Is tom brady the greatest athlete of all time?

Who is the greatest of all time? It has to be Tom Brady, right?

No, Bruce Jenner 2
No, Michael Jordan 0
No, Bo Jackson 1
No, Ric Flair 0
No, Serena Williams 0
No, Muhammad Ali 2
No, Michael Phelps 2
No, Someone that isnt American 2
No, Dale Earnhardt 0
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Comments ( 9 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    poor tom

    whens his bad luck ever gonna turn better

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    It depends on what you mean by greatest athlete. Do you mean by accomplishment or physically the best as in can run faster, jump higher? If you mean by accomplishment id say between Jordan and Ali.

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  • LloydAsher

    I would argue that Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete in general. Not really a sports guy but I pay attention to the Olympics.

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  • olderdude-xx

    Tom Brady is in clearly in the category of one of the best quarterbacks for American Football of all times. The world of American Football has other as great athletes in other positions; and the world of athletics makes American Football look small.

    Greatest Athlete of all times.... I'd be tempted to look at sports that combine an assortment of different activities because they require someone to be good at multiple different things. Examples are Triatheltic Competitions and at a more serious level the men's decathlon and women's heptathlon.

    The biathlon is also very interesting as it requires speed and stamina for long distance cross country skiing and then the ability to quickly relax and be very still and shoot accurately. You get to do both multiple times in an event.

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    • So Bruce Jenner

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      • olderdude-xx

        Glad you got my concept.... and Bruce Jenner is certainly a serious contender.

        I'd have to review the history of all the other top athletes in several different multi-talent required sports.

        I do think that Bruce Jenner is likely the top contender of people currently alive. I'm sure you also know that its now Caitlyn.

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        • Bo jackson was a multi sport athlete.

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          • olderdude-xx

            Yes, and I'm sure that if you start looking you will find others.

            Why don't you do a thorough search of at least the ones in say the last 50 or 100 years, make your list, and consider. It would be nice if there was a good way to search for older than that - as I'm sure there were fantastic athletes several thousand years ago up to the present day.

            It won't be easy... but, I'm sure you will learn a lot about different sports (note: Steeplechase is an interesting running event).

            I spent decades as an official at the international level (now retired) and have been an "Official/Judge" at 1 Olympics and 2 World Championships.

            The Olympics (and in the USA the annual Olympic Festivals) allowed me to see many of the other sports up close and personal (our Official Credential got us free seats at any event that was not sold out), and I could mingle with Athletes and Officials from multiple sports. It greatly expanded my concepts of athleticism; an experience that few get.

            When you are done (if you do this): Feel free to post your top candidate list and why... I'll be willing to comment more at that point.

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  • Somenormie

    Would not say he really is.

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