Is this sageness normal?

For my sageness I chose the sageness of the Dark Ages, but, in all humility, I hate to call myself sage (it's embarrassing), but my mother was amazed at my extreme wisdom, that is, my accumulated knowledge, discernment, the way I apply my learning. I wasn't initially in this state, first I pursued wisdom before I pursued sageness. I'm still slightly foolish and this must be overcome. But I wonder and I ponder, I take spirituality and reject religion, I reject sapience and pseudowisdom and I know the difference. I avoid consuming rice, corn, fish (any animal that lives under water, including whales), and alliums, things are bad enough as they are without eating fish, the colon takes a disadvantage to onions, garlic, etc, rice is devoid of any nutritional value and corn is merely energy with no nutritive value. I've done my research, but I didn't get wisdom from instruction, but years of experience and contemplation, and study of philosophy. From what I know is the ten virtues, no: stealing, killing, sexual misconduct, lying, divisive talk, harsh speech, senseless chatter, covetousness, harmful intent, or wrong views, Buddhism is an objective truth in a very fake world (a digital simulation). However I go beyond that and apply philosophy, what really helps is Gothicism, I feel safe realising the Goths are Swedish. I feel quite reassured when I think of Gothic architecture as dragon style: dragon heads, ridged roofs, etc, etc. It's all a complex philosophy and I know it all. I'm erudite whenever I learn whether secular or spiritual. Erudition is another thing I learned which I apply, I have common sense and the others have common knowledge. But I only saw a few sages, Selwyn, for instance, is a sage (and a wizard) and he's the unique genius mistaken for a crazy person, and often going to mental institutions, the damn doctors don't respect genius, they treat it like a sickness! I beg to differ! Being normal keeps you away from much or any of such treatment and uniqueness the public declares crazy. Selwyn isn't crazy, he's an ingenious sage which I consult to share wisdom with. It took me years to get to this level, I'm finding ways to immortality, that is, living longer and I'm trying to unlock the secret to living for 150 years, breaking the divine law of longevity. I look up for the stars, not God, and God is uncertain, unknowable, and very improbable, and so it is with angels, ghosts, fairies, aliens, Bigfoot, etc, even the Loch Ness monster, it's all very improbable. This is the way I'm an atheist even though I study Tibetan Buddhism, which isn't only for religious people but atheists and agnostics also, it's for everyone, and I even eat Buddhist vegan dishes, mostly oriental, and when I cook, I cook vegan. But there's more. I search strange and far away lands in search of my inner peace, I don't search jungles, deserts, mountains and the bottoms of lakes for natural food, this I call foolishness, sapience, when I can simply buy herbs from the store. Is this normal?

Voting Results
40% Normal
Based on 5 votes (2 yes)
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Comments ( 10 )
  • You broke your “virtue of senseless chatter” with this post.

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    • Hansberger

      I beg to differ, there's nothing senseless about my post.

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      • insanebotv21

        The enter key is right above the shift key; she could have used it at least once.

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        • Hansberger

          Be grateful, enjoy my writing!

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          • insanebotv21

            I could enjoy it better if i didn't get lost halfway through due to poor structure.

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            • Hansberger

              Stop complaining, can't you read? It said "play nice"!

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          • insanebotv21

            Also you spelled erudite wrong.

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  • Babygirl17

    I got lost! I'm not even going to read the rest. You should at least mad it paragraphs!

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