Is it possible that i've been talking to god?

I never used to be spiritual or religious in the past, but recently, I've been having these dizzy spells? Then, I'll pass out and just see a weird red void, and this voice talks to me. He says he's God, and he asks really esoteric, existential questions. It doesn't bother me in the moment, but then I wake up and realize I've fainted. I've gone to the doctor about this multiple times, but every time, they don't find anything wrong.

I have some issues with PTSD and depression, but I've never heard of it causing something like this? I'm pretty well-read too (a scientist and engineer), so it's not like I'm being delusional or anything. I realize it's not something most people experience. I just want to know if there's anything I can do to stop these fainting spells with no apparent cause and if there really is a chance that God is speaking to me.


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Comments ( 22 )
  • YE

    "...but then I wake up and realize I've fainted."

    Now that would bother me.

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  • RoyyRogers

    You are randomly fainting. Seek medical attention

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  • Somenormie

    God is fake anyways, who believes in such baloney?

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      My man.

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    Talking to God may be a normal personal experience for anyone. We’re all children of God. But the fainting spells aren’t. It’s called vertigo and you need to tell your doctor about it asap. It could be something simple like hypoglycemia.

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  • Tommythecaty

    “He says he's God, and he asks really esoteric, existential questions”

    He wouldn’t need to ask some random guy questions now would he...

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    • Pilum

      I don't think God would ask questions for God's own benefit

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      • Tommythecaty

        God wouldn’t need to ask anything for any reason. The key is in the all, and the knowing.

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        • Pilum

          You've missed the point of what I was saying..

          God could pose questions to a person to get them thinking about things, and bring them to God's preferred conclusion by their own reasoning ability.

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          • Tommythecaty

            Would not need even do that, what a silly concept.

            It’s clearly a demon.

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  • Meowypowers

    You're not special, a lot of people experience situations like yours when they faint. You might want to figure out why you're fainting.

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  • Pilum


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  • KholatKhult

    I feel like if you were talking to a god you wouldn’t have to question whether it was a god or not

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  • Grunewald

    Question: did you feel a great sense of love or peace accompanying the voice?

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  • Nope.

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  • I would posit that since you and your conscious self are smart, that your subconscious would be smart enough to run that scenario through your mind as a defense mechanism

    I wouldn't say delusional, though. One time I was in a state of fear and unsureness, and then my heart stopped beating, or the adrenaline slowed my perception, and my eyes crept up and I saw through veils of foliage a wood nymph or a fairy sitting on a tree stump. She wore a short dress that looked like it was leather made out of leaves.

    I remember feeling my real eyes moving around and being aware that I was standing somewhere, but I could see and feel the sunlight and cool breeze all the same. She didn't really talk, but turned around and looked at me with thought provoking expressions.

    It really gave me confidence in that moment, and I'm sure your experience helped you in your way. The real answer will come from within you, why would that be represented in your mind

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    • YE

      Thank God she didn't roll her eyes at you.

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      • She may have. I remember her sitting more than anything else. I'd like to paint it one day

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        • shionuzuki

          ding ding ding

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          • Did I say the magic phrase or something

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  • Boojum

    Talking to God is fine if that helps get you through life, but literally hearing voices in your head and deciding that it must be God talking to you is (to use the technical term) completely nuts.

    I don't dispute that you experience the voice as being as real as any voice you hear in your normal, waking life. Nor will I dispute that you're well-educated and your general approach to life is based on rationality. But regardless of what you want to believe, you're in a delusional state when you have your neurological episodes, whatever they may be.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If god is gonna talk to someone its gonna be the pope or some president or something. He's not gonna talk to some normal dude like you.

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