Is it normal to want to hurt someone else?

I don't mean I want to kill someone, but I am taking a psychological assessment and though this won't change my answer, I'll put it down here along with my thoughts. But I have been thinking about it and honestly don't know if I am normal. So here I am, on the last refuge of the possibly mentally ill, the Internet. :)
The statement to agree or disagree is: "I have never wanted to hurt someone else".
I answered "disagree".
Now, I don't go around wanting to hurt people but yeah sometimes I lose my temper and want to hurt someone else. Traffic seems to be a big trigger. Also, I don't act on the impulse, but I have it.

Voting Results
86% Normal
Based on 22 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 13 )
  • Pilum

    I hate those questions. Everyone has wanted to hurt someone else at some point even if it was as a kid. So you can either lie, or answer honestly and risk being negatively evaluated.

    Modern psychiatry is warped

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    • MrFlounder

      Yeah, I can't tell if they may have put that question in there to catch people lying. Like "I never get angry." I mean, is that even possible? Again, it's hard to say, because I am looking at the world through an N of 1. But there is anger that happens because of things being wrong. Throwing the tv out the window because the team lost is a bit over-the-top, but seeing people storm the capital made me angry.

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      • Pilum

        Yeah, I feel the same way. If someone answered no on that it would be a red flag for me personally that they are lying. But who knows what those quacks think. They are worthless anyway

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  • Absolutely, hundered percent normal to want to kill ppl u dont like.

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    • MrFlounder

      is there a point in which the level of detail pushes it into "not normal"?

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      • Tommythecaty

        All bad thought is normal.

        The point of not normal is acting out bad thought.

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      • i dont understand your question.

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        • LloydAsher

          Like at what point in the thinking about killing is it crossing the line.

          I think the line is where you are planning it perfectly within reality.

          Not that hard to think about killing someone but disposing the body? That takes some research and time. So if they have a stash of bleach and acid I would get concerned.

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        • MrFlounder

          what is your native language?

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  • Somenormie

    I sometimes have the thoughts of killing people.

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  • SwickDinging

    If someone says they have never wanted to hurt someone then they are lying. Everyone has had those thoughts at some point, and many perfectly sane people have even taken it one step further and actually hurt someone, if the situation was extreme enough.

    I once punched a woman in the face. Back when my husband and I were dating, we went to a party and this crazy drunk woman was really throwing herself at my husband. He ignored her and kept trying to avoid her but she was so drunk that she didn't seem to notice or care. Eventually she sat herself down on his knee and tried to kiss him, and he pushed her away and told her to fuck off. She responded by screaming that he'd hit her, so I grabbed her by the hair, pulled her off him, punched her and then told her to stay the fuck away from him. She lunged for me and missed because she was so drunk, then her friend told me I was a nasty bitch and took her home.

    I think many sane people would have reacted the way that I did. Wanting to hurt someone doesn't necessarily make you crazy or bad. The world isn't that black and white.

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  • Mr_Fool

    I wouldn't hurt a fly, but i often laugh other people demise

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  • LloydAsher

    I'm a dangerous person. Not because I will do anything dangerous but because I have the full ability to be dangerous and have the control to say "yeah that's dumb let's not do it"

    Most people drive a 1 ton vehicle and 99.99% of the time will drive it without crashing into something or someone. Millions of people do this every day and only a couple hundred get injured and a few die everyday.

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