Is it normal to smoke weed but not drink alcohol as an adult?

I smoke weed, generally a couple of times a day. However, I don’t drink alcohol. My friends think that this is really weird. Surely there must be other people like this?

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89% Normal
Based on 35 votes (31 yes)
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Comments ( 9 )
  • Both are toxic substances.

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  • Ruby2qq

    weed, no hang over.

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  • I hate alcohol when I smoke weed.

    If you went without weed for a few days then forced a drink down you'd go back to drinking, at least that's the case for me.

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  • trexagireve

    Weed is so much better than alcohol, everyone knows that!!

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  • palehorse

    There's a pretty good case to be made for weed being better for you than alcohol, so not weird.

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  • laura80

    Normal for me because I hate the taste of alcohol and really enjoy weed!

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  • doghead

    weed is safer, but still a drug.

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  • Legion

    Honestly, I prefer weed to alcohol myself. Yeah, I do like the occasional drink, however, I rarely get drunk. Drinking can be fun, but eventually, even before next morning's hangover, I usually get to where I just want it to stop, usually when the room starts spinning. Once I start feeling bad, I am done.

    Weed never gets me a hangover, and it's rare for me to "regret" getting stoned. Even in the rare circumstances where I feel "I don't wanna be high anymore", those feelings are fleeting, and go away.

    After a while, (usually 2-4 hours), I'm ready to smoke again.

    With alcohol, after a night of drinking, even looking at a beer will make me feel a bit sick, and I won't go near the stuff for at least 2 weeks or so.

    I do have to say, a shot or 2 with a good smoke is amazing!

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  • kyron

    Big alcohol lobby bought the U.S. Congress years ago, they just can't afford to buy off every state Legislator. That's why the Feds, our government for and by the people" are stalling National Legalization of weed.

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