Is it normal to think some aliens are actually from earth?

I've always taken UFO sightings with an open mind and watch documentaries on the topic. Putting two and two together I wonder if there is a race of Earthlings living within the earth or sea, or both. Pilots, seamen and people on shore report seeing alien craft dive into or out of water. The sea bottom is largely unexplored. People claim to have seen them go in or out of large holes and dormant volcanos whose bottoms have never been explored. UFO sightings tend to congregate around times and places when/where major Earth events have happened, like nuclear detonations, earthquakes and volcano eruptions. Maybe they are checking out what's going on on the surface. Ancient civilizations all over the world have tales of a people who live within the Earth. Etc. etc.

What do you think? Normal to consider this possibility?

Voting Results
75% Normal
Based on 8 votes (6 yes)
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Comments ( 11 )
  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk


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    • LornaMae

      You think he's an alien? Considering his parentage I say yes! And that he was adopted in VAHCT-92 or whatever it was!

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  • chuy

    Yup just look at the white house niw you will find a orange alien with fake hair.

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  • SKDM007

    theres theories that since 70% of our oceans are unexplored, aliens live in these parts deep underground

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  • BlackCandle

    Aliens don't exist. Things went crazy with the whole UFO thing. The documentaries keep the hype going. You're probably very biased now but how about reading on facts that say differently and have both sides to consider. It's always someone said they were told by someone else that they saw something. Unless you see an alien yourself be Very sceptical.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Have you ever seen a movie called "Decent"?

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    • Yes, saw Descent. The Abyss was about his, too. Great movie.

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      • RoseIsabella

        I've never seen The Abyss.

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  • JD777

    I’ve watched a few shows talking about terrestrial “aliens”. The evidence is pretty compelling, but I always wonder why we would know more about them if they actually have civilizations right here.

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    • McBean

      Terrestrial Aliens are spies. They uplink intelligence reports to a mother ship in orbit at 15000 miles. After a 6 month or so tour of duty they are beamed back up to return to their home exoplanet. Hansburger is an alien posing as a manic depressive.

      Of course, the probability of correctness here is about 1% which is far higher than the status quo estimate of about 0.0000001%. JD777 is right. The masses are in denial of the compelling yet inconclusive evidence.

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  • paramore93


    *deleted everything else because it made me sound like a crazy person.

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