Kid in public called me fattie and i got mad then threatened him. iin?

I'm usually the type of person to be able to control my anger, but this time I couldn't. All I wanted to do was have a good day and enjoy myself, If only a spoilt brat didn't ruin it for me. I went to get lunch today as I was feeling a bit munchy, and I usually go for healthy meals everyday, but today was a cheat day.
So i decided to go to a Bakery and get a pie, sausage roll, cake and a bottle of water.

This Kid..I swear to god, was the most annoying little shit in the world. Not to mention his mother is the worst. I am so sure they were talking about my food choice because suddenly I heard the kid blurt out: Why is that girl eating pig's food? (meaning food for fat people). I thought at first I was just being a little paranoid, but then I heard him saying jokes about me, and his mother laughing along.

When I turned around and looked at him, he pointed and laughed: Hey fattie! he called out. This made me so mad that I walked over to their table and an I shouted in his face: Listen here you little bitch fucker, What I buy with my fucking money is my fucking business, so If I were you, I'd shut the Fuck up before I smack you on to the road!.

The Mother's expression was of shock and surprise. Then she called me a fat monster. I didn't do anything, until I looked into her eyes and told her to go Jump of a Bridge and break her bones. I did this so coldl, we made eye contact for five minutes before she took her child and walked out of the store, whilst shaking.

This was the worst moment/day in my whole entire life. I finally purchased my stuff and got out, but I couldn't do anything else after that, I just wanted to go home and lock myself in the room. As satisfied as I felt, I also felt bad and shitty at the same time. I didn't want to tell my mom either, since I know she'd beat me if I told her what I did.

I think this channeled my inner psychopathic personality. Is there something wrong with me?

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Comments ( 17 )
  • leggs91200

    The kid and mom deserved it.

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  • djwmxnviqkqgokW

    You are not psychopathic. The fact that you felt guilty about it later proves it. A psychopath wouldn't of cared. A psychopath also would do this regularly. That kid and that mother were being jerks and they were unjustified. You let your anger build up and you released it in a terrible way. You swore at a child and told a mother to brutally kill herself. You made an honest mistake and you don't want to make it again judging by the tone of this post. Hanging on to it will make it worse, though. You know, in your heart , that you lashed out uncharacteristically, and that that what you did does not represent you normally. Forgive yourself. What you did is totally normal.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    It was certainly deserved, I wouldn't feel too bad about it.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    the kid shoulda left wearin the pie

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  • WeirdGuyFromTheSouth

    Its really not that hard to lose weight. You wont have these problems again. You can do it! Get a stationary bike and watch tv while you peddle away.

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  • Vvaas

    you're awesome keep it up

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  • Both of you were in the wrong. The little shit and his mom are rubbish people not worth your time. Giving them any attention just validates their behaviour.

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  • So satisfying to read. I love that the mother left shaking.

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  • Columbusbiguy

    Nothing wrong at all. Bravo for standing up for yourself. People need to see those harsh reactions somtimes. And sometimes people need the shit scared out of them to realize they may have fucked with the wrong person. One day someone will smack them if they keep up with it, and i hope they get it all.

    You are wonderful, weight dont mean shit. Love to you!

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  • RoseIsabella

    I ain't mad at ya.

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  • SwickDinging

    This never happened.

    For some weird reason I still feel sorry for you.

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    • leggs91200

      you never know. There are some serious assholes in the world.

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  • brutus

    Cool story.

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  • IrishPotato

    Should've crushed them with your bodyweight instead.

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    • Mrown

      Your comments are so hilarious, marry me XD

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      • IrishPotato

        Haha thanks! Sorry though, taken already!

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  • Cuntsiclestick

    As a former fatty I can sympathize. People would laugh at me in buffets. On rare occasions I'd complain to management and get them kicked out. Though in the end, It's not worth getting angry at. Theyre just strangers you'll most likely never encounter again.

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