Is this site more right or left politically?

I'm wondering you're guys's opinions in whether you think people on this site are more openly left or right leaning.

Right 26
Left 24
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Comments ( 40 )
  • Tealights

    Mostly right, and right extremist.

    For example, I think Trump will be America's downfall in the next few years; however, there's going to be people who will lash out at this comment so hard with old irrelevant Obama hate, Hillary hate (girl didn't even win btw, get over it), and along with twisted pro-Trump facts that just don't match up. But whatever, when shit gets out of hand, I'm moving to Canada.

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    • "Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president" -Theodore Roosevelt

      I have only been in the USA for a few short years, but Americans seem too quick to get up and give up their home at the turn of a dime. With how your government is set up your checks and balances make it impossible for President Trump to turn the entire country on its head in such a short time.

      Under Putin I disagreed with him on many things, but Russia was still my home, politics didn't run me off.

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      • Tealights

        Nice, learned a new quote today.

        Anyway, it's not the fact that Trump is president. If it was I would have been in Canada last year. It's just that, he's an immature man with a lot of power more than just money alone. He represents our country. Calling Muslims are race, can launch missiles, fire whomever, and then some. Patriotism is nice and all, but if Trump rubs some country the wrong way over some stupid tweeter app or reckless actions, I'm not sticking around for a pointless war.

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        • The_Great_Flatuloso

          Trump isn't someone you know personally, so calling him immature based solely on news reports is biased, especially considering how ridiculous the media coverage is regarding his administration. Obama should never have been elected period. He was elected because of liberal media guilt instilled over the voting populace based on history that the average voter in 2008 was absolutely NOT alive for when it occurred. If you were born in the 1970s or after, there is literally nothing to feel guilty about regarding the treatment of minorities. You've just been told to feel guilty.

          Trump isn't an extreme right winger at all. I'm sure some people who voted for him are that, but the average Trump supporter is not that. I voted for him solely based on business experience and because unlike most politicians he actually is doing something about the immigration problem. Despite what the left would say the USA cannot keep accepting immigrants from all over the world. Eventually our society would suffer for it.

          If you don't like Trump that's fine. But give reasons as to why that are based on facts. Not that he's going to be "America's downfall" or he's secretly a Russian spy or something else completely ridiculous.

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          • What's so bad about communicating with Russia anyway? We aren't the devil that Americans try to make us seem like. Wouldn't America want to get along with all countries to begin with?

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            • The_Great_Flatuloso

              It's the American media establishment that makes Russia look bad. Once our cold civil war goes hot, the remnants of America will look to the world to save it.

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          • Tealights

            It's okay, you're entitled to have an opinion as much as I am. However, when war breaks out over something stupid, you can keep supporting Trump to the very end.

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      • Countess_Kittycat

        Nice quote =] That's the reason I have not left my homeland. Me and my family moving somewhere else is not going to bring it closer to our own values; it's more likely to have the opposite effect.

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    • Meh. I think defending Trump is not the same as supporting Trump, people do exaggerate things about him and correcting misrepresentations against a person that's right wing does not make you right wing.

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    most of the trolls and poop eaters of this site are righties Plus the owner is a trump fanboy so there's that.

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    • Zorak

      Bend over and take it.

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  • RandomNumbers

    I'm from Brazil and i am studying politics and politics history for a couple months on my own. Can't say much about USA, but I'm Brazil the country is being completely destroyed by the left for the last 30 years.
    I'll advice careful, though, for what i seen USA has the potential to end up like us

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    • Countess_Kittycat

      I believe you are wrong on all counts. Brazil was not destroyed by the left, and the US have very little chance of having a similar government.

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  • sillygirl77

    I'm left, but I think the site has more right people

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    • anonymous1029

      that's how I feel too

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    • Countess_Kittycat

      I'm with you.

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    • redrainbow22

      Why are you left?

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      • The_Loitering_Creep

        Why are you twelve years old? Shouldn't you go play in a better place?

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        • I think it's a legit question though... you could ask me why I'm conservative and I could give you an answer. I don't think it's ridiculous to try to understand someone else's political views.

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          • The_Loitering_Creep

            Your post poses a very legitimate question that redrainbow22 is too immature to answer. I have very little faith in the political institutions of first world countries. Business and Technology make the most positive contributions to our society. When I do vote, my position is slightly right of center.

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      • sillygirl77

        It's not a simple answer and I don't like making long posts here. So you'll just have to wonder ;). I'm sure there are other left people who may be more apt to explain it to a stranger, but not I. I just answered a question quickly. That's all that I'm willing to do on this website on any topic :)

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  • Zorak

    I just don't give a shit about wheel of fortune anymore.

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  • McBean

    Lots of international participation happens at IIN. The Americans and Australians show very little sympathy for Social Justice Warriors. A large American constituency here at IIN is well armed with guns and ammo. They think political power rightfully belongs to the people, not the government, yet joke about Nazi style sex. While Canadians, who are the worlds best marksmen, actually USE their rifles to hunt deer. To add some contrast, the Brits are a bit left of center. They cooperatively seek well managed ways that government can operate institutions providing the people with social services in areas where capitalism is less efficient. Liberal viewpoints pop up frequently, but nobody likes subversive dictatorships. (Venezuela sucks.)

    I say politics is old news. Technology is shaping the future of the world. IIN forever and God save the Internet!

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  • Holzman_67

    I dunno. I get called left alot but I sort of feel that I started off very left and swung round over the years to being something that is in the middle. As for the site itself; i couldn't tell you I mostly ignore political opinion or if I do read it I don't over-analyse it

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  • dirtybirdy

    I dunno, I'm just here

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    • shade_ilmaendu

      Oh my goodness, youre still here? :D

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      • dirtybirdy

        Holy hell, where have you been?!?!?! Good to see you!!!

        I'm here on and off, been in chat a bit lately, not so much otherwise.

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        • shade_ilmaendu

          Here, there and everywhere. It's good to see you too!! :D I poked my head back in and saw some of the old guard still here and some of the state of the site and decided to try my hand at coming out of retirement!

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        • Holzman_67

          the bird, is most definitely, the word.

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  • I think there's a fair amount on both sides to be honest.

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  • SmokeEverything

    Large government in general will never serve the needs of the individual. Politics is WWE RAW for people who think they're too smart to watch wrestling. Political parties only tell you who to vote for so you can stop thinking for yourself.

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  • BlackCatsAreAwesome

    I'm atheist yet right wing, a rare combination and I tend to disagree with most people here, either on religious crap or with leftists/feminists.

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    • Countess_Kittycat

      Though I don't approve of your political views, I don't think they are rare at all among atheists. There are thousands like you, and I don't find them hard to find.

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    • BlackCatsAreAwesome

      Haha -2 already, I rest my case.

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      • Zorak

        You are not a crazy radical asshole right wing guy though. You debate but dont argue. There are some radical rights who just come off as crazy and stubborn.

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  • Unstuck-in-Time

    I have seen a fair share of both. Which is sad, I would like to see some more freethinkers in the middle.

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  • PoliticalQuagmire

    It's funny you think that could be inferred from comments on this site. Unless one side has a proclivity for incest and trolling, you won't find out here.

    That said, the amount of people who will say that's an average right-winger tells of the type of left-wing, not the amount, at least.

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  • CozmoWank

    I think like anywhere else this site has a spectrum of political opinions.
    Some right, some left, and some are somewhere in between.

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  • Avant-Garde

    I can't say as I haven't been on this site in awhile and sporadically active at most. Back when I was more of a regular (early 2010's, I think), I'd say the site may have been closer to 50/50.

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  • SpriteFreak

    I'm in the middle.

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