It should be normal for smokers kids choose to smoke at will like parents

As a small child I hated the smell was told to deal with it by 8 my grandma was giving them to me without my parents knowledge. She didn't smoke granddad did. Nothing was changing the fact I would smoke and those were the best years of childhood for me being able to sit and smoke with my family.

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Comments ( 15 )
  • DeathXN

    Congrats, your grandma is a dickhead

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  • gusmax

    Congrats, your grandma helped destroying your lungs by the age of 8

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  • dimwitted

    Enjoy lung cancer.

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    • Ellenna

      Or Emphysema. I have it from decades of smoking, it's incurable and restricts my life a lot.

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  • ThatOneGuyYouNeverWantToMeet

    Reminds me of the time 4 year old me asked my grandfather on my mom's side how to do the smoke tricks he would do. He said "I can't explain it you have to learn it your self.", so I asked if i could try, he said "if you want." & handed me a cigarette. I took a deep, long inhale & started dying, he took the cigarette back & said "now what did we learn?" Haven't smoked since.

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  • Primus

    No, it isn't responsible or legal to give your child a stimulant with a high chance of forming an addiction and diseases later in life. I always felt bad for the kids I knew growing up who would end up smoking, and I feel bad for you.

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  • curious-bunny

    I've breathed in second hand smoke from the day I was born to the day I moved out. I refuse to even date a smoker. I can handle vaping. (It annoys ths shit out of me but I'll handle it) but not smokers. I dont ever want to breath that shit in again

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    • Ellenna

      I hope this doesn't happen in your case, but I know quite a few people who've been diagnosed with emphysema caused by passive smoking going back decades. If you ever have any trouble breathing, please see a doctor: emphysema is incurable, but it is manageable.

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      • curious-bunny

        Good to know, I'll absolutely keep that in mind, I have a persisting fainting problem but no breathing issues yet thankfully. Would hate to have both!

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  • Seems like they should be able to since they have no choice as to not being around it

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yeah, but it's sad. I remember seeing younger kids who were not even teenagers yet smoking back in the 1970s and 80s, I thought they just plain looked foolish. I didn't start smoking til I was like 16, but for all practical purposes I pretty much quit, by age 40. I think I would have quite sooner had my mother not been so demanding about how much she wanted me to quit. Maybe your grandparents wanted you are to smoke so you wouldn't nag about it, but at such a young age I feel that it's inappropriate.

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  • Sarajeremy

    No child should be smoking

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    Wow this shits depressing. And yes kids will be likely to take up the habits of their elder family members, good bad or ugly.

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  • I remember a lot of kids from 8 to 10 smoking. Even this one kid was 5 true story in Texas with his mother's blessing.

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    • Ellenna

      That mother has to be a total moron and in my opinion, that constitutes child abuse

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