Is it normal to think the bible is bs

I grew up in religious family but now think bible made up

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82% Normal
Based on 38 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 68 )
  • Fetiza000

    The rules in the Bible are sometimes hypocritical therefore make no sense to me.

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  • CDmale4fem

    FUCK PEOPLE!!! This is a "Glass half full, Glass half empty". ITS all about we all look at things different, even tho that "different" might be such a minute difference. PEACE THE FUCK OUT.!

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  • McBean

    It is made up. My religion is science. At least science is testable.

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    • Pumpurrnickel

      Prove it's made up.

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      • CreamPuffs

        The Bible says several things that simply are not true. Since the Bible claims to be the enerrant word of God, yet clearly isn't, we can come to the conclusion that it is made up.

        Bats are mammals, not birds. Insects have six legs, not four. The earth is a sphere floating in space, it does not have corners and it is not flat and it is not supported by giant pillars. There is no evidence that a worldwide flood ever existed, evolution shows us that the Noah's ark story is bunk and so is the original creation story. And the Bible never says anything about Satan putting fossils everywhere. Finally, the Bible states that God is good and just. This is so, so, sooooo not true. He mass murders people, burns people forever for sins that shouldn't be sins (like homosexuality) shows no compassion or empathy whatsoever for humanity, demands you obey him like the tyrant he is or, again, he'll torture you forever.

        Thus, based on these errors we can say it's not enerrant and if it's not enerrant then it's not the perfect word of God and if it's not the perfect word of God, do you know what that means?

        It's made up.

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        • Hateful1

          It's inerrant.

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        • Pumpurrnickel

          Still not proof it's made up. Scream about how hypocritical and wrong the Bible is, I don't care. You're not dead, so you don't know the afterlife, if there is one at all.

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          • CreamPuffs

            The afterlife may be real, but the Bible still isn't what it claims to be, and that makes it fake.

            I'm order for it to be real in the sense that everything in it is true, then it would have to be perfect as the Bible claims it's the work of a being who makes no mistakes and it's clearly not that.

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            • Pumpurrnickel

              Ok? That means it's not what it claims to be. We're not arguing about what it claims to be. We're arguing on if it's made up or not. You're mixing different things together. Until you give me proof all 40+ authors of the Bible were writing their imaginations down, gg.

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      • McBean

        Prove its not.

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        • Pumpurrnickel

          I never said it wasn't. For all you know, I'm an atheist. You on the other hand straight up said it's made up, as if it's a common fact. Go ahead and use your science to prove it. Or just admit you're in the wrong and learn from it.

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          • McBean

            Not so, my unlearned friend. What I said was that science is testable. You can make up shit and test it. Random chance says you will be right a certain percentage of the time. For the bible to have credibility, it has to exceed that threshold of random chance. It may be that the bible was not made up. But since it fails to exceed these statistic thresholds, (chi square tests), it really has no credibility other than just ancient stories passed along to successive generations.

            Charles Darwin straightened things out.

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            • MrDexter

              The Bible is mostly a book about morality. Morality isn't an illusion it's a concept. If you disagree with that type of morality is another matter. Fact is karma is simply cuase and affect and much of the Bible is thought to be simple fables by Christianity anyways. A better debate is "Do you believe god or heaven is real". You really can't argue that a concept is fake. A concept is simply an idea, if someone had an idea it exists. It's an existing idea.

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            • Pumpurrnickel

              Thank you for seeing reason and agreeing with me. I was never arguing what is testable or reliable. I was only looking for proof that the bible is made up, since you said it was. Which makes it ironic calling me "unlearned" when you're agreeing with me.

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          • rayb12


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      one of the founding laws of science is that science can only measure the natural world.
      Religion involves the supernatural.

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      • McBean

        Who cares? Some people believe science is the purest pursuit of the human intellect, and think that a testable hypothesis is worthy of more zealotry than stupid 2000 year old beliefs. These people are the empowered who will inherit the Earth.

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      • BlackCatsAreAwesome

        There is no evidence for the supernatural. It's pure conjecture.

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    • RoseIsabella

      Yes but, have you been blinded by science?

      Sorry, I dunno why I can't find the original. :-'(

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      • McBean

        God, do I LOVE that song. Let's dance.

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        • RoseIsabella

          I don't feel like dancing, but at least I can segue to a eighties so good or two.

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          • McBean

            No problem, my dear. She blinded me with science, grade B maple syrup, aliens ate my Buick, ....

            Over the years, you really have learned how to push my buttons.

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            • RoseIsabella

              I used to have a Buick Regal, but in died in mid January of 2016. I really miss that car!

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    • Nickvey

      right science told us cholesterol caused heart disease and the rate doubled because we cut the consumption in half. thats testable as all hell get out

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      • kelliekelliekellie

        they had to, its a matter of survival for the man to figure out what's destroying him. about theories of the big bang and what not though.... not really on point lmao

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  • lordofopinions

    Mankind invented God to explain the unexplainable of the day. Now we have science.

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  • Dustyair

    Yes it's normal. Nothing will turn you into an atheist faster than reading the bible. I studied it for six years. Atheism is actually your normal default mode and not really anti-theist at all. Many people around the world have no belief in god or gods, simply because they were never brainwashed with religion to begin with.

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  • Marvelli77

    I also grew up in a religious family, went to church and everything, but I don't believe in God. I don't criticize people who do believe, but I just don't like when people try and force religion onto me. It's normal to not believe in God, the whole story is pretty far fetched, especially now with all of our scientific knowledge and evidence. A lot of parts in the Bible contradict with other parts, so I find it hard to take the bible seriously.

    Therefore, yes it's normal, but don't go around telling people the Bible is bs unless you know they agree because you could accidentally piss someone off really easily

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  • Bobtailcatgirl

    You have the right to question and be sceptical about anything

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  • BleedingPain

    I like to think that the Torah and Bible we know of today is just the written answer of a 1000 year + game of telephone. Everything that we think is a bunch of BS was just some generation changing the story somewhere down the line.

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  • kelliekelliekellie

    I personally dont think it's BS, otherwise it wouldn't still be around. Obviously it raises lots of question on the scientific level, but scientists themselves still don't know shit about huge problematics. The theory of evolution has been contested many times by King's College doctor Michael Denton and Harvard's Stephen C. Meyer with very plausible theories about intelligent design. At the end of the day you can say anything you want about the Bible, it's all about what you feel in your mind and reason. But sorry to say, it's gonna be around for the long haul...

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  • Nickvey

    all the great brains of the day say evolution is false and we are a simulated digital reality created by artificial intelligence. we are artificial intelligence running in a program. that makes us a product of creation. Eisenstein went 35 years without publishing a paper and died saying he couldnt figure it out, there is your god of sciece

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