Is it possible or normal to be a functional addict?

I've been on different substances over the past decade including meth,pills,pot, shrooms, alcohol,& crack. Currently I'm going to a Suboxone clinic& I still smoke pot. I've not been the typical addict as far as stealing from others& overdosing. Also, I've always had a job through it all so therefore I like to think I'm a functional addict but i still have my struggles like everyone else. I just was curious on what others thought of living life while doing certain substances everyday to cope. Is it normal? And is it something that will always come w/ judgement? Thanx to everyone who comments🤗

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Comments ( 13 )
  • libertybell

    Even though you can function,if you continue to use,you will never live a normal life.

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  • Boojum

    I'm no expert, but I suspect it depends on the drug to at least some extent.

    I can't recall the details, but I remember reading years ago about some upper-crust British guy who was a fully-functional heroin addict for decades. Because money was no problem for him, he had access to medical-grade heroin (it was, and still is, legal for doctors in the UK to prescribe heroin for extreme pain-relief, particularly in cases of terminal illness where the risk of addiction isn't a concern). I believe he had a cooperative doctor who managed his dosage, monitored his health, supplied the sterile syringes and so on. As I say, he apparently functioned perfectly normally as a bank executive or whatever for a very long time, and nobody outside a very small circle of close friends had a clue he was an addict.

    My takeaway from that was that the biggest problem with illicit drug use isn't necessarily how they affect people, but the impact of all the other crap that comes with the use of illegal drugs that have no quality control in the supply chain.

    As I admitted earlier, my knowledge in this area is limited, but I suspect there are some drugs which have such an all-pervasive impact on the lives of the users that it would be very difficult for them to maintain what most people would consider a 'normal' lifestyle. I'm thinking of meth in particular. How people respond to a particular drug always varies, and I'm sure casual meth users do exist, but from what I've heard about meth addicts, it sounds like the drug completely takes over their lives.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I was pretty bad on heroin and still kept the same job now for 11 years. You'd be surprised how many people go home and get totally wasted or atleast blacked out drunk everyday but never miss work. Its much

    Btw have you tried kratom? It got me off of suboxone. I prefer it myself. It doesnt fuck you up like suboxone. And doctors dont see it in your database when they see you are on suboxone they Immediately treat you different and assume you're there for pills.

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    • Pilum

      I wish it were legal here. I've considered driving to another state just to try it.

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      • bigbudchonger

        Kratom isn't anything wild man. I wouldn't bother. It's also disgusting to swallow.

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        • 1WeirdGuy

          Its not for pleasure or getting high its to avoid withdrawals. He's addicted to a pretty hardcore opiate. Kratom is much safer.

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        • Pilum

          Ah I've just heard good things about it. I don't really do anything outside of smoke weed anymore so I figured that red kratom would be cool just to have around

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          • bigbudchonger

            If you buy it then buy empty capsules to put it in dude. It makes it much easier to swallow

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Trump's FDA pick Scott Gollieb was the CEO of a major pharmaceutical company when picked and after leaving office is on the board of directors for pfizer who happens to make suboxone and methadone. He is such a piece of shit and is the reason the FDA went after it.

        Even tho its legal in my state ships it from Indonesia under the label "organic maca powder" because the feds will steal it in customs even tho its 100% legal. Im not saying do it but if you bought it from kratomind it wouldnt be detected as kratom. They dont even test for the shit in customs. Dogs cant smell it. Everyone knows its bullshit.

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  • bigbudchonger

    Yeah you can be a functional addict for sure. Me and this guy used to stay up doing speed all night then he would go to work the next day. I went to school/ college whilst strongly addicted to ecstasy and benzos and people like lemme used to take speed all the time and they were fine.

    You only ever hear about the druggies who fall. No one knows about Pete the smack head who popped out the needle from his vein so he could go flip pizzas.

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  • techpc

    It is not normal, and yes many people would judge you for it. Do you see your addiction as a problem?

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