Is it normal to think conservatives generally resent disabled people?

If you look at all the long term trends, it's always through conservative politics that things like underfunding healthcare and cutting welfare happen. They are generally the ones who support cutting/abolishing welfare, and many of them keep using rhetoric about "we shouldn't have to pay for the unproductive". Some of them are phoney and try to claim they're against welfare because it supposedly doesn't help, but the fact is that in a world where money is the most important thing, you need a safety net for people, and it can't just be left to just "charity". To me it seems unmistakable that this is very much a right wing problem, and even terms like "leech" "Parasite" "economic burden" etc are used to describe disabled people who aren't working. It doesn't do much to get rid of their reputation that all they care about is money. They even stopped a plan to give kids free meals at school here in my country. I don't know why people are obsessed with complaining about "wokeness" in a world where it's deemed okay to discriminate and harm people in the most vulnerable positions in society. Just to clarify, I'm not saying a liberal/left leaning person is NEVER capable of being prejudice to disabled people, but it's much more common among right wingers, and it reflects in their policies when they support things that make their lives more difficult. You can judge a person and a society at large for how it treats those most vulnerable. Human or animal.

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Comments ( 97 )

    Conservatives lack empathy for anyone who isn't their family or close friend. It's really that simple.

    I once wondered what made various things considered "left" or "right" as so many of the topics are seemingly unrelated. Look at things like gay marriage, healthcare, climate change, etc. They seemed unrelated so it puzzled me that I wasn't right-leaning regarding any of them. It seemed like I should expect most people to be back and forth more often than they are depending on the issue type. Why are so many people immediately left or right about even a new issue, and to the same direction as usual? If something unprecedented and completely new were to occur now and spawn two views, left and right, the current right will predictably go right on the issue.

    Then I figured it out. It's empathy. It's always empathy.

    • Socialized healthcare? "Of fucking course not. I might have to help others then. I could just only worry about number one. Fuck other sick people."

    • Climate change control? "Fuck that shit. The planet will keep turning for a good while. Why lose money to prevent a problem that's mostly going to affect other people? Fuck people born later."

    • COVID-19? "Why the hell should I lose any money to this closed economy so as to help prevent others from getting it? Right now I don't have it and it's not my problem. Let it be the problem of whoever has it while they have it and it'll be mine if I get it. I won't though, even though I don't wear a fucking mask or demonstrate any modicum of common sense about this otherwise."

    • Gay marriage? "Fuck that shit. This one doesn't even cost me any money but I'm straight and prefer to remain richer than others emotionally as well. I'm not gay bro, so fuck them gays."

    It's been known in the scientific community for quite a while that there's a correlation between childhood IQ and adulthood political views. Of course, leaning left is what the smarter kids do more on average. This sort of thing might make it easier for conservatives to constantly deny (often basic) science but it's not the whole picture at all and there are, of course, still plenty of intelligent conservatives and stupid liberals as well.

    Most of them actually do understand there's a seriousness to things like climate change but they don't anticipate it really affecting them. They know there's a sound argument to shutdown and quarantine but they don't anticipate personally getting COVID-19 either way and feel confident they'll be one of the ones with mild symptoms if they do. It's like when you smoke a cigarette. You fucking know lung cancer is real, but you also know you're probably not going to end up getting it. You'll just enjoy your damn cigarette and be glad you did rather than enduring the craving. That's them with wanting things back how they were immediately.

    Unlike the cigarette, this isn't just their problem though. They also know that, but the empathy to behave how they should simply isn't there. Some of them are aware of this and don't care. Most are slightly aware just beneath the conscious level but attempt to rationalize things because it doesn't feel good to realize and own being selfish.

    Humans are very skilled at lying to themselves in general even. Again, it feels better not to be selfish. Most selfish people lack some empathy but they're not psychopatic and incapable of feeling bad about that if they realize it. Then come the internal lies and cognitive bias fueling their search for validation.

    "I can't believe I cheated on my wife. She was so good to me and always... wait. No. Know what? That bitch was always staring at Greg's ass. They were cheating first I bet. I subconsciously realized this and started the new relationship to prevent myself from getting hurt when she inevitably left me! I've done nothing wrong after all!"

    Then this man asks many people if they saw signs she was cheating. His friend Amanda is a body language expert by profession. She said no. His friend Olivia always wanted to be with him. She said yes. Olivia is less qualified and has motivation to lie, but let's believe Olivia. She makes him feel the best.

    "What's that? 11 out of 10 climate experts say we're damaging the environment beyond future human habitability? I would have to find a new job if I want to help prevent this as mine contributes heavily. That's rough, but damn, all that loss of life? This is going to be so difficult for a while but I know what I have to do as a human being. Wait. What's this? Some bullshit from a major oil company insinuating that it's being exaggerated? They seem credible! Phew. Close one. Now I don't have to do anything and the best part is, it doesn't even make me selfish!"

    In a nutshell, the minor issue is lower intellect on average but the major issue is lower empathy. To be clear, I do only mean regarding people they don't know though. There are conservatives who would take a bullet for their families and give their friends the shirts off their backs. It's just very diminished for humanity in general.

    There are literal physical differences in the brains of the left and right. The differences in the right are conducive to experiencing both fear and disgust. If these were the tribal days, conservatives would be the members of the tribe saying not to tell the thirsting neighboring tribe about the new water source because, "We come first. Even if they are friendly, we come first. That said, they could also try to kill us and take over this spot. To be honest their habits disgust me anyway."

    The liberals would be the ones saying, "But why do we come first? Are they not like us? Are their children not children? Do they not cry from the pain and ask why there is no water? Besides, why would they kill us? To counter your point, they may even be interested in combining with our tribe, which will ultimately increase our defenses and minds searching for new resources. It offers more than it threatens. I agree some of their practices are strange but they don't disgust me or hurt me."

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    • mouldiwarp

      In my experience as a person with invisible disabilities raised in a household of right-wingers, they generally don’t have empathy for their family members either. No self awareness on their part, it’s sad how I was able to figure out that left is the way to go when I was only 11 and somehow grown adults still don’t know how to practice compassion and understanding towards others.

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    • LloydAsher

      Now time for my rebuttal on your points. As well as about my perspective of right wing currently.

      First off it has been scientifically proven that right and left wing persons fundamentally think differently. Those on the left wing do feel more sympathy towards others because they have greater activation of that part of the brain. They are also more open to new ideas and concepts. Evolution wise these are good traits for expanding the population over greater distances and being cooperative.

      The right wing brain still perceives sympathy and empathy but not to a high level to persons outside of the right wingers tribe. The extra activation is in the part of the brain that determines threats and fear.
      Now fear is a very important emotion, keeps the organism alive and always aware of threats. This way of thinking is perfered by cultures that could be isolated from one another due to climate or geography.

      IQ isnt a measure of everything and should be noted that moderates/independent/libertarian on both sides have higher inteligence. Seems inteligence favors a mix between the two primal philosophies.

      The right wing is divided on minor things, it's just that we tend to vote as one but piss one too many tribes off and you lose support. Trump is not a Republican. Hes very moderate on the political stage with his positions. Calling him Hitler is insulting to practically the entire political wing. The right wing is aware of the extremes of our nature. Facism is the opposite of our values as Americans.

      We dislike goverment healthcare because we are aware how ineffective the goverment is at running services. Private businesses do things quicker. It isnt about "free" healthcare it's about getting the cheapest healthcare for everyone. When the goverments paying companies jack up the price.

      The same can be said about free college. The goverment is solely the reason why the prices are so high today.

      Covid 19: let's be completly honest a year of lockdowns have not made us happy. Forcing to close our businesses by arbitrary edicts rather than laws. While allowing the big corporations to do buisness while the mom and pop store closes because it wasnt "essential" we would be fine with the masks if we could work and eat where we want!

      With the lockdowns which have also shut our churches down despite that clearly crossing the 1st amendment. Shuts down our ability to communicate with eachother thus stable relationships with others. Well the internet exsists but if you get on any large platform that has a left bias try giving an option that they dont share! You will get kicked despite someone on their side doing the same thing. We dont appreciate the hippocracy.

      Global climate change. Key word is global. That means any pollution anywhere on the planet hurts and changes the world. Now america has actually done a fantastic job at decreasing carbon emissions. China, india, and russia not so much. Why do they get to develop and then america get shame from the left about killing the planet?

      Climate change exsists, but how much can we change without destroying hundreds of thousands of livelihoods? Screw those little guys in the refinery? I say we should just invest in climate fixing technologies and plastic eating bacteria to fix our problem. We build forward not destroy what's behind us.

      Nuclear is clean yet is somehow neglected by environmentalists preferring unreliable, expensive power generation without the capability of storing energy for when there is a surplus? For coal you just burn less or more depending on the need. With static traps keeping the ash in the steam to a minimum. Not to mention natural clean burning gas. But it sets some peoples faucets on fire. I see that as a minor problem but easily fixable and we can still get cheap fuel.

      The common theme in this line of thinking? Safety through tradition and being cautious of new things but embracing them if they weren't bad ideas. Stability and thinking forward.

      What's the left's perspective on foreign affairs? Joe biden looks like hes about to deploy more people to syria. Joe also made sure chinese companies can work on our power grid. At what point does that make you even slightly worried? Cause wars happen and it seems the thinking on the left is orientated it thinks we are on a verge of world peace constantly and it's only the evil republicans preventing it from being so.

      We are being empathetic by screaming our objections at giving kids hormone blockers. To telling children that if their parents dont call them by their perfered pronoun they can have their children taken from them.

      We are being empathetic by identifying threats before they become a problem. We are your shield and sword because you dont care to even acknowledge the need for protections of everyone. Americans just come first!

      The right wing is generally not against immigration we are fine with immigration it's just that you need to do the damn paperwork and come to court which 95% of the catch and release persons dont do. So what do you do at that point? Screw your citizens in favor of large corporations or have coyotes and human traffickers pick up the slack? You are really thinking from the heart.

      Now this isnt a post about Trump but this section is about Trump supporters. Trump supporters are a new group of the right wing faction which is pretty moderate. While they were voting for republican seats they were voting for Trump and his associates (until recently) the republicans. The thing that seperate trump supporters to republicans is that the trump supporters hate the establishment enough to be a different political faction of the right wing.

      For the final bit I'll go through that analogy with the two villages. What were the relations between the two villages? Did the thirsting village go to war with the abundant village in the past? Does their continued existence help or hinder the abundant village? If the conservatives know that their allies were in need of water they would give their allies water. If they were an enemy they wouldnt be given water. If they were neutral it would be left to the church or private individuals to provide aid.

      The right is to preserve and to keep homeostasis. The left is to expand into new concepts and negotiate with other nations. We need eachother. Which is why I have to call it short sighted to call an entire political wing crazy and demanding of shunning or exile because you didnt like one flamboyant rich guy.

      I just want unity, but from your above post it makes it less and less likely.

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      • Neesa

        Healthcare shouldn't be made private because many people simply can't afford it. Look at how in the US people need insurance to get seen to, health shouldn't be a business as much as we can avoid it. Also, none of this actually touched on the subject of conservatives resenting people on welfare, which has been a long term thing they have done. It doesn't matter whether they're even or not. It's still a bad thing they force on people and make their lives more difficult.

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        • LloydAsher

          The right wing isnt for completly removing welfare. Just raising the standard for welfare.

          Cheap healthcare is obtainable through private buisness. When the goverment pays for something the hospital or the institution will raise the price to gain as much money as possible because it's a good buisness move. How you solve that problem is removing the goverment from the equation and make it more competitive with cross state line insurances. That why its competition that is driving the price lower and lower rather than the goverment setting a price by making it "free" and paying a lot more through taxes.

          No I dont want to pay into a system that will maybe help me out if I fall on hard times. Should be optional.

          I'm never going to see social security yet I still pay. I'm fine with paying regular taxes because that pays for infrastructure and goverment upkeep.

          I was also on tricare in the military. What level of care does the hospital system give to us vs private? The cheapest drugs with no forethought into the long term repercussions. They had me on the cheapest drug, and put me at risk for strokes in the future. I perfer private since I know what I'm paying for.

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          • Neesa

            They aren't raising the standard when they're actively cutting it from people. And many right wingers, especially in the US, openly call for abolishing welfare. And taxes shouldn't be singles out as thought it's the only thing forced on people, rent and bills are forced on people too. No one was born agreeing to have to live by the rules of money.

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            • Clunk42

              Here is the defense that I know of for the abolition of government healthcare:

              If the government doesn't help pay for healthcare, taxes and prices go down.
              If the taxes and prices go down, people have more effective money.
              If the people have more effective money, they are able to purchase better services.
              If people are able to purchase better services, they are able to afford better healthcare.

              The idea of it is that if we abolish healthcare, the disabled people should be able to afford their own healthcare, without inefficiently relying on other people's money.

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            • LloydAsher

              Yet paying for rent is one thing and paying for someone else's way of life is another.

              I would perfer if people could have the freedom to choose which organizations that we put our taxes into.

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      • Dude, did you not see how cartoonishly villanous he believes conservatives to be? Do you think ANYTHING you say is going to be able to break through to him?

        For fuck sake, the dude just openly represented conservatives as just being pissy that they can't turn a profit during COVID-19 instead of the common sense fact that they're scared they'll lose their livelihood but then he'll have the smooth brain nerve to act like he's empathetic by comparison because "Hey, I don't care if you fear not being able to feed your kids, I'm a Liberal so I'm more empathetic".

        It fuckin' wreaks of pompous and fake empathy and it has more to do with sucking his own dick than it does genuine empathy.

        Also, ask him for the IQ sources and read through them if you've got the time, read through them carefully. You'll find that they actually don't suggest at all what he tries to portray them as.

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        • Neesa

          So do you not have a problem with discriminating against people who are vulnerable and cutting support for them? It's not cartoonish, they actually do that. Do you think I was making up the part about cancelling meals for kids in school too? That actually happened.

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          • I don't know if I'm up for this discussion, I can already tell it's going to be annoying. First of all, you're talking about conservative politicians and using them to represent conservatives in general, you're deluding yourself if you don't think the decisions of left wing politicians can be used to vilify you in the same way you are attempting to use a few conservatives to represent all conservatives.

            I have a problem with discrimination in general but I need to be shown the discrimination first because it has become a damn trend nowadays to claim "discrimination" at everything.

            Yes, it is cartoonish. Sounds_Weirds representation of conservatives are cartoonish as fuck. Does that mean there aren't bad people that are as he described? Ofcourse not but to imply it's the norm is fuckin' astoundingly brain-rottie.

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            • Neesa

              Who supports conservative politicians? The conservative public, that's who. That's how policies are allowed to flourish. Are you Which part of what I said is actually not representative of conservatives in general? Are there countless conservatives railing against the current state of welfare policies and healthcare? Nope, I haven't seen any. Can you show me? Here in the UK, cutting benefits from disabled people is absolutely standard view among conservatives here. Which part is incorrect here? This has been a consistent trend among conservatives for decades, it's not something "a few" people think. You're acting like you're answering what I'm saying, but really you're just skirting around it, especially when you bring up left wing politicians. I never denied that left wing politicians couldn't be used to misrepresent the public, but that very much depends on what specifically you're talking about. Some values are common among the public, and doing away with welfare, calling disabled people burdens has been common among run of the mill conservatives. Conservative media is full of everyday people villifying people on benefits, and NOT just the cheaters. As for discimination, well, wouldn't you cann denying someone needed surgery just for having a disability or being old discrimination? On the basis that the medical establishment deems them "unproductive".

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    • Oh my God.

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  • mouldiwarp

    Normal, you’re very right.

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  • Meatballsandwich

    In my country, it seems like it's the opposite. The left-leaners here seem to absolutely resent our elders for being a " burden " on our society. Yet, they have absolutely no problem importing thousands of immigrants, who are by far a much bigger burden on our society than our elders are. The right wingers want to prioritize the elders more, instead of immigrants.

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    • Neesa

      So why is it always conservatives cutting support for vulnerable people? Also, I said disabled people, not old people.

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      • Meatballsandwich

        The lefties here resent them too. Anyone that is a burden on our society, except if your name is Mohammed, won't be prioritized. Totally fucked-up.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    drugs are for losers

    politics is for even bigger losers

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    • Tommythecaty

      Sad that you don’t even win anything for not being a loser 🤣

      Sounds like a crap deal, give us the drugs!

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      • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

        you win a life free of nonsense and complications

        or at least with less nonsense and complications

        im over drugs anyway and also gotta pee in a cup so thats out

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        • Tommythecaty

          You won pee in a cup 😎

          Well I don’t know about everyone else but I’m convinced, down with politics and drugs!

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  • ellnell

    Absolutely. Thats why im personally left leaning if I had to pick a side.
    Its funny and kinda sad when disabled people vote for those who are against them just like when foreigners vote for people who want them out. Self hatred I guess.

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    • LloydAsher

      It's not self hatred. What rock have you been hiding under for disabled persons rights? How do you know conservatives are against disabled rights? What about Bush passing the equal opportunity laws including persons with disabilities both mental and physical.

      So I dont get where the idea of conservatives hating the weak mentality comes from. We care about our citizens first. Which is something a country is supposed to do as a sovereign nation. Those immigrants are voting with republicans for the same reasons as the Republicans to cut down on ILLEGAL immigration. Illegal immigration hurts recent legal immigrants too.

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      • Neesa

        How does Bush cancel out the general trend of conservative governments taking away from vulnerable people? That's a bit of a reach.

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        • LloydAsher

          By signing into law that you cant discriminate based on disabilities??

          Of course that counts as republicans being for disability rights.

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          • Neesa

            No it doesn't. First of all, disabled people are still discriminated against. I knew a woman who was denied needed heart surgery because she was disabled, even though she was approved of receiving surgery by her clinic, yet the medical staff at the hospital denied her, with absolutely no reason given. Do you think laws are magical and just stop mistreatment out of nowhere? Also, that law for disabled people wasn't a right wing movement, it was something disabled people and their helpers put into motion. It just so happened to be a republican president that allowed it at the time. Sure it's better than not passing the law, but it's not like it was something right wingers came up with. You're also skirting around the question. Which is, why is it always conservatism that is behind the cuts on support for disabled people? How does Bush negate that?

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            • LloydAsher

              Heart transplants are valuable. If you are rejected then there must of been a reason for it. Either the woman had a medical condition that would make rejection likely. Or she had another problem that made a prospective transplant difficult or problematic. Such as recent cancer, HIV, substance abuser, smoker, obesity... there are a lot more excludable criteria for receiving a heart. Even then there would still be a 25% chance of death over 5 years.

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    • Neesa

      Probably more ignorance and stupidity than self hatred.

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      • ellnell

        It's a mix of both I think

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  • GuvnorsOtherWoman

    It is normal because the Conservatives do. At least the ones in Britain do but from your post, friend, I see it's the same in America.

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    • LloydAsher

      Is a broken leg enough to get paid for the rest of your life?

      Theres cases of people not even being disabled getting welfare. We just want to cut down on the fat so we can buy bigger guns. Simple.

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      • Neesa

        Not true, they cut it categorically which results in the people needing it being punished too, they shouldn't have to pay for what dishonest people do.

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        • LloydAsher

          What are you particularly referring to?

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          • Neesa

            Conservatives cut support for disabled people. What are you not getting?

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            • LloydAsher

              Yeah what specific thing did conservitives do though? Saying that they cut support for disabled people is just throwing words into the air unless you back it up with a fact or legislation.

              Only legislation I'm aware of that conservatives have done with disabled people is Bush making it illegal to discriminate based on disability.

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  • olderdude-xx

    True Conservatives do not resent the handicapped, have empathy, and believe in charity and helping others.

    However, most of what is called "conservatism" these days long ago abandoned the concepts of real conservatism. Now its a political ideology about power and control and in my opinion S0UNDS_WEIRD has a reasonable description of it.

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    • LloydAsher

      If you look at my rebuttal I laid out my points for the current empathetic relationship with Conservatives and Democrats.

      Now I think there are two sub parties in the right wing. Pro establishment and anti establishment which includes trump supporters.

      The left is seperated into pro establisment, anti establishment (moderates)
      And the progressive party which has been extremely vocal despite being a fraction of the party.

      So far it looks like the next 4 years are going into reforming the Republican party into a more populace orientated moderate party that will fight like a badger. Hopefully we will lose the establishment in the process as they join the establishment on the democratic side.

      Populist vs establishment that's my political forecast.

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      • Dude, they don't want to hear you. They just blatantly called you evil to your face by portraying you as an evil cartoon villain because they can't comprehend motivations beyond their own.

        Do you think these people haven't had the opportunity to see a realistic representation of conservative motivations? They have, they don't care. They want to vilify you to the point of being sub-human.

        For fuck sake, Sounds_Weird just done some strange shit where he's essentially calling conservative sub-human, mentally inferior, and dangerous and called it empathy. He's a step or two away from proposing some "final solution" shit and here you are trying to appeal to such people.

        Stop. Don't try to appeal to them, they don't want to be appealed to. They think you're evil, they want to convince everyone else that you are evil, and if the choice was in their hands what do you think they'd want done to the "evil" people they consider you a part of?

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        • LloydAsher

          I'm not appealing to sounds weird. I'm appealing to those who may agree with some points of sounds weird but because of the wrong reasons.

          The best way to descalate this divide is understand one another. Easy enough to understand the "empathetic" left's motivation.

          The right wing is moral. They do belive they are doing what is right. Disagreeing is fine but calling for extermination of their values because they differ slighly from you is disgusting.

          I would downvote sounds weird for their eugenics talk and the insinuations that conservatives are somehow inherently evil because of it. But iin took my ability to downvote away. So I can only really take apart the post with another post.

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          • I'm not saying you're appealing to them in a way to attack you, I used to try the same until I realized some people choose not to understand things, that they're too far gone.

            If people look at Sounds_Weird's position and think such a laughable, beyond parody, representation of conservatives relates at all to reality then do you think you can appeal to those people? Yes, appealing to certain people is ideal but when someone is essentially calling you sub-human do you think you have anything in your cabinet of rationale to persuade them otherwise? You don't think they've not met plenty of people who are conservatives that ran counter to their views of conservatives? They have, they don't care, just like they won't care with your attempts to plead with them that you are infact a human being. My position is that they can't take away my humanity and if they try then I will demonstrate why they're fuckin' retarded and do my best to demonstrate that nothing that comes out of their mouth has value.

            Maybe it is the best way but people like Sounds_weird don't want unity and you need to come to terms with it. Their idea of unity is for you to be forced into submission and accept all of their terms while they accept none of yours because yours are "evil".

            I don't engage in the thumbs up or down feature, I haven't for years. If people think their validity is dependent on what a little icon shows then that's on them, I get my validity by demonstrating it.

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            • Neesa

              You realize that the way Sounds_Weird spoke about conservatives, is the way conservatives speak about disabled people right? I specifically said it's a right wing problem. If it's not, then who else is demonizing people who need the most help? Who else is it that's been stripping away their support or condoning/glossing over discrimination against them? It's not left wing institutions doing that. There's a difference between being divisive, and then just holding people accountable for something that they are actually guilty of.

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            • LloydAsher

              At least I try.

              I know most of them arent going to even give me the time of day.

              But I try.

              I'm not being naive about this. Just trying to lessen the divide for at least one person. Because this post is effectively written forever, my points can still enlighten people beyond today and tomorrow.

              Secondary plan is just to prep for civil war, but that just sounds crazy to the uninitiated about the political tensions right now.

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      • olderdude-xx


        I have read your rebuttal and agree with parts of it while disagreeing with other parts. I've been busy with other things and at this time do not have the time to dig into that more and explain more.

        Someday, if possible, I'd love to meet you in person and discuss a variety of issues with you. I think we both understand that it's OK to agree to disagree on how to best move forward once the base facts are known... I think we would both benefit from such a meeting and discussion.

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  • Inkmaster

    Something tells me that you don't actually want to know whether or not it's normal, you just want an opportunity to trash Conservatives and have your hatred for them validated.

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    • MonteMetcalfe

      They seem to have forgotten July 26, 1990, George H. W. Bush passed the Americans with Disabilities Act, a law prohibiting discrimination of those with physical and intellectual disabilities.
      To disabled Americans, it was their Civil Rights Act -- their declaration that they deserve the same rights as those without disabilities.
      In the US, disabled Americans don't receive welfare. They get Social Security Disability benefits. Welfare is a different system.

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      • LloydAsher

        They are just all thinking that the republican party is now a terrorist organization and not a political party that has done much for general human rights including ending slavery.

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      • Neesa

        The George Bush thing doesn't really cut it. What does that have to do with the rest of conservative efforts at doing away with security for disabled people? Also I'm not from the US, I'm in the UK where our conservative party have indeed underfunded healthcare and cut benefits for sick and disabled people. Is that not something to take issue with?

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        • MonteMetcalfe

          You live in the UK so naturally it doesn't effect you. For disabled people in the US it makes a world of difference in their daily lives. Maybe the OP should have specified what country's politicians they were referring to.

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          • Neesa

            Then there's conservatives constant defence of denying disabled people healthcare.

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              Again, would you like to be more specific? What was denied?

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          • Neesa

            Really? Because I;ve heard of disabled people being discriminated against in the US. You also ignored the question as to why conservatives cut support for disabled people. This happens in the US as well. They are the ones cutting the support.

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            • MonteMetcalfe

              Would you like to be more specific? What exactly was cut?

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    • Neesa

      So can you point out what part I said that was inaccurate? Can you show me who other than conservatives have done this sort of thing, because it's been a one sided issue so far? I mentioned quite a few things in my post. Are you okay with any of it?

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      • Inkmaster

        You don't even live in the US. Why should I care about your opinion of US politics? If you're not talking about US politics, then you should've made that clear in your question.

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        • Neesa

          Where I live is besides the point. The point is that conservatives in the US do indeed support cutting money from programs for disabled people. Care to explain what I was wrong about?

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          • Inkmaster

            I'm not feeding into your need for an enemy. You obviously came here to either start an argument to talk trash on Conservatives, and I am having none of it. If you want to hate on Conservatives, do it on your own time and don't ask disingenuous questions as setup for it.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    I do feel like if you are able bodied and of sound mind there is no reason for you to be on welfare in America. Its so easy to make good money here and most ppl do. I do think welfare is something that is needed in first world countries but I do look down on those that use it and clearly dont need it. Its not even that I care you are ripping off the government, fuck the government, but it just shows you are a loser.

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    • Neesa

      Clearly I wasn't talking about able bodied people. We know people take advantage of it, but right wingers seem to think people that actually need it should be punished for it too. I also wouldn't say it's easy to make good money. That's kind of a slap in the face to people that work hard and still don't have a lot to show for it.

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      • 1WeirdGuy

        Alot of "disabled" people on welfare are not actually disabled. Sorry if thats controversial but is 100% true. I know people a guy on disability for social anxiety and his social skills and anxiety are much better than mine. When I worked for years through having 2 herniated discs in my back and was back to work 2 weeks after having 2 seperate back surgeries I do look down on the guy that stays home (and complains on facebook about rich people oppressing him) when hes not working because hes a puss. This is my point of view I assumed you were interested in a "right wingers" point of view on here. I dont think many right wingers are mad at grandma being on welfare after her hip surgery. Its the deadbeats that gets sneered at and they should be.

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        • Neesa

          What does this have to do with people who need it? You're just ignoring that part. We know people take advantage of it, like I said. But if it's just the deadbeats, why do disabled people themselves get called economic burdens and leeches? They have their support taken from them too? You think it's okay to do that? Because that's what I'm talking about. They shouldn't be punished because of dishonest people.

          Also, anxiety and depression effects people differently. I don't have a huge issue with someone not working for a while if they are struggling that badly.

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          • 1WeirdGuy

            Im not sure theres many credible people who think that people who need it are all leeches. I dont think that way.
            I havent met anyone that thinks that that isnt a stuck up privileged rich kid in grade school or internet trolls on discord. You gotta have some welfare unless you want people dying in the streets

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            • Neesa

              And yet, it's cut regularly. Apparently lot of people think that's fine since it's allowed to happen.

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        • LloydAsher

          Oh I worked in a naval hospital! I would say out of the guys who had 100% goverment medical pay I would say around 40% could work if they had to. I imagine this when I think of what is concidered a disability for the welfare community. I get it some people have shit body parts. Doesnt mean you can sit on the couch for the rest of your god damn life taking pennies out of my paycheck.

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          • Neesa

            And what happens if they can;t get a job? Discrimination in the work place against disabled people is a thing, and they often won't get hired without specific hiring gimmicks in order to give them work. In the UK, the Tories actually shut down a lot of job opportunities for disabled people. My dad was still working at 60 without any health issues, and even he had to be on benefits for a long time because he simply wasn't being hired for anything he was applying too, because they generally don't like hiring old people either. So once again, it seems resenting people for the lack of ability is a right wing issue. You guys keep focusing on the people who don't need it while ignoring that the people who DO need it are also taken from, and called names.

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            • LloydAsher

              So if the UK does something it means that republicans would do the same here? That's not the usa thus I'm not acknowledging their input into the issue.

              Lack of ability is a problem for some jobs. Need to be able to lift a hammer to be a builder.

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  • raisinbran

    There used to be a really cool little art supply store in town, in a basement where you had to walk down a stairwell from the sidewalk. Well one day I dropped by to buy some brushes and there was a sign that stated they had to close because they were being sued by a disabled person who complained that the store wasn't wheelchair accessible.

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    • Neesa

      What does this have to do with the post?

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      • Clunk42

        Who cares? It's a public forum with so few rules that I've read them all. Commenting something unrelated is not against the Community Guidelines.

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        • Neesa

          I never said it's against the rules. I asked what the point was. Dummy.

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          • Clunk42

            I responded to your question with another question: "Who cares?"

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      • LloydAsher

        What is the point of you posting this comment?

        Free speech talk about whatever the fuck you want. Even if its irrelevant to the actual post.

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        • charli.m

          Why do none of you "patriots" understand what "free speech" means?

          Let's not forget that yesterday, you told someone they needn't have commented because their comment didn't contribute anything in your opinion...

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    • LloydAsher

      Idk couldn't they have a pick up spot to those one the street? Something low tech to at least say that you have alternative options for purchasing.

      Anyway there are dozens of art suppliers online yet this person wanted specifically to go to this store. Seems more like a legal parasite.

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  • Asher38

    It’s normal, if you’re a delusional leftist cuck.

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    • Neesa

      How come conservatives are the onces cutting their support then?

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  • Sanara

    I agree with you. Although there are people who will straight up abuse the system if they get the chance we should try to catch those. And the scenario of someone starving or living on the streets, especially due to a handicap/health problem they cant control is much worse than the occasional fraud happening, and people who can reasonably afford it having to pay taxes. If people want to go back to "survival of the fittest" they can go live in a cave and hunt all their own food, no need to worry about what modern society is doing then

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  • my_life_my_way

    They’re right to resent them, we need another Aktion T4

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    • Somenormie

      It seems here she is back again, showing her really deluded thoughts.

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    • raisinbran

      welcome back

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    • Look who's back, back again, tell a friend

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