Is it normal to want my hair longer than my height?

So. Every since I was a young boy I had wanted long hair ; though it was strictly forbidden by my mother. If you're wondering how bad , I eventually stopped caring that it was against the house rules for males to have long hair at 14 and she told me that I had head-lice and shaved me bald only to immediately afterwards tell me that I had no headlice.
All that I have wanted since I was little was to have extremely long hair. Though due to having my head constantly shaved either crue-cut or bald every 2 or so months I could never have long hair. I used to just want it to my mid-back ; up until I was 16 and started growing it out for real. It got just past my shoulders and I ended up having an incident where I almost died. Upon returning home (17 now) I had my head shaved almost immediately. So I was short-haired again. I last had it shaved at 18 ; after that I was told I could do whatever I wanted with my appearance. So now it's finally up to me.
I have just turned 21 now and my hair is to my mid-back , y'know? The length I've always wanted would be achieved in like 1 or 2 months time irl right now ; but it doesn't feel long enough even now.
I was always fighting to even get it past my forehead my entire life. The longest it got until 16/17 when it got to my shoulders was at 14 when the front just barely got past my forehead and if I pulled hard enough barely went over my eye-lid/socket/whatever.
So it was a hard fight.
Though my father wore his hair long and I look almost identical to him (it's honestly scary how similar we look) and he ended up killing himself ; so although she won't say it , I think that it just reminded her too much of my father.
So , yeah. 18 was the last shave-down , and since then it's had a small 1-inch trim each 4 months or so.
Right now , however. I would really like for my hair to be past my ankles ; and just have it braided in several braids , like 16 braids. I think that would be a good look for me.
This however makes me panic alot because my hair is thinning in spots.

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60% Normal
Based on 20 votes (12 yes)
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Comments ( 24 )
  • a-curious-bunny

    Sounds about right. Parents can be absolute dictators. Dude your hair will never feel long enough do to this history till you move past it. Grow it however long you want but do to the mental damage of it itll never be enough till you heal

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      I stopped wishing to be female around 15 and accepted being a male , but the long hair thing has never went away. It could never be taken away from me.
      Maybe I'll be content one day with my hair's length ; I dunno.
      I don't really think there's any mental damage , though. Since my mother and I have been on super good terms (usually) since my near-death experience at 17.

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  • libertybell

    Long hair on men, does look good, I wouldn't do the tiny braids, though.

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w


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  • Chap

    I feel like since you were suppressed by your mother, you feel like going all the way, which would typically be bad, although in this context, I see it as something that doesn't matter too much. it's just hair, go for it!

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      Thanks , Ol' Chap.
      Might be , it just doesn't really feel long enough at my mid-back even. I know that I'll probably be mid-late 20's by the time my hair gets to my ankles (minimum).
      I do plan to go for it , and I'm glad that (currently) 86% of people find it normal.

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  • RoseIsabella

    So you wanna dress up in drag as Crystal Gayle?

    Sorry, I couldn't resist. Man, someone should slip your mother some sedatives, and shave her head bald to the skin like Kojak, and see how she likes it. 🤣

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    • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

      dounts make my brown eyes blue

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      • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

        You ate something off of the sidewalk ... Didn't you?


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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      I actually would like to dress up in drag.
      As a child I would have my sister do my hair , make-up and wear her clothing until I was around 15 years of age.
      My mother highly disapproved of that as well ; so I became content just being one of the guys.
      I actually got suspended in grade 8 for wearing a dress and taking it off when teachers told me to ; only to put it back on.
      I used to speak about it in /r/femboys I believe it was (until I took down the posts). Where I got alot of /r/rtraaaaans comments ; which was why I eventually decided it wasn't worth it.
      If I could dress in drag today and have the courage to I would absolute love it I feel.

      No worries. My mother has never had her hair shorter than her shoulders ; she wants my sister's hair to be long (despite my sister keeping hers super short) to where she paid my sister $25 to grow it out. I'm not kidding.

      To be fair though , I do alot of stuff that she highly disapproves of like Ghost-Hunting and Wrestling.

      If she were to have her hair shaved I think she would literally lose it.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I can't handle it when my mother is domineering, and controlling. I honestly lose respect for people who try to control, and manipulate me.

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  • Clunk42

    That sounds like it would be incredibly obnoxious. Having hair long enough that you can trip over it doesn't sound like it would be very fun.

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      True , true.
      It would probably be a bitch on the shitter or on long travels when I sit down as well.
      Just feels right.

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  • Schizotravestie

    J'ai eu les cheveux longs. Ils arrivaient à mes cuisses. C'est pénible. Il faut toujours les attacher donc tu n'en profites pas.

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      Thank God for Google Translate (:P).
      I probably will not benefit in the long-run ; I just feel as if I have to do this. I cannot fully understand even myself as to why I feel the way I do of my hair , even.
      I've just always wanted long hair ; ever since I was about 3 years old.
      I don't know if it's because my father was First Nations and alot of First Nations people have long hair , or because I just thought it was cool ; or anything else.

      As for always having to tie-up my hair ; I usually have it in a pony-tail whenever I leave the house , and I think that super-small braids of anywhere from 1-16 would look pretty cool. Though it would be a pain for me to do properly.

      It's sad that I live in Canada and cannot understand French.

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      • Schizotravestie

        Alors fais le !
        Oui avec des tresses ce sera plus pratique.

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        • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

          I feel like a 6-foot pony-tail would be pushing it a little bit (:P).
          Braids all the way once it gets to my knees.

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  • Somenormie

    Maybe OP wants it as long as Rapunzel lol.

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      Maybe eventually (:P).

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  • alienfrommars

    I think mid back long hair looks good on men if it taken of properly, which it sounds like you do that. I would stick with that
    mid back length. Too long like you suggested, doesn't look good on a guy imo.

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  • bbrown95

    Definitely normal to have your own style and do what you want with your hair! Worst case scenario, you grow it long and don't like it or think it's too much of a hassle, and all you have to do is cut it.

    I have to ask though, if your hair was longer than your height, what would you do with it when you walked anywhere? Bundle it up and carry it, wear it tied up somehow, etc.?

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      I would have it in many thin & snug braids.
      Worst comes to worst I just do the Chun-Li.

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  • You should research your hair a little

    Depending on the type, you can use different products

    I have thick, curly hair. Curly hair dries out really fast because it uses the moisture to hold the curl. Tea tree oil conditioner works wonders, and I also use a light spray leave in conditioner, it has argan oil

    If your hair is straight you'll want to shampoo more often, straight hair gets greasy because there aren't curls to absorb the moisture

    There are lots of products and oils on the market, try looking for labels that talk about how natural their product is, avoid phthalates and parabans. Look up what oils are good for your hair. Tea tree oil helps with hair growth, but if your hair is straight there's a chance it'll just make your hair greasy, unless you combine it with a really good shampoo maybe? I also use a biotin conditioner, biotin promotes skin, hair, and nail growth as well as health. You can even take biotin supplements

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    • fr34ksh0w_w1ll0w

      My hair usually naturally goes into ringlets , like it doesn't really curl randomly ; it goes into almost a tornado shape in many spots. If I don't feel like that I usually straighten my hair. Uncertain on if that would be curly (or if most curly people's hair usually goes into ringlets).

      My hair is probably somewhere in the middle. Not thin , but not thick either ; it's just where it is. My hair dries out super quick as well. I used to use Tea-Tree Oil when I was first growing out my hair around 16/17 ; though I did not notice any difference then (though my hair was bleached to shit. I wanted it to be blonde and my mother bleached it without toner or conditioner like 4 times within a month and then kept telling me to shave it because it was dead ; which I only did after overdosing on 35 Methelphenydate or however tf they're spelt at 17 - I speak about this on almost every website I'm on eventually).

      My hair only really gets greasy if I haven't showered for a day ; which is exceedingly rare for me to do. I usually shower 2-3 times per day. Cannot stand not showering. Just like the smell of meat , it makes me disgusted.

      Look for natural products.
      Avoid Phthalates & Parabans.
      Tea-Tree oil helps with growth.

      Aye. I used to take Priorin pills from 16-17. Believe that was their name.

      Thank you for the information , mate.

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