Is it normal to talk to the small voice in your head?

I talk to my conscience on a daily basis as if it was a person, I've even named it and it really scares me. But I don't talk to it out loud, I talk to it in my mind... Please don't judge just help me figure this out.

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Comments ( 9 )
  • whatisthisthing

    That's fairly normal. I often have debates with a devils advocate in my head when deciding something.

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  • Somenormie

    You are not telepathic it's all in your head.

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  • I talk to myself with my subconscious in mind

    I may be wrong, but fundamentally when people talk about their conscience they're referencing their subconscious, a section of the mind that observes all and is outside the conscious realm

    Basically everything you observe gets filtered through the subconscious, and only what you find subjectively important is what you're consciously aware of, more or less

    What makes the subconscious so amazing is that it's like this part of yourself that can never lie to you, as long as you don't have any defense mechanisms in place

    I have found through meditation you can learn to listen/sense/feel your subconscious in ways it naturally communicates, so like the subconscious language and conscious awareness are really in tune with each other

    You can learn a lot about yourself and how you interact with your environment and learning how to able to approach things successfully

    I say study a little psychology so you have a framework for what's going on mentally as you're in the moment or reflecting on what happened. Also do some serious, silent meditation so you get undeterred opportunities to let your subconscious speak and your conscious to listen. Both of these things will greatly augment what you're currently doing

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  • Does it talk back?

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    • Beautifullycreated

      Yes it does, we have conversations.

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      • Sounds like auditory hallucinations. They are treated using antipsychotics.

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  • RoseIsabella

    It's not uncommon.

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  • my_life_my_way

    I have conversations with myself out loud when I’m on my own but I don’t name the voices

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  • LloydAsher

    Did you know some people dont have inner voices?

    I do I just thought that factoid was relevant.

    Why would I hold a conversation with the representation of myself? I cant argue with myself. Cause we all belive the same thing. I use "we" in this context to refer to myself and the various thought processes, though I am one entity floating in a brain surrounded by bone with a fleshy outside.

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