Is this a valid argument for not wanting to have children?

People who say they don't want to be parents simply because they "don't like kids" aren't really thinking about what they are spewing. IMO it's a fallacy to use that as the sole reason for not procreating. Don't get me wrong, I have absolutely no issue with anyone being child-free, in fact I strongly support the movement.

However, these people don't seem to understand that liking children has nothing to do with the will to raise a human being from birth to adulthood. Ffs, they won't be babies, toddlers, pre-teens or teens forever.

Yes 35
No 13
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Comments ( 38 )
  • charli.m

    Pretty good reason, if you ask me.

    They'll be babies etc for a good fuckin period of time. Their formative years, in fact.

    You think it's good for a child's development to feel like they're a source of irritation (at best) to their parents during that time?

    Sure, many if not most people who don't like kids usually love their own. But if I didn't like kids, that's not a gamble I'd want to take. Kids are needy as fuck. I spend my work day of 10-12 hrs catering to their needs as a stand in parent. It is physically, mentally and emotionally exhausting, being needed constantly. Having someone hanging off you constantly. Having to constantly anticipate and cater for their needs - not just the basic food, water, sleep, baths, but their developmental needs - providing an environment for them to learn and grow, answering their incessant questions, encouraging their engagement and interests. Playing repetitive, dumb games. If someone "doesn't like" kids, they're gonna have to dig fucking deep to keep up with that shit. And lots of people don't.

    You have to change your entire life. Big ask if you don't even like kids.

    Only "reason" someone needs not to have kids is "because". None of your fucking business.

    I say this as someone who loves kids (mostly) and used to want kids then changed my mind.

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    • kelili

      Those games! Omg, that's the most terrible part. At first you have fun but then you are bored and have to continue because baby is so happy.

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      • charli.m

        Hahahaha yup.

        Peekaboo for hours a day, and they think it's fun for YEARS.

        Doing dumb shit to make kids laugh is fun...until you have to repeat it a million times...

        How old is your little one?

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        • kelili

          26 months. I'm going crazy! Lol

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          • charli.m

            Awwww hehe. Yeah, it's not easy.

            Cute age for the most part, though.

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            • kelili

              Yeah, he's trying to do everything by himself and hates it when we try to help. It's exhausting and so satisfying.

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    • kelili

      Those games! Omg, that's the most terrible part. At first you have fun but then you are bored and have to continue because baby is having so happy.

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  • CozmoWank

    What "movement"?

    People either have kids or they don't.
    Their reasons are none of our damn business.

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    • embodiedentity

      There is an antinatalist movement, although, that is more about the ethics of bringing someone into existence, as we have no choice in the matter

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  • JD777

    Why even argue about this?? If someone wants kids or does not want kids is a very personal choice. What? You think you need to convince someone otherwise?

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  • Zangyr

    People who genuinely don't like kids would be bad parents.

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  • When I say I don’t want kids because I don’t like them is just the tip of the iceberg. I have way to many reasons than I feel I would need to explain. If I don’t want them I don’t want them. Just like how noone would really understand my reasoning unless they were in the same boat. Obviously they won’t stay a baby forever that’s commom sense everyone realizes. But I cannot speak for everyone not wanting kids but I have more than not liking kids going for me. Some people shouldn’t have kids to begin with and will fuck a kids life up. You don’t always know someones situation there’s so many reasons behind having a kid in your life that some people don’t want.

    But like if you support people not having kids for whatever reason why are you arguing it’s not a good enough reason?

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  • Shackleford96

    I'm sure that's not their only reason. That's probably just the quickest and easiest thing to say without getting too personal about it. Usually people don't want to get that personal about it.

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  • Ellenna

    People who don't want or don't like kids shouldn't have them, it's not fair on the kids

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  • nikkiclaire

    Why do people like you feel the need to get up in other people's business. It seems to me you have plenty of faults of your own to address, like being a badger for instance.

    Best thing for you to do is get into therapy and leave everyone else tf alone.

    My uterus is none of your damn business.

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    • Ellenna

      What's a badger apart from the four legged variety?

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      • nikkiclaire

        A badger is someone who is in someone else's business. Snooping Badger

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        • Ellenna

          Thanks, not an expression I've ever heard before, but then we don't have badgers in Australia except maybe in zoos.

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  • Boojum

    In my ideal world, people who wanted children would have to pass tests of competence and psychological suitability before they were allowed to become parents.

    Speaking as a parent, I can say with some authority that while lots of non-parents believe they know what it's like beforehand, nobody has a fucking clue what it's really like until it happens.

    If someone doesn't want to have children, any reason and none is valid. On the other hand, very few people can come up with a reason for them to have a kid that stands up to serious, rational examination.

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    • nikkiclaire

      You might as well get a 100lb sack of rice that magically sucks all your money, and carry it round with you for 22 years.

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      • Boojum


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  • factcheck

    Like somebody else said, your argument makes no sense considering their offspring will be kids for a very long time - add up the time parents spend with their offspring when they’re young and it’ll dwarf the time they spend with them as adults. Not to mention parents also spend a lot of time with other kids in the process of raising their kid. And like others have said, they don’t need a reason to not want kids other than not wanting kids.

    Beyond those two issues here, there’s also the fact that literally nobody in the history of mankind has ever said “I don’t like kids” is the “sole reason” they don’t want to procreate...which means this post is the only fallacy here.

    EDIT: I wonder if this is from the same person who argued that people shouldn’t have children after they turn 28. The writing style is similar and both seem equally unaware of how the world works. Could be either a troll or just a very young person without much or any life experience.

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  • lc1988

    Honestly, I was one of those people. Then I had one. So, I completely agree with you. I had didn't like them because I didn't know how to handle one. Now that I have my own little kiddo...I still don't know how to deal with other's.

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  • FinDuMonde

    I (sometimes) like my own kids (I have 3 girls), but not always. There are times when I wish I had never had them! If I had to get it down to a percentage of like/dislike time,I would have to say that I like my own kids about 40% of the time and dislike them about 60% of the time. Now, if we are talking about OTHER people's kids, that would be 100% dislike all the time!

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  • Poisonous-Cupcakes

    Children are extremely annoying

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  • 309uf2o38yf

    Any reason is a valid reason, along with no reason at all.

    But I really couldn't care less what other people feel about having kids.

    You shouldn't either. It's nobody's business but their own.

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  • Lestat565

    People that say that might have other reasons as well that they don’t say. I often give that reason for not wanting kids. But I have other reasons like money and ability to take care of a kid. You say it’s not a valid argument but who are you to say what’s valid or not

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  • brutus

    Hmm i dunno about others but i dont plan on having any offspring for my vengeance reasons.

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    • Boojum

      Should we be annoyed? Are you getting revenge on humanity by depriving us of your splendid offspring?

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      • brutus

        I was not talking about you. It is purely a personal issue.

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  • sissycakes

    it is hard work to raise a baby. there are a lot of sacrifices that are involved, and a person who likes kids and babies will be a better parent than people who dislike kids or children. but then again people may change their minds when the baby gets here.

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  • chuy

    I would say, yes, it's valid.

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  • Moe_Moe_Kyun

    "they won't be babies, toddlers, pre-teens or teens forever." you say

    Do to you honestly think that you're done dealing with them after their teenage years?
    Or that you don't have to watch over them and rescue them when they get older?

    Even when they're legally adults, they're still children. They still make stupid mistakes and decisions and who ends up having to save them every time? You do

    When they go to some stupid party after leaving home to stay in the dorms and get taken down to the police station, who's expected to give up their hard earned cash to bail them out? You

    When they forget to pay rent or couldn't pay rent because they disagreed with someone at work and made a huge scene(instead of handling the situation like an adult) that resulted in them getting fired and now they've got an eviction notice on their door and no where to go, who's house are they going to be crawling home to? Yours

    When they decide to have kids of their own and are completely clueless and call you multiple times throughout the day and in the middle of the night to ask you questions they should've already looked into before the baby was born, who's sleep gets interrupted? Your's

    When they decide they "need a break" from being a parent because it's leading to some kind of reactionship problem, or they want to go on vacation, or they want to have a date night, who are they going to be asking to watch the kid? You

    They're never really out of your hair even when they grow up and are no longer babies, toddlers, or teens

    The only time kids are ever really out of your hair is when *the kid decides* that they don't need or want your help anymore and at that point they rarely call or visit you

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  • Ummitsstillme

    The irony, or paradox? Is that the people that don't want to have kids are the people that should be breeding. It takes a quality, healthy, life to enjoy the freedom to not want to procreate. Unfortunately the starving, ebola infested, terrorism minded,folks are the ones that breed like rabbits and create rampant: famine, plagues, and other scourges to humanity.

    P.S. Discipline your fat kid. He is near diabetic, when he assaults my daughter, and tries to steal her cake, that is on you.

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    Not having kids is literally just not doing anything, and so doesn't require an explanation. Having kids is actually doing something and so, if anything, that requires much more of an explanation than not having kids. Even still though, that's a perfectly good reason for not having kids.

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  • randomperson1000000

    I honestly respect people more who don't have kids.

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  • leggs91200

    As you said -
    People who say they don't want to be parents simply because they "don't like kids" aren't really thinking about what they are spewing.
    isn't the best argument.

    I think a better one would be - "I do not want kids because they are annoying snot nose screaming little brats".


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