Is my weight normal?

I am 5'8" and 180 lbs. I feel like I am fat, but people tell me I am not. I don't know if they are lying or I am filling my head with "I'm fat" for no reason.

Voting Results
50% Normal
Based on 16 votes (8 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • MaxineFinnFoxen

    Doesn't matter, fat can be hot

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  • my_life_my_way

    You have a bmi of 27.2 which is classed as overweight

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    • Ditnyte

      Yeah but I’ve seen people who are overweight that have a ton of muscle and barely any fat

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      • Tommythecaty

        Well muscle weighs more than fat. Your body fat ratio is more how it’d be calculated

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  • Clunk42

    You're fine.

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  • sun-tanning

    Sounds like your chubby not so much fat.

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  • Goomats

    You're right but your friends have a point too. You are medically overweight, but not obese. With the average American woman being similar to you in weight for her height, you don't stand out as being heavy in comparison to other people.
    The good news is since you're only slightly overweight, you could get to a healthy weight easier than many people.

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  • PonyProblem

    Get seen by a professional doctor. NOW! Stop wasting your time looking for validation from a bunch of assholes on a website who dont even know who tf you are.

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    • MaxineFinnFoxen

      You've got partially a point but that first part doesn't make sense. Wheat do doctors have to do with this?

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      • PonyProblem

        They can help set a better positive mindset of body image, or help someone find a safe way to lose weight or safe way to gain wait to keep someone in a healthy range.
        I know this because my doctor has done this with me. Now not all doctors are the same but. My point still stands

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  • JustJazzin

    Take this from a guy in the health care field and who is way over the “average/considered healthy” category. It’s a load of BS. I’m 6-1 240 lbs and have 9% body fat. If you looked on that ridiculous BMI scale, I’m overweight and close to obese. Go with how you feel and look.. dont base your thoughts on that stupid scale. I’ve seen guys who are 5-10 5-11, 190 pounds who are flabby and chubby looking and then I’ll see a patient who’s 6 feet 235 and shredded. Numbers are numbers. How do you feel and how do your clothes fit?

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  • FromTheSouthWeirdMan

    It depends on your frame. If youre built like Mike Tyson its ok. But more than likely ur classified as a land whale.

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    • Clunk42

      You have to weigh over 300lbs to classify as a land whale. Not only that, but you have to look like most of that weight is fat.

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  • XYXY

    If you’re male you’re probably just a little overweight but only a few pounds. If you’re female then definitely overweight but probably not obese just yet

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  • KholatKhult

    Your BMI would suggest you’re overweight, but that doesn’t take into account your body type and your muscle mass.

    You could also just be a “dense” person. I wouldn’t worry about your weight as long as you feel healthy. If you can do a pull up and go for a jog without heaving, you’re fine

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  • olderdude-xx

    Too many people focus on height/weight ratio. That was developed many years ago for a "classic" light structured European build.

    It's more complex than that. If you have a broader build, or if you have a tall torso then you will normally weigh more than what the "classic" height/weight BMI shows.

    So you may in fact be quite normal. You might be somewhat overweight. Without knowing your build it is not possible to say.

    I do note that there exist a "true BMI" test that submerges you in a tank of water to measure your body volume as part of the calculation. That method is accurate and effective because it measures your actual density and accounts for different builds. Very few places have the equipment for that.

    Have a great day,

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  • RoseIsabella

    You're technically overweight, but not morbidly so.

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  • Ditnyte

    You seem like you might be a bit chubby, don’t let it get you down though or upset you. Try to get a diet of just normal healthy food going and regular exercise and you will hopefully get to your desired weight

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  • --

    180 lbs is slightly on the heavy side for your height and if you are a girl even more heavier again.
    Either way 180 lbs is not obsessively fat.
    You are chubby and to be more healthy you should weigh around 73 to 77 kg, 65 to 75 if you are female.

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    • Yes I am a girl. I have a flat chest (which is odd for my weight), and thick thighs. I have been working out for a while now (like 3-4 months) but haven't really seen a difference in weight or size. I eat pretty healthy so idk what to do anymore.

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      • --

        Just keep at it, takes time.
        What works for me is skipping meals and the meals that I do have, I make them tinny. Doesn't actually matter what type of food I eat.

        I can lose 2 to 3 kg every day if I skip breakfast, have a tiny lunch (less then half a cup of some spaghetti) then a small dinner consisting of lean meat like chicken or fish with some veggies, and eat nothing else.

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        • I've tried not eating and it doesn't work for me. My weight wouldn't change if I cut an arm off 😒

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          • Mammal-lover

            Well remember fatty foods are better than sugar. If it says fat free stay away. Stop drinking soda and juice. Honestly just drink water your body will thank you plus it tastes delicious. Avoid any and all ranch. Work on cardio. Wear ankle weights daily with a day of rest every 4 days. Like all day. If your moving wear those weights. Go swimming. That's one of the best excersizes you can possibly do. Burns tons of calories. Eat. If you dont eat your body adds on fat to compensate for lack of food. That's why you can survive weeks without food but only a few days without water.

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          • --

            Well, you would be pretty light if you moved to the moon.

            I know a female that had luck loosing weight by eating pretty much just eggs. one egg for breakfast (not cooked in oils or fats) one egg for lunch and a small serving of meat for dinner.

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