Ladies, which guy would you prefer?

One of these is me. Thanks.

Rich, semi-ugly face, okay but boring personality, great body 24
Fat, funny, irresponsible, dead-end job, poor 6
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Comments ( 6 )
  • Cuntsiclestick

    I'm going with "Rich, semi-ugly face, okay but boring personality, and great body." First I will say that I really don't care about money. I'm broke and my boyfriend
    is broke/struggling with his bills every month and I still love him to pieces. A person's face is not important to me since that will shrivel up when they're old anyway. Boring is fine since I'm a boring person. Having a "great body" is good because it shows that they actually take care of themselves, though I'm not really physically attracted to muscles.

    Why I didn't go with "Fat, funny, irresponsible, dead-end job, poor: I don't care about fat as long as a person can move and do normal activities and I don't care about what kind of job someone has either. Funny is good, but in the end if a person is irresponsible that's a red flag. Two broke people can get by if they work together to pay bills and get food. An irresponsible person would only bring me down.

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  • sydslytherin

    They both suck. A. Lot.

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  • smkcer

    the number 2 is not normally self sufficient person , dont regret by chosing one its is just really deadend !

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  • Decorum

    These alternatives are skewed and make no sense. Both are extremes and both are rather unlikely combinations. As far as sexual attraction goes, evolutionary biology tells women prefer a pretty face; that is a masculine one with good symmetry. Furthermore it is natural for humans of both sexes to prefer healthy faces which excludes fat people (health=good genes=good offspring).

    Of course romantic attraction is slightly duifferent from sexual attraction and is all down to chemicals in the brain that can be triggered by a funny, cool, intelligent or whatever personality.

    I am not a female, but I would guess most gals would pick the one with the prettiest face and body for sex, but for love she might as well choose the less attractive one depending on what triggers the oxytocine/dopamine in her brain.

    Ladies ate very complex and tests have shown they prefer different physical traits depending on if they are ovulating or not.

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  • wigz

    I am married to a fat, irresponsible, dumb guy.

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  • Murun

    I'm guessing you're number 1........ Nobody would admit to being number 2.

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