Is it possible that my tutor outing me counted as trauma?

So, for further details, 2 years ago I went to college for the first time, and for the first time I was publically out of the closet - However, I made sure to tell my tutor that my parents were unaware and that they couldn't know.
She promised, to my face, that she wouldn't tell them and made a physical note by the phone to call me by my birth name.
About a month in, I was on my way home on the bus and with no warning my mother called me to tell me that my tutor told her everything, and that she'd told my dad too. (they're divorced and live apart)
I spent the hour long bus journey in complete tears having the biggest panic attack I've ever had, and to skip the boring part, my parents wouldn't talk to me for 2 weeks, and were pissed.
My mum got less pissed over a span of 3 or 4 months, when I started family gender counselling to try and show them that I was serious and it made me happy, my dad on the other hand just hasn't even tried.
Even though it's been 2 years, I still get anxious talking to them, I dropped out of college because I couldnt trust my tutor, and I have nightmares about having to go through it all again.
Could this have registered in my brain as a traumatic experience?

And, if anyone's wondering, I reported her to safeguarding, but she repeatedly denied it ever happening so I never even got an apology.

Yes 11
Yes - if you were physically harmed 2
No 2
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Comments ( 1 )
  • RoseIsabella

    That sounds very traumatic!

    Where are you that you need a tutor to go to college? Also why did you talk about your personal shit to this person? Honestly, it's best not to tell people something personal and then say that it's a secret and your parents can't know, because not everyone is trustworthy.

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