Is it normal to rob someone of life for taking away your girl?

The only girlfriend you've had throughout your life is being taken away by someone else but you know you can't date others since you know they will reject you and it's an awful feeling having the only diamond you've had throughout life taken away from you, permanently.

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Comments ( 24 )
  • litelander8

    I don’t normally run around suggesting this but, you should totally go to therapy.

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  • olderdude-xx

    She left you, No one took her away,

    You just want to blame someone else, and not accept responsibility that you did not live up to her expectations and standards.

    Please look in a mirror - and take all your actions against the person you find.

    In my opinion the best actions start with admitting that you are at fault and workign to correct any defecincies in yourself. Tons of self help books out there on many subjects. Most can be purchased used for a fraction of the cost of new.

    You may need therapy as well.

    Please take care of yourself first. Life will get better if you do that.

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  • Ligeia

    Possessive much?

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    • Giorgi

      It's not like there's somebody else.

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    • Giorgi

      I really wish she doesn't date someone else in place for me, otherwise i'll have to use lethals by any means necessary, as there are many non handgun methods.

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    • Giorgi

      It's not like i'm like other men who have an option of dating others.

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  • iEatZombies_

    She was never sent to save you.

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  • 1WeirdGuy

    If thats your outlook every woman will leave you. They will see through you and know you are insecure and narcissistic.

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  • Holzman_67

    Maybe others are rejecting you because they sense you’re the type that would rob someone of life over an emotional matter

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  • bbrown95

    There are many good answers here already. Really take them to heart, OP.

    No relationship is worth taking another's life over, or spending the rest of your life in prison over. There are many other women, and many other things in life to enjoy outside of dating that aren't worth throwing away over this one girl who is not worth trying to fight for considering she is leaving of her own accord. Nobody can "steal" your partner from you if they are truly in love with you, they have to willingly accept the other person's advances and either leave you for them or cheat on you. Do you really want a relationship in which your partner doesn't enforce appropriate boundaries and isn't in love with you?

    I do think that just based off of what you've written here, assuming you are not just spouting off out of anger without actually meaning what you are saying, you do have some things you need to work on yourself. I think seeing a good therapist could help you, as well as working on your self worth.

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  • RoseIsabella

    Do you want to go to the penitentiary?

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    • Giorgi

      Maybe i should just consume psychoactives since lifetime incarceration doesn't sound too pleasant, when you have to eat bread with exact same physical properties as a concrete block.

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  • Grunewald

    Firstly, it takes two to tango. Secondly, how concrete is the evidence? Thirdly, leopards don't change their spots.

    This is the hard talk.

    You think of it as someone else taking her away, but - heartbreaking as it almost certainly seems - if she is really going with someone else, then it's because somewhere along the line, she has chosen to.

    If you don't know for a fact that she is with him now and it just seems that way because of something like, say, their tone of voice when they speak to each other, then be prepared for the potential reality that your perceptions might be completely wrong. It's disorientating in the extreme to second-guess our perceptions, but left to our own devices, a lot of us find ourselves believing that the worst possible version of things necessarily has to be the one that's true. That's a fallacy. That doesn't discount how real and how distressing it is to feel almost certain that someone is going to abandon you. My point is that when you are very, very worried about something, there's a tendency to perceive the 'worst case scenario' as the scenario that is necessarily going to happen - to the extent that if you try and confront someone with it, they may think you're bonkers or paranoid.

    Alternatively, if she has said she is leaving or thinking about leaving, or if you have actually seen non-platonic touching or sexual/romantic messages like 'I love you babe' or whatever, then the evidence is quite conclusive. There's little about your perceptions that needs to be called into question in this case, and all I can say is that if she is really with the other man, she is likely not with him against her will unless he kidnapped her or threatened her or something. She will have seen the option of being with him instead open to her and she will have chosen it, and if you chase her she will not change her mind. Even if she does change her mind, you have seen her character now: this episode is going to repeat itself, and that's a part of her character that only she can change (and unless something drastic happens she probably won't).

    I've said some really hard-hitting things here but they're said with the aim of helping you to make choices that will limit how much painful this will be. You have my solidarity because I believe I think I might have experienced something not unlike what you're going through and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

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    • Giorgi

      Reality is, you need to game to get love and there's no cheats here.

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  • Tinybird

    humans do not belong to other humans

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    • Giorgi

      It's hard not to think about it when the craving is intense, but hey, at least marijuana is decriminalized in israel and feels like a great alternative to smoke it instead of creep up on others for attention.

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  • Yaidin

    What 0 bitches does to a mf

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    • Wow3986

      Uh that's disrespectful to women. You need to take the time to think about your words. Many women are being harassed, catcalled, beaten, raped, and killed. They go through all this, just for you to call them a bitch? Seek help.

      And are you saying that this woman this psychopath is talking about deserves to die? So you're saying that women deserve to die? WTF?

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  • Gambler

    Watch this. Applies to you.

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  • Jh9856

    Would you tell us more detais about your story plz??

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    • Giorgi

      Not happened yet but I have to be prepared as it is likely.

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  • ospry

    Can I ask why my girlfriend is just going along with rather than resisting?

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    • Wow3986

      Woah woah woah. Are you saying that you want your girlfriend to resist, making it rape? So you want to rape your girlfriend? Wtaf. You're just as disgusting as this maniac.

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    • Giorgi

      I have to think about it.

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