It saddens me when i realize my bearded dragon can’t show affection

I have my first pet juvenile bearded dragon. She’s super cute and tame(as in she never once bites me and her beard never once turns pitch black). She would stay quietly on my hand, shoulder, head and belly. As an owner, I feel this deep affection towards my beardie just like I feel towards my cats.

When I rub her head and cheeks, she would close her eyes as if she looks comfortable. Too bad when I looked on the net, the truth is when beardie closes her eyes it means that she’s actually uncomfortable and she wishes that I stop rubbing her.

In the end, I realize reptile is totally different than mammals being that they lack the ability to feel affection unlike common house cats and dogs. I love my beardie so much for some reason but I won’t deny it feels like a one-sided love between the owner and the pet.

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Comments ( 36 )
  • Yurngur

    Dragons?? Why do you people have dragons?? DRAGONS?

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    • Can’t wait for her to reach adulthood, then grow wings and breathe fire.

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  • Sirilus

    So no, beardies can so affection, they're actually one of the most affectionate reptiles. It's just hard for reptiles to show affection since they aren't as emotive as say a bird or mammal. If the beardie has been properly socialized at a young age they will generally enjoy being handled by those they like and while closing their eyes can be a sign of discomfort it can also show they are happy if they are relaxing their body in your hand.

    Having a reptile is hard because while, yes they are very instinctual. They can form bonds with their owners and it can be hard to tell what the animal is thinking. Generally though with reptiles as long as they aren't showing aggressiveness with you then you're doing fine.

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    • Thanks for the assurance. As of now, it never once bites me and turns her beard black. I can only hope it’s actually happy while being under my care.

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      • Somenormie

        I'm sure she loves you.

        It's a little like me with my pet pleco she shows affection differently.

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        • Aww, thank you. It’s really hard to tell whether these pets actually love the owner or not if they’re not cats or dogs, lol.

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  • Talktomebro28

    I think some reptiles do feel love!
    My water dragon knows who I am and I feel he likes me petting him under he chin and my beardie I feel sh doesn't mind it

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    • Lucky you for owning a water dragon. They’re gorgeous. I thought they’re harder to care for compared to beardies.

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      • Talktomebro28

        Nope, its the opposite as wds are very hardy and beardies are more fragile and susceptible to getting ill

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  • kikilizzo

    I think all pets form a bond to their owner, they just display their affection very differently. Some signals can mean multiple things, so your beardie closing its eyes could be a sign of comfort just like a cat purrs both when it's comfortable and in distress which not everyone is aware of.

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    • Who knows what her eyes closing actually means, lol. It’s a mystery of life. I just hope I never annoy her.

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    • She closes her eyes when I rub her head but her beard doesn’t turn black so it gets me confused. Then again, I am not an expert.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Well even with mammals, there are times when you love them but they can't understand how you're helping them and so they don't love you back, like if you take an injured animal to the vet. They'd think you're kidnapping them and harming them, and they quickly flee from you once you release them back into the wild. But you'd still take solace in the fact that they'd appreciate it, and love you for it, if they could understand what's going on. So you can still take solace in the fact that your bearded dragon would love you if she had the capacity for it. Plus you're making her happy anyway, and it's always a great joy to bring another creature happiness.

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    • Yes. Even though it feels like a one-sided affection, I love seeing her healthy and hopefully happy under my care.

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  • Tommythecaty

    Pet lizard can’t show affection.

    Holy shit that’s worth a thread 🤣

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    • Because all of those repetitive posts about fucking and being in a sexual relationship are the only things worthy of being posted here, right?

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      • Tommythecaty

        No, they are also shit.

        But those perverts can’t help themselves, what’s your excuse lol.

        Lizards don’t have any feelings beyond instinctual kill, eat, fuck.

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        • And I also can’t help myself making a venting post about my pet, what’s your excuse?

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          • Tommythecaty

            Somebody has to tell you lizards don’t have feelings so it’s pointless to vent about.

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            • Then, you mean to tell me I can’t make whatever the fuck kind of venting post as I please just because I want to talk about a damn lizard? However, it’s permissable to talk about sex and shit because ‘they can’t help themselves’ asking about their penis size, cheating their partners, fuck their moms’ asses? Cut it out with the bullshit excuse, you bully piece of tard. Thanks for ruining a harmless post.

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          • MonsteraDeliciosa

            Science, I assume... and I'm sorry but reptiles are not known to get attached to humans..

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            • It’s ok. I didn’t make this post in hope my beardy would understand affection as like you say, it’s science. I am just venting about my opinion, that’s all. No reason for that other dude to act malicious.

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      • Talktomebro28


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