Is it normal to stop thinking of or like jesus christ?

What is it with people thinking of Jesus Christ? It's weird! It sounds made up! Holy Spirit, there's no such thing as the Holy Spirit, Jesus made it up. Just like he made that religion up, everyone knows it's too inventive, we all subconsciously think it's an invented religion, which is wrong and you know it's wrong, it's blasphemy, sacrilege, so stop pretending to be Jesus Christ, it's not normal, it's not human nature! Wouldn't you agree? Jesus is the king of weird, I don't think inventing is good for the soul, it's a load of crap! So fuck Jesus Christ, I don't need that paranoid, invented crap in my life. Is it normal to think that way?

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73% Normal
Based on 26 votes (19 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • matthewtheking

    It is human nature to believe in some sort of higher power. Not really sure why you're so mad at people for having faith in a religion even if it does seem stupid to you. I don't think it's normal to hate jesus or hate people for believing in jesus, but I do think atheism is starting to become the norm.

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    • Hansberger

      My madness as you call it over Jesus Christ is simply that Jesus Christ, to think of him, is silly. It's inane. People can be saner than that, e.g. not think of this idiot! He's an utter fool if he died for our sins, the point is it's invented bullshit, and I think people should stop thinking of useless things, i.e. Jesus Christ. I had enough of it as an adult, and this really made me sick, the very slight chest pain won't go away because of religion! The less I believe in anything, the less it hurts, so be Satanic and be sceptical, Satan loves sceptics. Believing upsets him. And thinking or doing religion upsets me, that's the point.

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      • matthewtheking

        I disagree. Having faith in a religion or in your words "useless things" keeps a lot if people sane in my opinion. So I don't see any reason to tell them they're wrong. Also when you say things like "I had enough of it as an adult, and this really made me sick, the very slight chest pain won't go away because of religion!", and "The less I believe in anything the less it hurts", It makes me think you probably had some sort of traumatic event in your life that may or may not of involved religion and you're using Jesus as a scapegoat to release all your anger into. I'm also confused to why you would tell people to be Satanic when you think all these religions are "invented bullshit".Doesn't really make much sense to me. Finally, if you actually believe in Satan (which I don't think you do unless you weren't using sarcasm) wouldn't you have to believe in The Father? Maybe not Jesus, but at least The Father.

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        • Hansberger

          I'm worshipping demons and gods by magickal spells, why should anyone think otherwise?

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  • Hansberger

    I don't need therapy, my mother calls what you said, "saying a terrible thing", do you think I'm stupid? Do you think my brain is idiot sometimes like everyone else? Dream on! Doesn't exist, it looks as if all this desire to put me away is part of your innate folk psychology. Remember 'The Simpsons'? If you keep thinking the way people hate you cause them to be agitated, you rotten human!

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  • Bozana

    Why anger? No need. Choose to be religious or not, this is a free world.

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  • donteatstuffoffthesidewalk

    im still hungry

    can i has some more loaves & fishes?

    and make with the wine ffs

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  • Servian

    Convert to islam,

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    • Hansberger

      Never! I'm back to being a dystheist.

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