Is now the time to stop the “social distancing” and “wearing masks”?

I’ve just about had enough of this crap!! I do wear my mask to work, that’s it. If I’m at my house, that’s my business. Don’t need to wear a mask there!!!

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Comments ( 24 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    who is forcin you to wear a mask in yalls house?

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    • LloydAsher

      Just wait until a democrat starts spouting bullshit like they are virologists.

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  • Namez4321

    No not at all, just because places are opening doesn’t mean it’s safe outside

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  • jethro

    We never should have even started wearing them or shutting everything down. This virus has a 99.8% survival rate. The highest deaths have been in "retirement centers". More people will die from the common everyday variety of flu than COVID. And if enough people don't actually get it, you never reach the theoretical herd immunity.

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    • bigbudchonga

      100% agree, dude. You made some damn good points!

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  • JellyBeanBandit

    There's no cure yet so no.

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  • GaelicPotato

    Jo u

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  • Clunk42

    It has to end eventually.

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  • litelander8

    I’m going back to work today in VA. I’m so fucking pumped. But we do have to wear masks.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I’m in Britain where we’re still in full lockdown and it is pissing me off. The massive hit to the economy and ruining the entire summer is not worth it just to protect old and sick people who would die anyway. It’s time to end the social distancing and lockdown.

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    • BleedingPain

      Im sure the Coronials will remember that when you are old and potentially sick. They will toss you aside like you toss the elderly out now.

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    • SmokeEverything

      I'm all for old and sick people not dying, the part that doesn't make sense is the vulnerable group of people probably wouldn't get life saving medical care if they needed it in normal times. A 90 year old with severe pneumonia wouldn't pass their "cost/benifit" stuff and they basically let you die. Now the same people that created these policies suddenly care so much about old people? Sheep gonna be sheep I guess.

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      • LloydAsher

        The point of closing everything was to slow the spread long enough so our hospitals wouldnt get overwhelmed. We are passed the curve there is no reason why the economy needs to stay closed. If you are at risk stay home! The rest of us healthy people need to go to work so we can feed ourselves!

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        • SmokeEverything

          Y'know I'm not normally online that much but with nothing to do I've been spending more time, and that exact argument is copied and pasted all over the place. It's almost like they're feeding people the arguments they're supposed to have.

          Most political arguments you hear are literally 2 people parroting what the news told them to each other. This is the same thing. I don't believe this stay at home stuff is about a virus.

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          • LloydAsher

            It's about the election. Mail in voting benefits the Democrats so that's why they are dragging their entire state through this hell losing hundreds of small businesses yet they are for the people.

            I'm glad I live in wisconsin and as soon as our governor tried to pull that shit our state senate voided his decree.

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            • SmokeEverything

              Elections are staged anyway. Politics is like wrestling, they put on a pre-planned show for the audience and all go out and drink together afterwards.

              The anti-quarantine protests are fake, they're being set up by big political donors. All they're accomplishing is making people who are against the quarantine look stupid and selfish, getting a haircut isn't the first thing on anyone's mind right now.

              You gotta think who's benefitting from this. They're obviously trying to stretch this out as long as possible, whenever we meet the "End" date they move the goalposts and extend this whole thing. People are kept scared so they want to stay home while "Close buisinesses until we can set up hospitals" turns into "We closed the additional hospitals we set up, stay inside or you'll die" Wal Mart and Amazon are making lots of extra money now, there are some very rich people with a very invested interest in keeping the fear campaign going.

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  • sun-tanning

    If any leader tells u to wear a mask at home ignore them. It's dangerous to wear masks for a long time. From reading all these post I need to put money on trump winning the election.

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  • sun-tanning

    It's just the government trying to control you. If you're in good health no reason to wear a mask or not be close to others. Only those at risk should consider this. If they have a mask why would they care if I do? Am I gonna sneeze on them?

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  • PTSD

    This stuff is annoying as fuck and I do agree that it should be stopped. (Accidental rhymes)

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  • Kool_owl

    I think this whole thing is messed up .
    They're letting people out of jail !
    Some states are not even arresting people who do crime they let them off .

    Cops crack down on people wanting to go to the beach .
    People lost they're jobs and they were not even sick .

    Scammers are getting empolyment checks .

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    • sun-tanning

      Cops like going after easy prey. Safe. Going after criminals makes them afraid. That's why their so kill first ask questions after. Their terrified.

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  • controversy

    yeah it sucks

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    I havent worn a mask once and I've been around thousands of people at work. Im surprised I havent gotten it. Maybe I have though 75+% never get symptoms.

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  • bigbudchonga

    The mortality rate it pathetic. Go outside if you want, dude. This whole thing is a showing of the failure of democracy and the lack of freedoms in the "free world".

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