Is it normal to try getting away with a thing like this?

For instance you fall on forums which many people are on and you're likely to get replies but it is prohibited to discuss drugs , even marijuana so you try to get away with a thing like "Is it normal to have such a reaction to green coloured herbal incense?" "Tell me a story about your first experience with green tobacco and how much you liked it more than brown tobacco"

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50% Normal
Based on 6 votes (3 yes)
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Comments ( 8 )
  • Tinybird

    I've done stuff like that even on this site

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    • Giorgi

      Sounds interesting. lol

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  • olderdude-xx

    I'd say that this sounds like a forum where the members have not learned how or are not willing to do the work to be able to post anonymously (with no traces back to their computer or on their computer).

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    • Giorgi

      Are there any consequences to not being anonymous? Such as being confronted by the authorities or bothered by a group of people that found your internet activity?

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      • olderdude-xx

        Companies who hire employees now commonly now do an internet search...; and may do an in depth drive into your internet history. They may not like what you have posted; and you get filtered out up front.

        In certain cases the police and other agencies have tracked down people based on what they post.

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  • RoseIsabella

    I want to say something cannabis related.

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    • Giorgi

      You mean literally right now? Or you're recommending me on how to say it without being penalized for prohibited keywords?

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      • RoseIsabella

        Well, all I'm trying to say is that cannabis is an amazing, and miraculous plant.

        I have irritable bowel syndrome/spastic colon, and I recently started replacing the Bentyl my gastroenterologist prescribed me with CBG. It's working, without side effects and I have more energy!

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