on one hand (in the course of 3 years!), he says it's "different" and he doesn't like that about me.. idk what i can do and idk if surgery is the right answer.. its hard when he is the only person who knows about it and that how he feels.. =/

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  • Hockeypro

    I am so self conscious of my big lips , I didn't realize that so many people had them ! This helps a little but I am still really scared of what the guy will say or think ! It's also embarrassing when you can see it through yoga pants .. /: ugh .. I am also 15 is this normal ?!?

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    • flower28

      omg im 16 and i have long lips too and im afraid to show my boyfriend , but yes its normal but im still very scared :0

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  • InsecureGirl95

    I was very insecure about my long inner lips. And the guy (who was my first) I was dating for a little bit more than a year was always convincing me it's OK and that he doesn't mind until one night after sex I told him while I was looking at his penis "Awww, I would love to be a man to have that cute thing between my legs". And he said "Well, maybe that thing you have hanging there is a growing penis". When I heard that, I was so ashamed but I didn't want to show how much it hurt me. I feel terrible since then. Now, I'm supposed to sleep with my current boyfriend but I'm afraid he'll say something like that... I just can't do it. :(

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  • Jojo26

    I decided to look this up because I have the same thing. But it's funny since im 24 and all these years It never really occurred to me that my lips were long. No guy ever mentioned it to me. Infact one guy I dated said I had a beautiful vagina haha! For some reason just this past week I came to the realization that I have long lips and decided to look it up so see if it were normal. Seeing these posts make me feel great!

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  • KiwiGirl

    Hav just signed up to say OMG I'm normal!!!! So I'm 32 and hav been soooo very insecure bout my long lips. Like lots of u they protrude and I don't think they're beautiful 2 look at - at all! Hav always thought I had a defect and that I really was a freak. I'm not all nice and tucked in like porn stars and I thort that's wot vaginas were meant 2 look like. I love oral sex but neva wanted bfs 2 go down there so yup, out the lights went or I'd try 2 cover my vagina with my hand. Always so embarrassed. Reading all these posts I feel, FOR THE 1ST TIME EVA, that I'm normal.....and that guys love it! I never ever knew! I've considered surgery but wondered whether I'd still cum as often as I do every time I hav sex. I feel like I've spent the last 16yrs worrying about sumthing that in reality, isn't a big deal! So a huge thanx 2 u all for sharing bout this. Grateful

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  • Lokomental

    I just made an account to write something here.
    1) I also have long vaginal lips, about 1-2 inches in length, and I thought it was weird. My girlfriend (even about 30 minutes ago) was trying to get me to take my pants off, I said no. I then proceeded to check the internet for advice. I'm just scared she'll freak out.. not only that, (but just before I saw this I thought I was some kind of half man, half woman thing).
    2) It sucks because it gets wet.. all the god damn time. I can't stop it.
    3) I must admit that I may not last long, but I can do it over and over again.
    4) They're probably the reason I was self confident.. but I'm going to try and tell my girlfriend this tomorrow and see what she says...
    If she breaks up with me.. I think I'll just go into a deep depression about this (again). But until then. When she wakes up, it's time for a talk.

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  • hellyeahhh!!

    i just signed up to make this comment my vagina started to get swolen wen i was a bout 11 i thought it was just a sign of startin my periods but i began to get long vaginal lips which are now bout an inch long i amm realy scares and emmbaarrased to show them i am so glad that i no i am not the only one now but i alsoo thought it might of been because i had sex at a young age also cna anybody help ?

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  • 23unforgivin23

    Ok this is awkward for me.
    I want to let my girlfriend eat me out and let people finger me u know? But my lips are just really long and get in the way of everything dude
    Ok and so she wants to do it soon but im scared, i rejected people makeing excuses before and
    I really want her to do it u know?
    im scared shes gonna be like wtf and stop doing it and never talk to me again and tell everybody! Im moving soon so that wont me tooo horrible to handle but it wouldnt be good.
    Help what do i do?
    What could i ask her without knowing that i have long lips until she replys???
    I love her too much to let her go but my vagina is just too bad she might be upset because i never let her in my pants... Help

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  • picture or fake :P

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    • BatmanIsTheMessiah

      Look how many fucking comments there are about having 'long lips'. Its obviously normal

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  • manohman

    question, so i have these also. but how long are we saying is normal? like how much stick out. i have never measured or anything because its something that i have always been self concious about and i choose to not look at them. its also another reason why im a virgin but, how many cm/inches overhanging from the outer lips is normal?

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  • heyitsus

    Ladies listen up. If anyone ever tells you that you are something based on the length of your pussy lips tell them to eat a big bowl of shit with chop sticks... Any guy who thinks long lips are gross is an idiot. I bet those same idiots have never once turned down a pussy due to its lip length. For the record most guys love long lips. Enjoy what ya have ladies!

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  • selfconsiouslove

    I signed up to post this comment because I am in the EXACT same position. Growing up I became sexually active at the age of 12. Crazy I know. But I was experimenting with women and as all we know middle schoolers are back stabbers. I would get called "flappy" or even "loose" (obviously they didn't understand the concept of "loose" lol) just because I had longer lips then the other women. For the longest time I wouldn't let anyone look at me while we fooled around, If they don't see they wont know whats going on down there. Then by the time I finally had sex with a male I was told I had a PERFECT pussy. The only reason people thinks its weird is because they haven't seen it before. I honestly love my pussy now of days. More skin, more fun if you ask me. I now know many people that are dealing with the same thing and understand that it is COMPLETELY normal. Its just as normal as guys having different sized/curved dicks. It will take time to get used to it but soon you will learn to love your long lips. You might even find a few ways to use them to spice up your sex life (piercings and such).

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  • Black_Rain95

    OMG!! Everyone here has long vaginal lips! WOW I'm so grateful I found this website! But I'm still freaked out about my vagina. Like everyone else here, I also have one longer vaginal lip. It disgusts me and I'm scared to show it to my boyfriend. Plus my vagina is darker than my skin. Can anyone help me here??? I don't know what boys will think about this and how they'll react :/. Someone please help me!!!!

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    • flower28

      same thing is going with me,like my clit is darker than my skin :0

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  • Iloveyou2012

    I always thought it was were to have long lips , I always thought it was jus me lol , like I won't have sex wid the lights on Cus I dont want a guy to see my lips , i dont mine if a guy eats me out jus no lights . I hate it Bc idk whaa guy are gunna think nd i dnt wana scare them off :/

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  • scooty1

    I love a girl with big lips. Please don't think it is bad. Also enjoy making new friends so feel free to write.

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  • Lastname

    Yes, yes, roast beef

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  • dark-tulip

    Hay Girl,

    I'd love to have long vaginal lips, but I don't. I have big tits though. Aftter having children my boobs grew I'm 36 FF naturals. They are big and droopy, but I get so much male attention and I'm so sensitive there. I used to hate my massive boobs and considered having a boob job, but now I just weare a good fitting bra. I work hard to keep my waiste trim and I honestly look great. Have great sex too

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    • well whats your pussy look like then
      sens you look so good

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  • regane

    Look on the bright side, at least when you sitting down to wee you won't make a noise

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  • Sean021021

    So do we get a chance to see it or don't check the post again LOL jk

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  • MrSchizo

    Just by looking at this page I can tell that this comment will get at least 5 thumbs up.....

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  • lotusfree

    My boyfriend told me that you can tell if a woman has alot of sex by looking her vagina. Is it true? What would be the difference of appearance? I also have longer inner labia than my outer labia and maybe that's why he thinks i have lots of sex before him and his previous girlfriend is not.

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    • Loveyourbody

      when you have sex many times, i suppose the acctual vigina whole streches to a bigger size, maybe your boyfriend was guessing that a long lipped vigina is also a result of having sex many times. You can try to explain to your boyfriend that this is tttoooottttaalllllllly normal and also common as it seems many ladies have this same issue- including me ;) but dont be afraid becuz if he dosent appreciate your beauty, then he dosent diserve it,
      hope i helped, and have more confidence in yourself because everyone diserves to be treated like they shld :)

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    • its because of the look of it makes us think it looks loose

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  • fuckyoutard

    This is completely normal. All vaginas are different.

    NOT! All women should have shaved cameltoe without long lips! Learn it for good!

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    • starlite80

      thisn makes no sense i dont nget it?

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    • Hockeypro


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  • thegift

    Roast beef.

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    • freakiestbitch

      u must be young because when you actaully grow up you will realize that there amazing and women with them can cum like no other and have amazing sex drives go do some more research before you start commenting.

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      • i cum like good!! just putting it out their...

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      • i thought not every girl could come???

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