Is this an okay sleeping pattern, health wise?

I've been doing about 40-42 hours awake then about 12-16 hours sleeping. Is this okay, health-wise? I know it's not a traditional routine, but I'm just curious as to whether it's fine as far as the body goes. Also, if it is bad, then is it a bit bad, medium bad, or very bad?

This is fine 2
I'm not sure 1
This is a bit bad 3
This is medium bad 5
This is very bad 11
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Comments ( 11 )
  • LloydAsher

    If I ever managed to get to 36 to 48 hours of conciousness, I dont pass out I just have some micro naps until the next night cycle then I invest in 9 hours and then recuperate over the next few days with stable sleep.

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  • curious-bunny

    I stayed up for 72 hours once. Learned alot about the human body. There was a runescape double xp weekend I wanted to take full advantage of so I did. Watched alot of Netflix with it. The sleepiness comes in waves. So it can be hard. Feels like one long ass day

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    • Dude, Runescape is awesome! Do you play RS3 or OSRS?

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      • curious-bunny

        Rs3 legacy and osrs

        Fuck yea it is! God I love that game. Probably like 2 years of my life worth of time spent playing it Haha

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        • bigbudchonga

          Can I add u as a friend on RS3? I don't play much atm, but I normally get membership for a few months every year

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          • curious-bunny

            Sure, I don't play much anymore either in afraid since I work alot, I dont remember my name at the moment as it's been a minute but I'll get back to you on that

            They made me change it since my old character name was offensive since it had demon in it. Bums me out but I was unable to access that character for 3 years cause if this so I'm just glad to have my main back

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            • bigbudchonga

              Ahh, dude. That's so grim. I'm suprised they made you change it; the amount of people I've seen talking about drugs :'). My name is "great ad" I'm not very perceptive, so sorry if I don't reply to messages a lot of the time, but defo add me when you're next on :D

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  • Ellenna

    Assuming you haven't yet totally destroyed your brain through lack of sleep, consider the fact that sleep deprivation is used as torture.

    Please do some googling on the need for regular healthy sleep and stop mucking around with your mind and your body before it's too late.

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  • Doesnormalmatter

    That is pretty fucking bad! Your immune health and hormones will be way fucked up. You shouls avoid something like this at all costs!

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  • Grunewald

    I tried 36 hours awake at uni and was practically hallucinating. Or that may have been all the caffeine required to keep me awake that long. Recovering from that was not a simple matter of calculating sleep debt. It took a few good nights' rest (8-10 hours' sleep per 14-16 hours' wakefulness). And I got sick.

    I'm no expert, but I would not expect to be in good shape after a routine like the one you have described. Sleep binging doesn't get you back to your pre-sleep-deprived state in one stint - probably because staying awake for 40 hours straight actually damages your body, as well as just costing you energy. Your body and brain use the time when you're asleep to repair themselves and make new cells. If you don't let them do that, then I imagine that after 42 hours you wouldn't just need to pay back the sleep debt - you'd also need to give your body time on top of that to recover from having been pushed to its limits to perform well while falling apart.

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